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标本名称: | Major challenges facing pathology and pathologists in China. | ||||
简要病史: | In the past 30 years, China has transformed significantly and made outstanding achievement in many fields. For example, China now has the best high-speed trains, best 5 star hotels, best shopping malls, and so on. That is all wonderful. But in the meantime, pathology services in China have not been improved portionally. | ||||
肉眼检查: | 中国病理人才越来越少,病理学科的发展停滞不前. |
诊断: 症结就在于 pathology as an important medical discipline is misclassified in China。
I agree with many points made by “不能考执业医师的病理研究生们都来看看”. In fact, “病理研究生无法报考执医而从业” is only one of the major challenges facing pathology and pathologists in China. There are several other related issues and serious challenges.
I. 症结就在于 pathology is misclassified in China。In most part of the world, including U.S.A, pathology service belongs to one of key clinical disciplines! But pathology diagnostic service in China is classified as “second class, auxiliary” clinical discipline.
The inappropriate classification of pathology in clinical disciplines determines the social-economic status of pathology and pathologists. As a result, the misclassification of pathology causes subsequently three key problems, among others:
(1) The status of pathology service is not well respected by other “major” clinical services. 病理学科在疾病的诊断和治疗中的关键作用有目共睹. Pathology diagnosis is the gold standard! But in China, only when a malpractice happens, people (the CEOs, presidents of the hospitals) realize the importance of pathology. Otherwise, not much attention is paid to pathology. 病理科是不讨好的科室. Pathologists are just humble “grandchildren” in the hospital. 病理科 often time has small work spaces, unfavorable locations, and very limited resource allocations of the hospital budget.
(2) 病理医生低收入. In USA, pathology is very competitive medical discipline, and pathologists in USA are paid reasonably well compared to other clinical disciplines! One of the main reasons is that the pathology diagnostic service fees in USA consist of “professional component (about 70%), and material/instrument component (about 30%)”. But in China, the services fees consist mainly of material/instrument component. We need to change this: pathologists in China need to get higher salaries!
(3) Because of the above 1 and 2, 中国病理人才越来越少,病理学科的发展停滞不前. A lot of young students with interest and knowledge of pathology are ending up doing something else!
I have visited more than 80 Chinese hospitals/university medical centers since I practiced pathology in U.S.A in 1999. There are significant shortages of good dedicated pathologists in China. Many places re-hired retired pathologists/professors since talent young medical students want to do other medical disciplines rather than pathology because the above problems. As a matter of fact, the situation was not the same when I was studying pathology in China in early 1980. At that time, pathology service was still considered as a clinical discipline as other major medical disciplines and many dedicated medical graduates chose pathology as a career.
II. In summary, new policy should be considered to address problems of pathology in China. New policy should be discussed, planned, tested, and implemented based on three major aspects, namely professional input, international standards, and the demands from the society!!
(1). Professional input, as stated in the above, is already very clear.
(2). International standards are also easy to check via web, international pathology organizations, and international pathologists including myself.
(3). The demands from the society, from the patients, are very high. China has transformed significantly during the past 30 years. For example, China now has the best 5 star hotels, best high-speed trains, and best shopping malls. That is wonderful. But pathology services have not been improved during the same period of time. In fact, they are becoming worse. China, and Chinese people need the best pathologists!! Chinese patients need to enjoy the best quality of pathology diagnosis services!!
III. We need to work together to solve the problems. Each and everyone of the pathology community have the responsibility and duty to respond to the problems. We need every 病理医生积极主动参与的热情. The following are major suggestions:
(1). To mobilize all national and local pathology organizations. It is very important to act as a massive group, with a stronger voice! To mobilize the media: newspapers, websites, radio and TV stations. Huaxia Pathology website is a very useful platform. To unite organizations of other medical disciplines, which are relied on pathology services.
(2) To address the issues one by one directly: namely RECLASSIFY PATHOLOGY DIAGNOSTIC SERVICE AS A MAJOR CLINICAL MEDICAL DISCIPLINE!! SO IT WILL promote the social-economic status of pathology service and pathologists among the professional field of medicine.
By doing this, the whole landscape of pathology will change: more and more people will do pathology, more and more resources will be allocated to pathology services and pathology research. The final mission of medicine, serving the patients well, will be accomplished. However, these all need the involvement of pathology organizations and every pathologist. Everyone can make a contribution to this effort.
To address the problem of 病理研究生无法报考从业, it also needs to 制定一个严格的完善的准入、管理体系, 准许病理研究生直接参加医师考试. But 病理研究生 still needs to be trained for additional years before being allowed to sign out pathology diagnosis report.
为发展中国的病理事业, 为病理学科后继有人,Let’s work together!
I certainly will try my best to contribute to this long-term project.
谈东风 May 27, 2010 from Houston.
lantian0508 离线
以下是引用珠江人家在2010-5-27 19:21:00的发言:
谈博士此文本人看后很受感动,亦对海外的病理同行能如此关心国内同行甚为敬仰。 但谈博士可能久居美国,不了解中国现在的国情,没有就中国的现状,剖析中国的病理人才越来越少关键。中国现在是一个急功近利的市场,包括每个人择业到就业阶段,是经济,不是兴趣。医院老板是院长,换一个角度,如果你是老板,你会给一个不赚钱的部门高报酬吗,绝对不会!老板只会给赚钱的部门高收入!你何时见过医院对外宣传医院病理科的诊断水平是如何的高超,如何有保证,他只会宣传老百姓崇拜的所谓的临床医生,因为他们能从病人身上赚钱。 病理从业人员,尤其是医生,要想获得高报酬,在现今的中国,必须把现有的病理收费,包括活检、细胞和尸体解剖总体收费提高5到10倍,才有可能提高病理科在医院收入重要性,从而提高各位同仁的地位,提高病理在中国医学界的位置!扩大病理科的地盘,改善病理窘迫的工作环境。可悲的是,我们没能在新出台的病理试行方案中看到任何这方面苗头,方案认为病理科重要,为何不提高病理的收费,嘴巴能留住人才吗,否! 不从现今经济天平上进行调节,想改善中国大部分医院病理在医院中的地位,那只是一纸空文!恶性循环,人才流失! 愿国内外同行携手合作,共同改变现状!
What is 中国的病理人才越来越少关键??
As I mentioned, 关键症结就在于:在中国病理专业被错误地分类, 在于中国的病理诊断服务被列为“第二类,辅助性”的科室。由于医院分科中不恰当的病理学分科决定了不适当的病理学和病理学家的社会和经济地位。作为结果,导致随后的三个关键问题,其中包括:
(1)病理诊断服务(或病理科)得不到其他“主要”临床服务科室的尊重。病医院CEO,院长)不关注病理学的重要性, 病理在医院的预算仅有非常有限的资源分配, because 病理诊断服务收费主要只包括耗材部分.
(2)由于上述(1), 病理医生才低收入。
You are right: "中国现在是一个急功近利的市场,包括每个人择业到就业阶段,是经济,不是兴趣。医院老板是院长,换一个角度,如果你是老板,你会给一个不赚钱的部门高报酬吗,绝对不会!" But, this happens not only in China, but also in U.S.A, Russia, virtually everywhere. Therefore, the problem still is 关键症结就在于:在中国病理专业被错误地分类, 在于中国的病理诊断服务被列为“第二类,辅助性”的科室。由于医院分科中不恰当的病理学分科决定了不适当的病理学和病理学家的社会和经济地位。If we can solve this 关键症结, 医院院长 and other leaders will change their attitude, the life of pathologists will change, the social-economic status of pathology and pathologists will change, and finally 中国病理人才越来越多!
以下是引用土豆2008在2010-5-28 1:45:00的发言:
看完这个帖子,感触很多,想说的很多。 谈教授是看完那篇“不能考执业医师的病理研究生们都来看看”后而发的一篇帖子。很多人说病理届缺乏人才,不让病理研究生考执业医师就是不重视人才,对于这个我想说几点。 第一:大家觉得在中国这个十几亿的泱泱大国,会缺乏人才吗?在中国什么都缺,就是不缺人才!人才有得是! 第二:大家都知道不能考执业医师的病理研究生是什么人?那是原来大学本科中不是学临床医学的人,不是学护士,就是学检验,大家也都知道,为什么他们会在研究生读病理?难道是他们热爱病理吗?当然不是!只不过他们觉得在原来的工作环境太累太辛苦或是没有很好的发展前途,转过来做病理罢了。 第三:大家觉得病理医师是否确实需要考执业医师呢?这一点,也许在基层的医院感触还不是很大,在大医院,我想很多人绝对是深有体会,病理医生绝对需要临床的知识。不仅在工作中要和临床保持密切的联系,而自己的知识水平上也一定要有临床基础的,我敢说没有临床知识的病理医生绝对不是一个好医生!病理医生之所以说是医生中的医生,不仅说病理诊断的重要性,还在于病理医生知识水平的广泛性! 对于很多原来是做护士或是学检验的后来考病理研究生后,国家不让他们考执业医师,不能出诊断的这样的人,在我们网站上很多人为他们抱不平!在前几年,我也为他们抱不平中的一员。后来随着自我诊断水平的提高和临床对病理诊断要求的提高,我开始重新认识和考虑这个问题了。大家想想,如果原来是学临床专业的就没有这个问题了,这个问题,都集中在原来不是学临床的那一部分人上,大家想想如果一个没有临床知识,没有读过内外妇儿幼的病理医生,你觉得他的病理水平如何?你会觉得他的知识面有多宽。不要说他是研究生他就是人才了!大家也都知道,现在随着国家大学和研究生的扩招,现在的研究生素质在急剧的下降!一个没有临床知识的病理医生会有多大的提高呢?大家试想一下,国家的这个政策是否其实也是在保护他们呢?避免他们发生诊断的错误呢? 在这里,我和大家的观点不一,大家互相探讨一下。 现在研究生满天飞,很多有执业资格的研究生都找不到工作,你能说那些没有执业资格的人才能算是人才?! 再说,我觉得如果那些原来不是学临床的病理研究生真的热爱病理,想做个出色的病理医生,很简单。在我身边就有这样的人,利用自己业余时间考个夜大或成大,自学临床知识,托个小医院就能考到执业证书了。 对于一直为不能考执业医师的病理研究生抱不平的人,我想说,你们冷静想想,其实国家是否应该说是在保护你们呢?一个真的合格的病理医生绝对是需要临床知识的! 观点不一,大家互相探讨! |
My points are very clear:
Do you think it is right to put 的病理诊断服务在中国被列为“第二类,辅助性”的科室??
Your argument may be right. "大家觉得在中国这个十几亿的泱泱大国,会缺乏人才吗?在中国什么都缺,就是不缺人才!人才有得是!" But my point is that the number of 中国病理人才 does not match to 十几亿的泱泱大国!
I did not 为病理研究生抱不平. We should encourage and help everyone who would like take pathology as his/her professional career. 为了解决病理研究生无法报考从业的问题,I suggested 需要制定一个严格的完善的准入,管理体系,准许病理研究生直接参加医师考试。但病理研究生仍然需要several years 的训练,然后才获准发出病理诊断报告。
以下是引用土豆2008在2010-5-28 2:01:00的发言:
OK,下面在说说谈教授说的,怕中国的病理事情后继无人,为我们的后继有人而努力! 真应该谢谢谈教授如此的关心我们的病理事业,在这我想说说我的想法,不对之处,大家互相探讨。 我是在一家省级肿瘤专科医院从事病理的,所看到了也许太局限了,所想到的,也许太片面了,说的不对,大家再一起探讨吧。 我觉得目前中国最不缺乏人才!目前中国处在蓬勃发展的阶段,随着本科和研究生门槛的降低,很多有识之士都愿意加入这个队伍中来了,你看看现在医院招的人,基本上都需要研究生,本科生只能做临时工。随着大量研究生的进入,科研水平也随着提高。科研和工作相结合,只有一个结果,那就是诊断水平的提高。而且现在工作压力大,竞争非常激烈,无形中也逼迫自己应该更上一层楼,无论在诊断水平还是在科研水平或是技术水平上,无论是哪一方面,个人量上的提高,最后的结果一定是可是总体质的提高。 而且现在网络的现代化,我们和国外联系越来越紧密了,当然我们还是有差距,但我们都知道这种差距一直在缩小。 现在你看看很多医院,人才的梯队建设很不错,现在随着网络,会议,和大家交流的增多,大家都会感觉到自己的业务水平在提高,科室的整体水平在提高。 |
You asked a good question "大家都知道不能考执业医师的病理研究生是什么人?那是原来大学本科中不是学临床医学的人". But Why?? What is the reason?? Why 大学本科学临床医学 don't choose pathology as a career??!!
You may be right: "我觉得目前中国最不缺乏人才!". But 中国缺病理人才.
以下是引用土豆2008在2010-5-28 2:35:00的发言:
下面再说说,关于病理科的收入和地位问题 说说我自己的想法,说的不妥之处,大家一起探讨一下 大家一直说病理医生很重要,是医生中的医生,可是谁知道呢? 是临床医生?还是医院的领导?还是病人呢? 前几天看过一个帖子,说有个医院的病理科,技术员走了,一时没有找到人,科主任叫医生过去帮忙,这个帖子发出后,很多人表示了同情,表示只能默默接受。我就非常反对这样的做法和观点!我们一直说我们是多么的重要,可是当可是出现问题时,我们还要帮忙技术员,那就是说我们还没有病理科的技术员重要了? 一个团队一个集体,只有团结了才能发挥他的力量。像这样的病理科,自己内部都不重视病理医生,你还叫别人怎么重视你!!!要想别人重视你,自己要先重视自己! 病理医生的地位低下?我觉得地位低下有很多原因,最最重要的原因就是要看带头人就是科领导的态度!如果科领导有一种为人民服务,舍我其谁的魄力,谁敢不重视病理科? 在我医院,前年奖金制度改革,我们医院某个医技科室(一般的医技科室),在改革后,觉得医院给他们的奖金分配上不合理,说白了就是太少,最后科主任带领全科拒绝领奖金,工作照常,在拒领3个月后,新的奖金制度出来,他们的奖金比原来的翻了一番。这样的科室在医院谁敢不重视?(不是我们病理科) 重视不重视,在于自己,自己去努力争取了,谁会不重视?毕竟病理是诊断肿瘤的唯一标准。最怕是那种不敢得罪领导的科主任,只想自己保身,不顾底下的死活,如果像把病理医生帮助技术员切片这样的病理科,我敢说这个病理科在医院一定没有地位! 再说说病理科的收入,现在很多医院的奖金都是一个百分比的系数,就像我刚才说我们医院的例子,系数都是靠科主任去争取回来的,你不去争取,医院是绝对不会给你很高的,只有自己去争取,医院才有可能给你的,就像俗话说的会哭的孩子有奶喝!还有就是当奖金拿回来后,分配制度的合理化,现在很多医院医生和技术员拿的是一样的奖金,这怎么合理?医生当然要体现医生的价值了。 说到底,一句话,地位和收入完全就是看你们的掌舵人去争取的。 目前靠国家和社会去提高病理医生的地位和收入,这点我觉得还为时太早。毕竟我们还没有把病理的重要性宣传到位。 说到这,我还想说,我们做病理的,应该让大家知道病理,知道病理的重要性!当然这是个很大的工程,需要大家的努力!医院不宣传我们,我们应该要自我宣传,不能关起门来做病理,这样谁都不认识你!还如何谈地位? 最后,现在国家对医药的回扣问题是下了决心要诊治,虽然现在的方法不是很到位,但至少看到了国家诊治的决心,诊治完医药回扣后,就是要大幅度的提高医生的待遇问题了。这可是我们的福音啊! |
I agree with you! You make good points: "一个团队一个集体,只有团结了才能发挥他的力量。" "病理医生的地位, 最重要的原因就是要看带头人就是科领导的态度!"
"重视不重视,在于自己,自己去努力争取." "我们做病理的,应该让大家知道病理,知道病理的重要性!当然这是个很大的工程,需要大家的努力!医院不宣传我们,我们应该要自我宣传,不能关起门来做病理,这样谁都不认识你!还如何谈地位?"
But I don't agree with your statement: "目前靠国家和社会去提高病理医生的地位和收入,这点我觉得还为时太早." I think the time is overdue. As I mentioned and everyone knows, China has made significant achievements in the past 30 years. China has the best high-speed trains, the first-class shopping malls, and so on, but the status of pathology and pathologists have not been improved. Should we wait for another 30 years??!!