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I just read this paper from Wenxuecity. I heard you cannot open it in China. I feel it is interesting article, so I copy here. Firstly it does not mean I agree the oppinion of the Author. I think we have different tradition and conditions between China and the US. The Doctors in China may make more contribution to Chinese people. Many things cannot be compared. However you can see some objective observation about the medical system in the US.
From wenxuecity, there are many people who have different oppinion. I copy few for you:
请问作者, 你现在是“美国医生”, 那 还是不是中国医生呢? timetite
我想可以这样说吧, 你是位“在美国做医生的中国医生”。 你这样贬低中国医生, 是不是看不起你自己呢?告诉你吧, 在美加,或是澳洲, 中国医生考牌成功的为数不少。 我也“幸运地”成为澳洲医生。 但我永远记住, 我首先是中国医生, 然后才是澳洲医生。我永远以为中国医生而自豪!如果你连自己都看不起, 请你最好还是放弃这个职业吧。
再请问一句, 按照你作的比较, 你觉得你配做美国医生吗?
This is bull shit wolfmanii
Just because American Doctor wasted more time/money in school doesn't mean they should be paid better than Chinese Doctors. I lived in US for about ten years. To me, American Doctors rely too much on machine, lack of real experience, always put their safety(legal issue, responsibility etc) first instead of thinking about the patient. Five years in college is good enought for a doctor. The more important thing is real experience. This is especially true for this area.
agree with wolfman 小张哥
american doctors go through the hard work and debt not because they need to in order to gain experience and skills, but because the american medicare industry is run as a monopoly and sets a very high entrance bar to the profession. 10 years of school just to become a doctor is a waste of money and time in terms of skills and experience. Medical students put in that amount of effort simply to pay their dues before becoming part of the profession "social club"
美国医疗教育的模式早在社会的极度商业化之前就奠定了。 nidurin
现代医训的框架由William Osler在19世纪末,二十世纪初于Johns Hopkins建立发展而来。初衷就是有感于医生的专业和道德水平岑差不齐,从已确立人生观和生活经验的成年人和已有大学学位的知识分子中招取医学生更能培养有责任感和智慧的医生。那时的住院医生是真的要住院的,一星期少有空闲,不做到总住院医生都结不了婚。还要经常受到军校新生式的精神烤炼。也许正因为这样才使医生有一种自豪感和相对的职业自律。至于现在很多情况下过滥的检测化验,出于美国过份发达的诉讼体制和文化。医生出于自我保护,也是没有办法了。但病人还是有知情否决的权力。据我所知,中国医生现在也开很多检验单,还加上各种不同的"新药",病人却是只能狐疑在心,唯唯而已了。
等你在美国 majia_007
因为急诊, 等上四,五个小时. 因为恶性肿瘤, 预约1-3个月, MRI, FNA,各等两周, 手术预约等1-3个月的时候----再来评价也不迟
看了大家的回帖 悉尼骆驼祥子
我觉得大家说的都没有错,美国的有好有坏,中国的也是有好有坏,就看你碰上谁了。 单我相信,美国的医生不用害怕病人拿刀闯进门。美国的医生也不在乎病人的红包,因为他们的工资很高了,病人也给不起额外的。假如中国的医生能像美国医生一样收费,我相信中国的医生肯定不会抱怨的。 当年,我当医生的时候可是一个病人只收5分钱。当时的公共汽车还要受一毛钱,要不怎么会有脑外科不如剃头的? 写这个文章的大夫,就是一个SB. 我也在澳洲当大夫,我觉得比中国舒服多了,就是在农村,也比中国的大城市好,工作轻松,挣钱多,受人尊重。
Anyway the purpose I copy this topic here is not for making you to compare or complain, just want you to know some basic information about medical system in the US. In fact I always think I own Chinese people too much. I received all education from elementary school to medical school, and graduate in China. Basically it was free at that time. Who paid the education? They are Chinese people. When we can do sth we work in another countries. We can never pay back. This is why I like to spend a little of my time in our website. Hope some of young pathologists can get a little additional knowledge.
Today I read the original article again. Many numbers and description in term of fee of medical school, the way you get in medical school, salary of doctors, the difficulty for resident time et al are very objective. It is a good article for Chinese doctors who want to know the medical education system, situation of physicians in the US.
When I was the first year resident I had many times to stay in the lab over middle night and came back to the hospitals in the early morning 6:30 for frozen service.
首先中国和美国是二个不同的国家, 文化不同, 人均资源中国比美国少.
(1) 美国的医生的训练方法是值得我门学习, 但是美国的医疗制度是不能学的, 就跟华儿街一样,是什么时候倒的问题. 中国以前就学过美国的住院大夫制度, 以前的协和医学院就是用的美国的住院大夫制度, 协和医学院是根据当时的Johns Hopkins 医学院建的 (Johns Hopkins 医院是美国住院大夫培训制度的发祥地), 住院大夫制度也是一样. 看看当年的协和的水平就知道美国的医生的训练方法是值得学的.
美国是一个利益集团控制的国家, 医生本身是一个行业垄断的社会, 所谓的国会议员是谁给好处给谁说话. 我个人认为美国的医疗制度有很大的漏洞的, 浪费非常严重. 法国每年人均花1000美元,美国花4000-5000美元, 但是法国的医疗制度比美国的要好很多.
(2) 中国目前的问题是医生的红包问题(不光是医生收红包). 如果中国把医院医生实行年薪制 (美国的大学医院的医生基本就是这样的), 取消奖金(或控制多少比如工资的多少)和提成(提成是非法的), 我想问题会解决不少. 人都是自私的, 能多捞就多捞的, 重要的是要用制度去规范.
中国的问题是挣眼说瞎话,看到问题假装看不见。比如临床医生拿药品回扣,贫困地区大医院平均一个月约3000-5000元,有的每个月上万,中国的行政部门挣眼说瞎话,说没有,不承认。骨科医生拿钢板关节回扣,20-30%,一个医生一个月做几个关节,可以拿到加扣5-6万人民币。领导挣眼说瞎话,没有!心脏支架,更是天文数字的回扣。富翁地区更高的惊人。这些腐化的东西,大大增加了医疗成本,咱们国家的行政部门不解决,不理会,听之任之,假装没看见,让这些腐败的东西到处蔓延,腐蚀了医生,使许多医生品质恶劣,人心变坏。 有良心的医生不想拿回扣,但是一想我不拿病人更拿不上,让那些王八蛋拿,不如我拿。 而广大乡医院的医生生活都困难。 我们医院去年底有一个院内补助,100%都是因为家里有病人贫困。 因此得病是许多家庭贫困的主要原因。中国的医疗也水涨船高,医疗费也高的惊人。 如果中国医生拿年薪,大医生大医院多拿,技术高的多拿,技术低的少拿,谁拿药品器械回如,马上开除医疗队伍,中国的医疗费会下降很多,医生也能恢复人性。不然的话,中国的许多医生也成了心黑手辣如虎似狼的坏人。 |
多谢 cqzhao老师讨论这些制度问题,让我们开了眼界!
By the way, a question.Some Chinese pathologists said that there is not a big gap in clinical and surgical pathology between China and UAS. Good Chinese pathologists can diagnose even very difficult cases. What we lag far behind the American Pathology is the basic research. What's your comment?
其实来这里的人——不管您在何方,都是华夏的儿女,炎黄的子孙;都有一颗共同的中国心,我相信我们所有的人 一起做好自己,我们的未来不是梦。。。。。。
以下是引用Urbino在2009-2-23 21:02:00的发言:
多谢 cqzhao老师讨论这些制度问题,让我们开了眼界! By the way, a question.Some Chinese pathologists said that there is not a big gap in clinical and surgical pathology between China and UAS. Good Chinese pathologists can diagnose even very difficult cases. What we lag far behind the American Pathology is the basic research. What's your comment? |
I am sure that research in the US is more advanced than that in China. In term of clinical diagnosis it is difficult to answer the questions because I did not work in pathology area in China. I think Chines pathology experts have a lot of work experience. They can diagnose most of difficult cases by H&E as same as american pathology experts. Generally speaking, the accessery exam methods in China are not as good as in the US.
My impression can be wrong.