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姓 名: | ××× | 性别: | 女 | 年龄: | 48岁 |
标本名称: | 右乳腺肿块 | ||||
简要病史: | 发现肿块2月余。 | ||||
肉眼检查: | 乳腺组织一块,1.8 x1.7cm, 中央见一灰红色结节,直径1.2 cm, 边界清楚,无包膜。 |
yanghuaijun 离线
It is not an easy case especially evaluating based on the photos only.
1. Generally speaking it is a papillary lesion.
2. Features: Sclerosing, ductal epithelial proliferation, necrosis.
3. Cytomorphologic features are not like DCIS, such as streaming, nuclei varing in size and overlapping, cellular swirling, fenestrations. Of cause I do not think it is invasive tumor.
4. Atypical features: focal micropapillary growth, foally with a little monotanous prolifearion, focal central necrosis (though it is not unusual to see the necrosis in UDH).
5. I favor a dianosis of atypical papilloma based on above features.
Of cause if you want to write more you can diagnos as atypical papilloma with sclerosis and ductal epithelial hyperplasia with focal necrosis.
6. The only differential dx for me is solid papillary ca. But thinking over I denied the dx.
7. I Often noticed the people suggested to use IHC for UDH, ADH, DCIS. It is useless. It is a morphologic dx for these three, not IHC. If the cases showed IHC results well, they should be easily diagnosed by H&E. If they are borlerline cases by H&E, they will not be distinguished by IHC also. I as a breast/gyn pathologist rarely know the pathologists still use the IHC for differential dx of UDH, ADH, and DCIS in the USA. In 2004 I once started to do a study in this area, I gave up this research after I got the prelimary result.
Dr. Schnitt , Beth Israel Medical center, Harvard once had a breast IHC review paper mentioning the usage of HMW CK. He also mentioned this part in his 2009 breast biopsy book. I asked him in persion in last uscap meeting about IHC for udh, adh, dcis. He said they did not use IHC also in this situation.
Of cause you can still use IHC stains if you feel they can help you.
Thank Dr. Jin for sharing the chellange case. Just for your reference. cz
1、 整体来看,这是个乳头状病变;
2、 特征:硬化背景,导管上皮增生,管腔内中央性坏死;
3、 细胞形态学特征:流水样及漩涡状排列,胞核大小不一及重叠,窗孔特点(边窗及扁圆形窗孔)等,这些均不提示DCIS。当然,前提是我认为这不是浸润性癌。
4、 非典型特征:灶区微乳头状生长方式、局灶单一性增生及中心性坏死(虽然极少数UDH也可见坏死)。
5、 基于以上特征,我倾向诊断为非典型性乳头状瘤。当然,如果你想更具体,可以这样诊断——伴硬化的非典型乳头状瘤,合并导管上皮增生伴中心性坏死。
6、 对我来说,唯一的鉴别诊断是实性乳头状癌,但仔细思考后我还是放弃了这一诊断。
7、 我注意到经常有人建议用IHC来鉴别UDH, ADH, DCIS,实际上,IHC在这类疾病鉴别中意义不大,三者的鉴别主要还是依靠形态学特征。如果这些病例显示典型的IHC结果,那H&E也很容易鉴别。作为乳腺与妇科病理工作者,我知道现在在美国很少有病理医生还用IHC来作UDH, ADH和DCIS的鉴别诊断。2004年,我曾经着手想做这方面的科研工作,但我看了初始结果后就放弃了。
Dr. Schnitt , Beth Israel Medical center, Harvard曾经在他关于乳腺IHC的综述性文章中提及HMW CK的用法, 2009年,他在其《乳腺活组织检查》书中再次提及相关话题。去年uscap会议时,我曾私下请教过他udh, adh, dcis中免疫标记的应用问题,他说他们在这种情况下不做IHC。