Differential Diagnosis
- Lipid Rich Carcinoma 富于脂质癌
- Glycogen Rich Clear Cell Carcinoma 富于糖原、透明细胞癌
- Secretory Carcinoma 分泌癌
- Granular Cell Tumor 颗粒细胞瘤
- Fat Necrosis, Inflammation, Histiocytic Infiltration 脂肪坏死、炎症、组织细胞浸润
- Apocrine Carcinoma大汗腺癌
- Lobular Carcinoma小叶癌
Lipid Rich Carcinoma | Histiocytoid Carcinoma |
Lipid stain positive脂肪染色阳性 | Lipid stain negative脂肪染色阴性 |
GCDFP15 variable to weak GCDFP15弱阳性 | GCDFP15 strong positive 强阳性 |
Mucin negative 粘液染色阴性 | Mucin positive intracytoplasmic lumens or granular cytoplasm粘液染色阳性,胞浆小空泡状或颗粒状 |
May have any grade cytology 可以有各级别的细胞(指非典型性?) | Low grade cytology 低级别的细胞学表现 |
Lacks intracytoplasmic lumens缺乏胞质内小空泡 | May have intracytoplasmic lumens可以有胞质内小泡 |
Glycogen Rich Clear Cell Carcinoma | Histiocytoid Carcinoma |
Clear cytoplasm | Finely vacuolated cytoplasm |
PAS shows abundant glycogen | PAS shows granular mucin |
GCDFP15 variable | GCDFP15 strong positive |
Histiocytoid Carcinoma | Secretory Carcinoma |
All reported cases >40 years | Most cases <30 years |
Scant or granular mucin | Abundant cytoplasmic mucin |
GCDFP15 strong positive | GCDFP15 variable |
Aggressive behavior | Excellent prognosis |
Histiocytoid Carcinoma | Granular Cell Tumor |
Keratin, EMA positive | Keratin, EMA negative |
GCDFP15 positive | GCDFP15 negative |
S100 negative or trace | S100 positive |
Histiocytoid Carcinoma | Fat Necrosis, Inflammation, Histiocytic Infiltrations |
Keratin, EMA positive | Keratin, EMA negative |
GCDFP15 positive | GCDFP15 negative |
CD68, HAM56 negative | CD68, HAM56 positive |
Low grade atypia | Completely bland nuclei |
Granular mucin positivity | Mucin stains negative |
Histiocytoid Carcinoma | Apocrine Carcinoma of the Breast |
Amphophilic to weakly eosinophilic cytoplasm | Intensely eosinophlic cytoplasm |
Cytoplasm vacuolated, occasionally granular | Cytoplasm granular |
Indistince cytoplasmic borders | Sharp cytoplasmic borders |
Small nuclei and nucleoli | Large vesicular nuclei with prominent nucleoli |
Appears to have more aggressive behavior than usual carcinoma | Appears to have better behavior than usual carcinoma in some series |
Is Histiocytoid Carcinoma a variant of Lobular Carcinoma?
- Most cases of histiocytoid carcinoma show linear and targetoid infiltration, are E cadherin negative and have at least focal intracytoplasmic lumens and many have adjacent LCIS
- These features suggest that at least in many cases, histiocytoid carcinoma could be considered a variant of lobular carcinoma
- A minority of cases have been reported that show infiltration more characteristic of ductal carcinoma and are E cadherin positve