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stevenshen 离线
I think this case raised a few important questions. 1) I may not understand the fully what it means when we say 乳腺癌, does it include ductal carcinoma in situ? or only invasive carcinoma. I don't practice cytopathology, I thought that cytology alone cannot reliably differentiate DCIS from invasive carcinoma. We will need core or excisional biopsy to make the diagnosis of invasive carcinoma. 2) Chemotherapy (exclude tomoxifen or other hormone therapy) is not a part of therapy for DCIS or low risk stage I invasive carcinoma; DCIS and low risk stage I (<1cm, low grade, ER positive) invasive breast carcinoma are treated by breast conserving surgery (or mastectomy) with or with radiation or tamoxifen. 3) Can we detect the ER and PR status by breast cytology? I would appreciate to hear from expert cytopathologist or breast pathologist from China or US. Thanks.
以下是引用fyshan在2008-9-20 21:47:00的发言:
We have recently 2 cases with similar story, core biopsy dx was DCIS and lumpectomy found no cancer. Our approach was: multiple deeper sections to looking for scar or biopsy site granulation to make sure we got correct tissue/site, if not found, turned the block around (flip over) and cut again. One case we did not find anything, multiple communication with surgeon and make sure he understand the situation. 2nd case, DCIS was found after flipped over the block. Breast lesion here is a big deal, and complecated issue. First time biopsy usually (perfer tissue rather than cytology) left a small metal marker inside the biopsy site for future locatoin under X-ray. lumpectomy specimen comes to us with X-ray film showing the marker and lesion. For your case, it certainly chemotherapy may kill (cure) the cancer, congradulations. |