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I have heard of this before and i would like to point out : mesothelioma occurs in older people, age of diagnosis is between 50-70 year old. Although one of the rules in pathology is NEVER SAY NEVER, but mesothelioma almost never occurs in young people! Mesothelioma is caused by asbestos exposure in coal miners, shipyard workers and construction workers in older time when asbestos were still used in insulation (not used anymore, at least in US) and other professions with risk of asbesto exposure. Even after asbesto exposure, the latency time is very very long, measured in years and decades.
以下是引用海上明月在2009-12-31 1:02:00的发言:
上皮样肉瘤样血管内皮瘤 (epithelioid sarcoma-like hemangioendothelioma) 迄今文献报道的病例不多。 鉴别:上皮样肉瘤、上皮样血管肉瘤、上皮样血管内皮瘤,等。 特点:(1)结节状、片状或束状与巢状生长;(2)促结缔组织增生反应;(3)瘤细胞呈上皮样圆形和梭形,两种形态有移行;(4)瘤细胞边界不清晰,核可轻度-中度异型,可见核分裂,但少于5个/50HPF;(5)胞质可呈嗜酸性也可出现空泡(见图7和图9);(6)无论如何,都可以见到血管腔隙,或可以见到局灶有出血表现;(6)瘤细胞经IHC标记,一般不表达CD34,但表达AE1/AE3和CD31;(7)仅有的文献报道,有少部分肿瘤可局部复发或局部转移,提示该肿瘤为低度恶性潜能,或曰中间型肿瘤。 |
(epithelioid sarcoma-like hemangioendothelioma)