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标本名称: | Major challenges facing pathology and pathologists in China. | ||||
简要病史: | In the past 30 years, China has transformed significantly and made outstanding achievement in many fields. For example, China now has the best high-speed trains, best 5 star hotels, best shopping malls, and so on. That is all wonderful. But in the meantime, pathology services in China have not been improved portionally. | ||||
肉眼检查: | 中国病理人才越来越少,病理学科的发展停滞不前. |
诊断: 症结就在于 pathology as an important medical discipline is misclassified in China。
I agree with many points made by “不能考执业医师的病理研究生们都来看看”. In fact, “病理研究生无法报考执医而从业” is only one of the major challenges facing pathology and pathologists in China. There are several other related issues and serious challenges.
I. 症结就在于 pathology is misclassified in China。In most part of the world, including U.S.A, pathology service belongs to one of key clinical disciplines! But pathology diagnostic service in China is classified as “second class, auxiliary” clinical discipline.
The inappropriate classification of pathology in clinical disciplines determines the social-economic status of pathology and pathologists. As a result, the misclassification of pathology causes subsequently three key problems, among others:
(1) The status of pathology service is not well respected by other “major” clinical services. 病理学科在疾病的诊断和治疗中的关键作用有目共睹. Pathology diagnosis is the gold standard! But in China, only when a malpractice happens, people (the CEOs, presidents of the hospitals) realize the importance of pathology. Otherwise, not much attention is paid to pathology. 病理科是不讨好的科室. Pathologists are just humble “grandchildren” in the hospital. 病理科 often time has small work spaces, unfavorable locations, and very limited resource allocations of the hospital budget.
(2) 病理医生低收入. In USA, pathology is very competitive medical discipline, and pathologists in USA are paid reasonably well compared to other clinical disciplines! One of the main reasons is that the pathology diagnostic service fees in USA consist of “professional component (about 70%), and material/instrument component (about 30%)”. But in China, the services fees consist mainly of material/instrument component. We need to change this: pathologists in China need to get higher salaries!
(3) Because of the above 1 and 2, 中国病理人才越来越少,病理学科的发展停滞不前. A lot of young students with interest and knowledge of pathology are ending up doing something else!
I have visited more than 80 Chinese hospitals/university medical centers since I practiced pathology in U.S.A in 1999. There are significant shortages of good dedicated pathologists in China. Many places re-hired retired pathologists/professors since talent young medical students want to do other medical disciplines rather than pathology because the above problems. As a matter of fact, the situation was not the same when I was studying pathology in China in early 1980. At that time, pathology service was still considered as a clinical discipline as other major medical disciplines and many dedicated medical graduates chose pathology as a career.
II. In summary, new policy should be considered to address problems of pathology in China. New policy should be discussed, planned, tested, and implemented based on three major aspects, namely professional input, international standards, and the demands from the society!!
(1). Professional input, as stated in the above, is already very clear.
(2). International standards are also easy to check via web, international pathology organizations, and international pathologists including myself.
(3). The demands from the society, from the patients, are very high. China has transformed significantly during the past 30 years. For example, China now has the best 5 star hotels, best high-speed trains, and best shopping malls. That is wonderful. But pathology services have not been improved during the same period of time. In fact, they are becoming worse. China, and Chinese people need the best pathologists!! Chinese patients need to enjoy the best quality of pathology diagnosis services!!
III. We need to work together to solve the problems. Each and everyone of the pathology community have the responsibility and duty to respond to the problems. We need every 病理医生积极主动参与的热情. The following are major suggestions:
(1). To mobilize all national and local pathology organizations. It is very important to act as a massive group, with a stronger voice! To mobilize the media: newspapers, websites, radio and TV stations. Huaxia Pathology website is a very useful platform. To unite organizations of other medical disciplines, which are relied on pathology services.
(2) To address the issues one by one directly: namely RECLASSIFY PATHOLOGY DIAGNOSTIC SERVICE AS A MAJOR CLINICAL MEDICAL DISCIPLINE!! SO IT WILL promote the social-economic status of pathology service and pathologists among the professional field of medicine.
By doing this, the whole landscape of pathology will change: more and more people will do pathology, more and more resources will be allocated to pathology services and pathology research. The final mission of medicine, serving the patients well, will be accomplished. However, these all need the involvement of pathology organizations and every pathologist. Everyone can make a contribution to this effort.
To address the problem of 病理研究生无法报考从业, it also needs to 制定一个严格的完善的准入、管理体系, 准许病理研究生直接参加医师考试. But 病理研究生 still needs to be trained for additional years before being allowed to sign out pathology diagnosis report.
为发展中国的病理事业, 为病理学科后继有人,Let’s work together!
I certainly will try my best to contribute to this long-term project.
谈东风 May 27, 2010 from Houston.
"Above are excellent comments. As a minority group in the large healthcare community, we should unite and combine our strength! I also agree that some pathologists in smaller hospitals have good diagnostic skills if they are dedicated to their daily work and profession, while some research pathologists have difficult to make correct diagnosis if they are not interested in morphology." 引用翻译楼上回复 “以上的评论意见很精彩。作为一个庞大健康关注群体中的一个数量不多的小群体,我们应该团结和凝聚我们的力量!我也同意,那些虽在小医院的病理医生如果他们专心于日常的工作和专业是可以具有很好诊断技能和水平的,但是那些研究型的病理学家如果对形态学并不感兴趣也是很难对疾病做出正确的诊断的”
Above are excellent comments. As a minority group in the large healthcare community, we should unite and combine our strength! I also agree that some pathologists in smaller hospitals have good diagnostic skills if they are dedicated to their daily work and profession, while some research pathologists have difficult to make correct diagnosis if they are not interested in morphology.
zhenshijian 离线
谈及准入资格,在这里我也想说几句。一个行业的准入资格未免也太片面了,尤其是对于我们这样的情况。临床没有准入资格,影像学没有准入资格,麻醉没有准入资格,为什么病理就非得设个门槛,难道一旦这样做,就可以提高病理专业在医院的地位?就可以促进病理学的快速发展?我认为,协和可以准入,北大可以准入,为什么?达不到他们的要求当然进不去。就像现在很多省级医院,第一学历要求是统招本科。毋庸置疑,中国的发展是不均衡的,城乡发展悬殊很大。同样,城乡医院的实力也有很大的差别。中国想培养顶尖的病理学家,并不需要从排斥我们这批病理研究生着手。我们没办法阻止病理学的发展,我想任何一个人也没办法阻止病理学的发展。如果在我们这批人中能够培养一两个非常优秀的病理学人士,何尝不是病理学的幸事。人才是培养出来的,而不是闭门造车造出来的。望中国的病理学带头人三思这个问题!不要给大家留下一辈子的痛。 |
基础病理就是跟其他基础医学免疫学等一样的学科,主要是科研的东西,在中国目前的状况下把整个病理学都归入临床学科能行得通吗? 中国目前正因为把这些东西混在一起,以至于在某些人眼里病理学就是读读书(所以才出现。。。。。),整个抹杀了诊断病理的发展,说实话病理界自己也有一定的责任。只有在一切往钱看的中国才把医院的科室分为主要和辅助科室,这本身就是不对的,阻碍学科发展的事情。做临床病理不等于不做科研。 在美国和一些发达国家,病理是包含临床和基础病理的,医院的病理科和医学院的病理系是合二为一的,有些人只做基础病理不做临床工作的,有些人科研和临床诊断都做,还有人只做临床诊断。 提高收费是个问题,需要领导层(病理,非病理)做大量的有意义的工作。物价局居然能规定病理的收费,这是计划经济时代的产物, 该改变了。 以下是引用渴望上进在2011-4-21 22:11:00的发言: 个人不太支持病理分为基础病理和临床病理,现在基础病理很难有吸引力,干脆就叫临床病理学或者病理学,直接归入临床医学范围,病理不和临床病理诊断紧密结合,很难是像样的病理。省得相关学生被限制从业,受到歧视。 当前中国的学历教育问题很大,官僚作风严重,改革不到位甚至没有改革,真不知道管理层整天在忙些什么。 如果很多问题不提到日程,花大力气解决,提高病理收费和提高病理医生的待遇和地位,将永远只是口号而已。 |
wangdingding 离线