About Abbott Molecular
About Abbott Molecular
As a leader in molecular diagnostics, Abbott is committed to exploring new clinical frontiers through the development and delivery of innovative systems and assay solutions that provide earlier disease diagnosis, selection of appropriate therapies and monitoring of disease progression at the molecular level.
Abbott's rapidly growing business provides molecular laboratory multiple technology and platform options that enable the fast, accurate results physicians required. The business includes instruments and reagents used to conduct sophisticated analysis of patient DNA and RNA.
In 2002, Abbott formed an alliance with Celera Diagnostics focused on developing and marketing a broad menu of next-generation molecular diagnostics products for unmet medical and laboratory needs. Our new molecular diagnostics system, the m2000, is designed to provide clinical laboratories a unique fully automated system for detecting and monitoring infectious diseases. The xTAG™ Respiratory Viral Panel (RVP) is the only CE Mark respiratory test that identifies all of the major respiratory viruses commonly screened for in surveillance and patient management. IBIS T6000 (PLEXID) employs not only a unique solution for the identification of biological organisms, including bacteria, viruses, fungi, and protozoa, but also a powerful tool for human forensics. Furthermore, Abbott offers innovative genomic Vysis® FISH products for chromosome changes associated with congenital disorders and cancer, including the PathVysion®, UroVysion®, and AneuVysion®.
雅培分子诊断提供了创新性基因组检测产品,用于检测与先天性疾病和癌症相关的染色体改变;提供了传染性疾病分子诊断工具,用于病毒载量、耐药检测等方面的诊断;提供了HLA高分辨率配型工具,用于移植和配型检测和研究。在公共卫生领域,由雅培分子诊断公司研发的微生物鉴定系统 PLEX-ID,不仅是目前世界上仅有的可以对大量未知微生物进行生物学鉴定的高通量、宽范围的生物监测平台,还可以提供快速的基因分型,耐药图谱描绘及对高侵袭性微生物进行毒力分析。