图片: | |
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姓 名: | ××× | 性别: | 女 | 年龄: | 47岁 |
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简要病史: | |||||
肉眼检查: | 乳腺肿块,大小1.2×1.0cm,边界清楚,质地中等。 |
Most people show the impression.
My diagnosis: 囊内乳头状癌 encapsulated papillary ca=intracystic papillary ca. No stains are needed for dx. If you do myoepithelial stains, most likely 病变边缘和病灶内的肌上皮染色可能都是阴性.
If you read true glass slides, this case may be needed just one minute for the dx.
we are waiting for Dr. Jiang to tell us the final dx.
If i am wrong, do not 拍砖。 ha
zengfansheng 离线