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以下是引用mingfuyu在2008-6-28 10:49:00的发言:
Dear Dr. Yang, So nice to have professional discussion here with you. We have met in USCAP 2006 in Atlanta and i believe we both had the previlege to be trained at BJC/Wash U under superb pathologists like Dr. Huttner and Dr. Dehner. thank you for your comment. I did not pay much attention to the squamous metaplasia in this case because i feel i see squamous met in benign endometrium sometimes, sometimes mimicking epithelioid granulomas. I have seen squamous metaplasia associated with chronic endometritis numerous times. I remember in my early cases, I always do AFB GMS, as our attendings have emphasized for years (but they are almost always negative, only one positive case in my career so far). Then i learned that those are squamous met associated with -itis. Then i did find some literatures or books talking about squamous met as reactive changes. I like this website very much. Now i feel i work as a pathologist day and night, as to show how much i like it! Ha Ha1
Dear Dr. Yu: Nice meet you here. I am very glad to know that you are also trained from Washington University, where I had lot of fun and still kept close tie with them. It is so nice to be able to share our expereince and opinions with these enthusiastic pathologists online, especially the younger ones. Their motivation is the driving force for me to be here. I will discuss cases with you and others and try to learn sth from you here. Bin |
Dear bobol,
Thank you for providing more slides and pictures. From additional photos, it clearly demonstrates that the complex hyperplasia present in non-polypoid endometrium, evidenced on Figure 6-9 with loose stroma surrounding the hyperplastic areas. If you are careful enough, you can also spot foamy macrophages/histiocytes in the stroma. Whenever you encounter foamy histiocytes in endometrial stroma, you must entertain the diagnosis of a complex hyperplasia or beyond.
For treatment, I strongly recommend she is treated with exogenous progestin. Most complex hyperplasia should response to such a treatment regimen. She should also be closed followed clinically.
Dear Dr. Yang,
So nice to have professional discussion here with you. We have met in USCAP 2006 in Atlanta and i believe we both had the previlege to be trained at BJC/Wash U under superb pathologists like Dr. Huttner and Dr. Dehner. thank you for your comment. I did not pay much attention to the squamous metaplasia in this case because i feel i see squamous met in benign endometrium sometimes, sometimes mimicking epithelioid granulomas. I have seen squamous metaplasia associated with chronic endometritis numerous times. I remember in my early cases, I always do AFB GMS, as our attendings have emphasized for years (but they are almost always negative, only one positive case in my career so far). Then i learned that those are squamous met associated with -itis. Then i did find some literatures or books talking about squamous met as reactive changes.
I like this website very much. Now i feel i work as a pathologist day and night, as to show how much i like it! Ha Ha1
诊断:复合型子宫内膜上皮增生和鳞状化生, 不伴核间变,局限于一良性内膜息肉内。 伴慢性子宫内膜炎)。
处理意见:此例关键要看,非息肉宫内膜部分是否也有“复合型子宫内膜上皮增生和鳞状化生”。如果没有,建议临床抗生素治疗慢性子宫内膜炎。如果内膜息肉完全去除,病人随访即可; 如果非息肉宫内膜部分也有复合型子宫内膜上皮增生和鳞状化生,建议临床使用孕激素治疗子宫内膜上皮增生。
My diagnosis will be: "Complex hyperplasia without nulcear atypia, confined within a benign endometrial polyp with chronic endometritis (复合型子宫内膜上皮增生和鳞状化生, 不伴核间变,局限于一良性内膜息肉内。 伴慢性子宫内膜炎)。
此例关键要看,非息肉宫内膜部分是否也有“复合型子宫内膜上皮增生和鳞状化生”。如果没有,建议临床抗生素治疗慢性子宫内膜炎。如果内膜息肉完全去除,病人随访即可; 如果非息肉宫内膜部分也有复合型子宫内膜上皮增生和鳞状化生,建议临床使用孕激素治疗子宫内膜上皮增生。
I conceptually agree with Dr. Yu's analysis. My only concern is that squamous metaplasia is not usually seen in benign endometrial polyp, without hyperplasia. In a situation we see squamous metaplasia in an endometrial polyp, there are two differential diagnoses we should entertain: 1) atypical polypoid adenomyoma (APA), 2) complex hyperplasia within the polyp. In the former, hyperplasia is similar to atypical complex hyperplasia with nuclear atypia. I did not see smooth muscle bundles in the picture provided. Therefore, I speculate this is enough to call "complex hyperplasia without nuclear atypia". I agree with Dr. Yu that we usually tolerate some complexity and irregularity of glands within an endometrial polyp. Without squamous metaplasia, I may let it go as "Benign endometrial polyp with Chronic endometritis". However, given the infrequence to see squamous metaplasia in a usual polyp, and given the complex glandular archtecture in the focus which is so different from surrounding polypoid tissue, I think it is appropriate to render the diagnosis of "complex hyperplasia" in this case. It is soly academic exercise here. Clinically, it did not change much regarding exogenous progestin therapy, unless there is complex hyperplasia present in non-polypoid endometrium. The latter will be the key evaluation in this case.
以下是引用bobol在2008-6-25 0:35:00的发言:
对子宫内膜息肉的诊断有疑问,片内虽可见少量厚壁血管,但纤维化看起来不太显著,且子宫内膜息肉较少复发(据悉患者已行结扎术,未上环)。子宫内膜间质内有大量的浆细胞等炎症细胞,可考虑子宫内膜炎,但内膜腺体又存在明显增生性改变,与子宫内膜炎的腺体萎缩不符。还是觉得有些怪异…… 如系手术治疗,有全宫切除的必要吗?患者为同事的至亲,该例有点为难了。 |
应该是子宫内膜息肉伴子宫内膜炎。内膜息肉掉到宫颈管很常见。这么严重的炎症会使上皮反应性改变(胞核变大,核仁明显),而且病人还年轻,所以并不萎缩。实际上有的息肉还参与menstral cycle (functional polyps),所以并不一定萎缩。至于非典型增生,我认为不够。We tolerate more glandular dilatations and irregularity, even crowdness in polyps.This poly actually has enough stroma between glands. 在炎性反应这么重的息肉和功能性息肉,间质纤维化也可不明显。