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楼主 发表于 2015-01-29 11:16|举报|关注(0)
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       HPV是一种极为常见的病毒,高达75%的女性在一生的某一阶段会感染HPV。HPV持续感染是宫颈癌及其癌前病变——宫颈上皮内瘤变(CIN)——的主要病因,且宫颈病变程度越重,高危HPV 感染率越高。在CIN 1、CIN 2 、CIN 3患者中,HPV感染率分别为30 %、55 %和65 %,而99.8%以上的宫颈癌患者体内能检测到HPV感染,HPV阴性者几乎不会发生宫颈癌2,3

最新的cobas HPV基因检测,则检测宫颈位置是否存有HPV,并不需要主观分析或诠释,具有更高的灵敏度和可重复性,已被美国临床广泛接受。ATHENA研究发现,在年龄30岁及以上的妇女中,每10位HPV 16和/或18阳性的女性中就有1位为宫颈癌前病变,而她们的巴氏涂片检查结果是正常的。此外,许多文献报道发现,单纯使用HPV基因检测CIN2或CIN3的灵敏度达94.6%,而细胞学方法的灵敏度仅有一半左右,但两者结合的灵敏度可以达到100% 。




标签:癌前病变 宫颈癌 HPV

cqzhao 离线

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31 楼    发表于2015-02-13 05:59:43举报|引用
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 巴山夜雨涨秋池: glad to meet you here.

I have a review article about cervical cancers with negative HPV testing,which should be published in 中华病理学杂志第一期2015.  You can find to read if you are interested. Or can you list the paper here if you can find. thanks, chengquan


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30 楼    发表于2015-02-13 05:55:32举报|引用
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引用 24 楼 jtprli 在 2015-02-12 10:17:31 的发言:

cqzhao老师, 赞一个



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29 楼    发表于2015-02-13 05:53:57举报|引用
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引用 23 楼 铁冰 在 2015-02-12 09:48:23 的发言:


鸡肠: what do you mean?


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28 楼    发表于2015-02-13 05:53:01举报|引用
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引用 25 楼 许全 在 2015-02-12 11:28:03 的发言:


Not sure you talk about cytology or histology.

Part of what you said is right and part is not correct.

典型的挖空细胞 in the pap means LSIL or CIN1 in histology which is the evidence of HPV infection. But for HSIL in Pap or CIN2/3 or cervical cancer, you make diagosis based on the cytology or morphology. However you cannot make diagosis of HPV infection based on the cytomorphology, although most of them are HPV infection related


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27 楼    发表于2015-02-13 05:46:03举报|引用
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引用 26 楼 铁冰 在 2015-02-12 11:38:38 的发言:


You can find in pubmed for most above articles


铁冰 离线

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26 楼    发表于2015-02-12 11:38:38举报|引用
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许全 离线

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25 楼    发表于2015-02-12 11:28:03举报|引用
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jtprli 离线

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24 楼    发表于2015-02-12 10:17:31举报|引用
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cqzhao老师, 赞一个


铁冰 离线

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23 楼    发表于2015-02-12 09:48:23举报|引用
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巴山夜雨涨秋池 离线

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22 楼    发表于2015-02-11 16:42:12举报|引用
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抗体阳性:有病原体感染后机体反应生成的“标志”。有反应标志,就一定有活的病原体吗?不一定。比如 1 型疱疹病毒IGG阳性,能说有活的 1 型疱疹病毒吗?不能。



宫颈癌病例,有一部份毫无疑问HPV是阴性的。这不是试剂或方法敏感性不够的问题。不必期望宫颈癌病例100%检出HPV。用辨证和发展的眼光看问题,可以理解这一结论。多年的HPV持续感染,已导致组织病变 / 癌变,而机体的变化,可能改变其曾经的免疫耐受状态,从而清除HPV病毒,但生米已成熟饭。。。。。。。。




body>h1>span>...................This signature is very handsome.

cqzhao 离线

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21 楼    发表于2015-02-11 14:14:41举报|引用
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 铁冰 mentioned an interesting question. I listed above some papers for your interests


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20 楼    发表于2015-02-11 14:11:52举报|引用
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2014 Dec 1. [Epub ahead of print]

Human Papillomavirus Testing and Reporting Rates in 2012: Results of a College of American Pathologists' National Survey.


Context .- College of American Pathologists (CAP) surveys are used to establish national benchmarks for laboratory parameters. Objective .- To evaluate changes in laboratory human papillomavirus (HPV) testing patterns in laboratories incorporating HPV testing with Papanicolaou tests in 2012. Design .- Data were analyzed from the CAP HPV Supplemental Questionnaire distributed to 1771 laboratories participating in either CAP HPV or CAP Papanicolaou proficiency testing in 2013. Results .- A total of 1022 laboratories (58%) responded. There were more high-risk (HR) HPV tests performed per institution as compared to previous surveys. There were more HPV tests performed within an institution as compared to previous surveys. Hybrid Capture 2 (HC2) remains the most common method (42.4%, 239 of 564); Cervista and cobas methods are used in 37.2% (210 of 564) and 14.9% (84 of 564) of laboratories, respectively. Human papillomavirus testing is offered as a reflex testing after a Papanicolaou test result of atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance (ASC-US) in 89.6% of laboratories (476 of 531); as a cotest for women aged 30 years and older in 60.3% (404 of 531); as reflex testing after atypical squamous cells, cannot exclude high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion (ASC-H) in 42.7% (320 of 531); and as reflex testing after atypical glandular cells (AGC) in 27.3% (145 of 531). The HPV-positive rates for ASC-US and ASC-H were similar in 2012 and 2006. Cervista (49.2%, 88 of 179) and Roche cobas (27.4%, 49 of 179) are the most common methods used for genotyping. Most laboratories use CAP Human Papillomavirus for Cytology Program for proficiency test. Conclusions .- There was an increase in annual volume of HR-HPV testing with a shift toward in-house HR-HPV testing. Genotyping volumes also increased. HC2 and Cervista are most commonly used, with an increasing volume of Roche cobas testing. The most common indication for HPV testing among all laboratories was ASC-US reflex testing, but an increase in HPV cotesting was observed. The data provide an update into persisting and newer trends in HPV testing practices.


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19 楼    发表于2015-02-11 14:10:12举报|引用
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 最新的cobas HPV基因检测,则检测宫颈位置是否存有HPV,并不需要主观分析或诠释,具有更高的灵敏度和可重复性,已被美国临床广泛接受。

It is true that FDA approved cobas HPV can be used as primary screening for cervical cancer in April 2014. But in term of my knowledge, HPV as primary screening has not be used by any hospital in the USA.


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18 楼    发表于2015-02-11 14:05:38举报|引用
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 CAP Today  Home » 2014 Issues, November 2014, Regular features

Letters (November 2014)

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HPV primary screening

We read with great interest the two recent articles by William Check, PhD, highlighting primary HPV testing proposals (June and September 2014). Additional related information not covered in the two CAP TODAY articles should be brought to readers’ attention.

The first article focused on the ATHENA trial, in which a primary human papillomavirus screening algorithm based on the Roche Cobas HPV assay was evaluated. Although cervical cancer risk increases significantly with age (Cancer. 2014;120:2032–2038), no mention was made of ATHENA trial data documenting that the proposed Cobas primary HPV screening algorithm had not only limited overall verification-bias–adjusted sensitivity for detection of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia 3 (CIN3) and cervical cancer (CIN3+) but that this limited sensitivity steadily decreased even further among the highest risk older age groups (Table 1). The low documented rates for CIN3+ detection (27 to 58 percent) with the proposed Cobas algorithm intuitively raise questions about the safety of the algorithm and its use with extended screening intervals.

The second CAP TODAY article focused on a recent publication analyzing risk for CIN3 and cervical cancer during a lengthy experience with conventional Pap and Hybrid Capture 2 (HC2) HPV cotesting in the Kaiser Permanente Northern California system (Gage JC, et al. J Natl Cancer Inst. 2014;106[8]:pii:dju153). While lead author Julia C. Gage, PhD, MPH, acknowledges in the CAP TODAY article that the statistically significant lowest risks for CIN2 and CIN3 were achieved with Pap and HC2 HPV cotesting, the difference in risk between cotest-negative and HPV-negative patients is dismissed as “small.” The CAP TODAY article goes on to add: “The difference in cancer risk was small and not statistically significant.” Although the JNCI authors have chosen thus far not to allow independent statistical evaluation of their privately held data set or to disclose most P values in the data comparisons,

Dr. Gage clearly said in a public presentation in August at the 29th International Papillomavirus meeting in Seattle that the lowest cancer risk at three years after negative cotest results (0.007 percent) was “statistically significant” when compared with cancer risk after a negative HC2 HPV test (0.011 percent). The P value comparing the lower cancer risk at five years after negative cotest results (0.014 percent) with cancer risks after negative HC2 HPV test results (0.017 percent) is still undisclosed.

When the Pap test was introduced after World War II, the emphasis was on decreasing cervical cancer morbidity and mortality. Later, as new cervical screening technologies emerged in the late 1990s in response to observations on the limitations of screening, the Agency for Health Care Policy and Research noted that the verification-bias–adjusted sensitivity of the conventional Pap smear was only “near 50 percent, much less than generally believed” (AHCPR, Evaluation of Cervical Cytology, 1999), and that decreased cancer incidence and mortality would require some combination of increased recruitment to screening, increased screening test sensitivity, and more frequent screening. Available SEER data through 2011 documents that cervical cancer rates have continued to decline in the new screening technology era. As the new era of screening using HPV testing continues to develop and evolve, it is surprising to observe that a new proposed HPV primary screening algorithm with FDA-documented CIN3+ sensitivity “near 50 percent” is being portrayed as a significant advance and seen as the basis for a shift from a continued focus on further reduction of cervical cancer through screening to a new emphasis on 1) extending screening intervals, 2) achieving only “reasonable” cervical cancer risk (now apparently defined as risk associated with every three-year screening with the conventional Pap test), and 3) decreased testing and associated health care expenditures. As Dr. Gage said somewhat dismissively in Seattle, “You can always get a slightly lower risk of cervical cancer by reducing your interval or adding additional tests.”

R. Marshall Austin, MD, PhD
Chengquan Zhao, MD
Department of Pathology
Gynecologic Pathology Division
Magee-Womens Hospital of University of Pittsburgh Medical Center

Mark Stoler, MD, cytopathologist and professor emeritus of pathology and clinical gynecology, University of Virginia, replies: I thank Dr. Austin and Dr. Zhao for their ongoing interest in the comparison between the potential of an HPV primary screening algorithm and cotesting. In my opinion, CAP TODAY and especially its reporter William Check, PhD, have done a superb job in presenting both sides of the argument in a balanced manner. In response to some of Dr. Austin and Dr. Zhao’s specific comments, I would briefly add the following:

Verification bias adjustments, where any detectable disease in a sample of patients with normal screening tests is then extrapolated to the whole population, always have a larger impact on apparent sensitivity than they do specificity. In the opinion of many epidemiologists, this impact is now understood to potentially be very misleading, but in general the relative rankings of the tests do not change.1,2 Thus in ATHENA, while the verification-bias–adjusted sensitivities “sound” low, the VBA sensitivity of cytology is lower than for HPV in all comparisons. Furthermore, as was pointed out in a prior online exchange,3 the figures quoted in the table in Dr. Austin’s letter are the VBA sensitivity of the algorithm, not the test. Unfortunately, individuals often confuse VBA and non-VBA statistics from different sources and compare apples to oranges, including Drs. Austin and Zhao. In numerous published studies, the unadjusted sensitivity of cytology is on the order of 50 to 60 percent, whereas the unadjusted sensitivity of a clinically validated HPV test is always on the order of 90 to 95 percent. As noted in reference No. 3, the published unadjusted sensitivity of the Cobas HPV test for ≥ CIN3 is 92.0 percent compared with 75.1 percent for liquid-based cytology. The performance of both HPV testing and cytology in ATHENA is similar to what was found in the only other large North American screening study, Mayrand, et al., who reported an unadjusted sensitivity of Hybrid Capture 2 of 82.8 percent and 57.7 percent for cytology for ≥ CIN 2.4

The decrease in sensitivity with age of all cervical cancer screening tests is not a new phenomenon, nor perhaps an unexpected one given the known regression of transition zone up the canal inducing sampling issues confounded by the known problem pathologists have with age-related mimics of HSIL, an issue we discussed in reference No. 5. Still, in head-to-head, apples-to-apples comparisons like ATHENA, HPV testing is superior to cytology in sensitivity with only minimal impact on specificity across all age groups. This fact, together with the data presented to and independently analyzed both by the FDA advisory panel and yet again by the FDA, strongly supports our belief that the time has come to consider seriously the benefits and simplicity of an HPV-based primary screening algorithm for cervical cancer screening. Such an approach is gaining worldwide acceptance and will become increasingly necessary as one considers the need to screen populations that have been vaccinated against HPV, where the performance of cytology will only degrade further.6 I am sure we can all agree that the United States should “only have the problem” of having to address how to screen a properly vaccinated and protected population.

    1. Wright TC Jr., Stoler MH, Behrens CM, Apple R, Derion T, Wright TL. The ATHENA human papillomavirus study: design, methods, and baseline results. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2012;206:46.e1–46.e11.
    2. Sasieni P. Estimating prevalence when the true disease status is incompletely ascertained. Stat Med. 2001;20:935–949.
    3. http://j.mp/stoler-thomas-athena
    4. Mayrand MH, Duarte-Franco E, Rodrigues I, et al. Human papillomavirus DNA versus Papanicolaou screening tests for cervical cancer. N Engl J Med. 2007; 357:1579–1588.
    5. Stoler MH, Wright TC Jr., Sharma A, et al. The interplay of age stratification and HPV testing on the predictive value of ASC-US cytology. Results from the ATHENA HPV study. Am J Clin Pathol. 2012;137:295–303.
    6. http://j.mp/ncsp-renewal

■ Julia C. Gage, PhD, MPH, research fellow, Clinical Genetics Branch, Division of Cancer Epidemiology and Genetics, National Cancer Institute, and Thomas S. Lorey, MD, medical director of TPMG Regional Reference Laboratory, Kaiser Permanente Northern California Region, reply:

We have some clarifications in response to the letter written by Drs. Austin and Zhao.

If a study is large enough, even small differences between very low risks can be statistically significant as seen in our findings from KPNC. When comparing the cancer risks after an HPV-negative result with cancer risks after a cotest-negative result at the same time point (i.e. three or five years), the risks have overlapping 95 percent confidence intervals. The three-year cancer risk after an HPV-negative versus cotest-negative result is statistically significant (0.011 versus 0.007, P=.03) while the five-year cancer risk after an HPV-negative versus cotest-negative result is not (0.017 versus 0.014, P=.11).

Importantly, statistical significance should not be conflated with identifying the optimal screening strategy. The decision of how often to screen with what tests is increasingly more complicated and there will always be opportunities to push further toward greater reassurance by using more screening tests or shortening intervals or both. At an extreme, women could be screened every six months with cotesting, but we all realize this would result in excessive identification of benign transient infections and associated changes. A balance must be struck between greater reassurance and the associated costs and harms. We turn to professional guidelines committees, which are best suited to such an endeavor.

Use HPV test in conjunction with Pap

Published data show that an HPV test can fail to detect nine percent to 20 percent of cervical cancers (Zhao C, et al. Evidence emerging for HPV-negative cervical cancer. CAP TODAY, January 2014). At BioReference Laboratories, a national clinical laboratory with specialized expertise in women’s health, cancer, and genetics, we examined relevant data over a one-year period. Our review disclosed that 66 of 733 (nine percent) Pap tests interpreted as suspicious for cancer (high-grade lesions, or HSIL) had a negative Roche Cobas HPV test. If these women had been tested only with the Roche Cobas HPV assay, their potentially precancerous condition (HSIL) would have been missed. In addition, a number of the women who had HSIL Pap results accompanied by a negative Roche Cobas HPV test had the more definitive test for cancer—a cervical biopsy. Of the abnormal biopsies, 10 percent showed squamous cell carcinoma of the cervix, 40 percent showed other precancerous high-grade lesions (CIN 2/CIN 3), and 50 percent had endometrial cancer. These cancers were detected based on a positive Pap test.

In these times of rising health care costs where findings based on population studies may change recommended medical practice guidelines for individual patients, any such changes must be fully vetted and appropriately balanced before they are implemented. For this reason we strongly believe that rather than replace the Pap test, the HPV test should be used in conjunction with the Pap test to assess a woman’s true risk of cervical cancer. While we welcome new advances in medicine, we should learn from previous data and gather additional information before changing our cervical cancer screening behaviors. In light of Pap testing having been enormously successful in reducing deaths from cervical cancer and the cervical cancer screening guidelines having been changed as recently as 2012, we believe more caution and research are warranted before additional changes are made to a screening algorithm.

James Weisberger, MD
Chief Medical Officer

James W. Sharp, MD
Clinical and Anatomical Pathologist
Vassar Brothers Medical Center

Jeffrey Gilbert, MD
Medical Director, STIs

Frank Buccini, MS
Director of Molecular Diagnostics
BioReference Laboratories
Elmwood Park, NJ

Genomic testing and the LIS

In “Why LIS limitations shouldn’t inhibit genomic testing” (Newsbytes, September 2014), Lynn Bry, MD, PhD, said “outside of the upfront sample handling and getting results out the door and billing for it, you probably aren’t going to be able to handle the intermediate steps with current lab information systems.” This continues to be true for many vendors, but in December 2013 Sunquest Information Systems released a complex testing workflow application, completely integrated with the core laboratory information system, that supports genotyping and is well suited to handle the wet bench work of sequencing applications.

This year, Sunquest made a strategic investment in GeneInsight, an IT platform company that streamlines the analysis, interpretation, and reporting of complex genetic test results. Sunquest and GeneInsight are teaming up to offer clients a complete genetics workflow, with integration enabling the exchange of structured information.

It is the case that “Some companies have developed laboratory information management systems to support complex sequencing in a research setting, ‘but what they often lack is the capacity to operate effectively in a CLIA laboratory.’” Sunquest and GeneInsight have been operating in a clinical setting for years and are both registered class I exempt medical devices. Let Sunquest be the first to say, “Here’s a solution that’s going to help you with your complex genomic testing.”

Megan Schmidt
Director, Product Strategy
Sunquest Information Systems

■ Lynn Bry, MD, PhD, medical director and associate pathologist at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School, replies: BWH is a founding institution of Partners Healthcare, a majority shareholder in the GeneInsight application. I was aware of the potential partnership between GeneInsight and Sunquest but unable to discuss it at the Pathology Informatics 2014 conference, and later when interviewed by CAP TODAY, as the agreement was still under negotiation. The features offered by GeneInsight cover variant calling from processed sequences, curation of content for evaluating the variants, generation of reports, and data transmission to other clinical systems. Integrating these and earlier stages of bioinformatic processing with clinical information systems will further support genomic analyses in clinical laboratories.


Your article on TRALI (October 2014) reported that the BloodCenter of Wisconsin is one of a few laboratories that do most of the human neutrophil antigen testing through their own laboratory-developed tests. As the manager of one of the laboratories that does this HNA testing, I was surprised you named only the BloodCenter of Wisconsin. Our laboratory at the American Red Cross deserved mention also for the following reasons, among others.

The Neutrophil Laboratory at the American Red Cross was developed by Jeffrey McCullough, MD, in 1985. Dr. McCullough along with Dave Stroncek, MD, also a former laboratory director, have been world leaders in the research of neutrophil testing and TRALI investigations for decades. Dr. McCullough was the primary author of Granulocyte Serology: A Clinical and Laboratory Guide (ASCP Press, 1988), which is still used today as a source for laboratory methods linked with HNA laboratory analysis.

Our laboratory and the lab at the BloodCenter of Wisconsin are the only two neutrophil laboratory members in the U.S. associated with the International Society of Blood Transfusion Working Party on Granulocyte Immunobiology. Both of the labs participate in the quality assurance exercises distributed by the International Granulocyte Immunology Workshops (IGIW). The American Red Cross Neutrophil Laboratory is one of four reference laboratories in the IGIW that organize and distribute these QA samples. (The others are in Bristol, U.K., Hagen, Germany, and Amsterdam, the Netherlands.)

The IGIW has recommended a combination of the granulocyte immunofluorescence test (GIFT) and the granulocyte agglutination test (GAT) when detecting and identifying HNA antibodies (Transfusion. 1997;37:977–983; Transfusion. 2002;42:462–468; Vox Sang. 2013;105:259–269). The American Red Cross is the only neutrophil lab in the U.S. that routinely tests all donors and patients for both GAT and GIFT. All other neutrophil laboratories in the U.S. routinely screen samples for HNA antibody by GIFT.

Your article referred to the four-year prospective study led by Pearl Toy, MD, as the seminal investigation in TRALI (Blood. 2012;119[7]:1757–1767). Dr. Toy named our laboratory the neutrophil laboratory to perform all HNA antibody testing for this National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute
SCCOR study.

Randy M. Schuller
Neutrophil and Platelet
Immunology Laboratory Manager
Mid-America Blood Services Division
American Red Cross
Saint Paul, Minn.


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17 楼    发表于2015-02-11 14:01:58举报|引用
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Human Papillomavirus testing and cytologic/histopathologic “test of cure” follow-up results after excisional treatment for high grade cervical intraepithelial neoplasia

Journal of the American Society of Cytopathology 01/2013; DOI: 10.1016/j.jasc.2013.09.004

ABSTRACT 988 patients with high grade cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN2/3) treated by excision between 2005 and 2009 were identified with available “test of cure” follow-up results over an average of 36 months. Average age was 32 years. CIN2/3 was reported during follow- up in 67 of 988 (6.8%) patients; 45 of 67 (67.2%) follow-up CIN2/3 diagnoses were within 2 years of excision. Post-treatment CIN2/3 was significantly more likely after initial CIN3 grade, positive excision margins, and HPV-positive follow-up results, but not significantly associated in this cohort with age. 514 women had follow-up HPV tests, and 32.3% had at least one HPV- positive result. Post-treatment CIN2/3 was diagnosed in 24 of 165 (14.5%) patients with at least one follow-up HPV-positive result and in 6 of 349 (1.7%) with only follow-up HPV-negative results. No HPV-negative/ cytology-negative follow-up results were documented among 30 postreatment patients later developing recurrent CIN2/3. Recently published guidelines now specifically recommend cytology and HPV cotesting as follow-up after CIN2/3 excision


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16 楼    发表于2015-02-11 13:59:17举报|引用
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2014 May 22;11:14. doi: 10.4103/1742-6413.132997. eCollection 2014.

Is 58% sensitivity for detection of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia 3 and invasive cervical cancer optimal for cervical screening?


Recent Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval of a Roche cobas human papillomavirus (HPV) test application as a first line primary cervical screening tool in women 25 and older introduces a new era of complex cervical screening choices. Perhaps the most surprising findings in Roche's supporting ATHENA trial data were the unexpectedly low verification bias-adjusted CIN3+ sensitivities documented by the FDA for both the proposed cobas HPV testing algorithm (58.26%) and Pap testing algorithm (42.63%). These unexpectedly low sensitivity estimates suggest intuitively that there is still considerable room for improvement in cervical screening, and available data from large systems point to routine cytology and HPV co-testing as offering the greatest protection against development of cervical cancer. Observational studies of large populations screened over time remain essential to document actual protection from development of cervical cancer with any new cervical screening options, as natural history studies and available data from large systems indicate that most CIN2/3 cases detected in short term clinical trials would not progress to invasive cervical cancer. Interpretation of ATHENA trial data and its application to routine clinical practice is further limited by published studies which document that a significant proportion of CIN2/3 biopsy diagnoses in the ATHENA trial could not be confirmed as accurate when evaluated with p16 immunohistochemistry and that cytology laboratory performance in the trial was notably suboptimal.


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15 楼    发表于2015-02-11 13:57:46举报|引用
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I do not believe it.


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14 楼    发表于2015-02-11 13:56:49举报|引用
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2015 Feb;139(2):184-8. doi: 10.5858/arpa.2014-0028-OA. Epub 2014 Apr 2.

Prior high-risk human papillomavirus testing and papanicolaou test results of 70 invasive cervical carcinomas diagnosed in 2012: results of a retrospective multicenter study.


Context .- Persistent high-risk human papillomavirus (hrHPV) infection is essential for the development of cervical cancer and its precursor lesions. High-risk HPV testing has a higher sensitivity than cytology does for detecting cervical epithelial lesions. However, a large study from a single institution showed 31% of patients with invasive cervical cancer had negative baseline hrHPV testing within 5 years preceding the diagnosis. Objective .- To investigate the limitation of hrHPV testing in detecting invasive cervical cancer. Design .- Cases from 2012 with a histologic diagnosis of invasive cervical carcinoma were retrieved from multiple institutions. From those records, prior hrHPV testing and Papanicolaou test results in the 5 years before the cancer diagnosis were recorded. Results .- Seventy patients with cervical carcinoma were included in the study. Negative HPV test result rates were 9% (5 of 53), 23% (6 of 26), and 25% (2 of 8) during the periods of less than 1 year, 1 to 3 years, and 3 to 5 years before the histologic diagnoses, respectively. Negative Papanicolaou testing results in the same time intervals were 3.4% (2 of 59), 33% (10 of 30), and 40% (6 of 15). Although the HPV(-) rate seemed to be different among different HPV test methods, no statistical significance was detected because of small sample size. Negative hrHPV rates in patients with adenocarcinoma were similar to those in patients with squamous cell carcinoma. Conclusions .- These data expose limitations for the potential use of primary HPV testing. In addition, current screening guidelines recommending cotesting at 5-year intervals should be evaluated further with additional historic data collection because there are women with negative results for both Papanicolaou tests and hrHPV testing within the period of 3 to 5 years before an invasive carcinoma diagnosis.


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13 楼    发表于2015-02-11 13:54:54举报|引用
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2010 Nov;11(11):1048-56. doi: 10.1016/S1470-2045(10)70230-8. Epub 2010 Oct 15.

Human papillomavirus genotype attribution in invasive cervical cancer: a retrospective cross-sectional worldwide study.



Knowledge about the distribution of human papillomavirus (HPV) genotypes in invasive cervical cancer is crucial to guide the introduction of prophylactic vaccines. We aimed to provide novel and comprehensive data about the worldwide genotype distribution in patients with invasive cervical cancer.


Paraffin-embedded samples of histologically confirmed cases of invasive cervical cancer were collected from 38 countries in Europe, North America, central South America, Africa, Asia, and Oceania. Inclusion criteria were a pathological confirmation of a primary invasive cervical cancer of epithelial origin in the tissue sample selected for analysis of HPV DNA, and information about the year of diagnosis. HPV detection was done by use of PCR with SPF-10 broad-spectrum primers followed by DNA enzyme immunoassay and genotyping with a reverse hybridisation line probe assay. Sequence analysis was done to characterise HPV-positive samples with unknown HPV types. Data analyses included algorithms of multiple infections to estimate type-specific relative contributions.


22,661 paraffin-embedded samples were obtained from 14,249 women. 10,575 cases of invasive cervical cancer were included in the study, and 8977 (85%) of these were positive for HPV DNA. The most common HPV types were 16, 18, 31, 33, 35, 45, 52, and 58 with a combined worldwide relative contribution of 8196 of 8977 (91%, 95% CI 90-92). HPV types 16 and 18 were detected in 6357 of 8977 of cases (71%, 70-72) of invasive cervical cancer. HPV types 16, 18, and 45 were detected in 443 of 470 cases (94%, 92-96) of cervical adenocarcinomas. Unknown HPV types that were identified with sequence analysis were 26, 30, 61, 67, 69, 82, and 91 in 103 (1%) of 8977 cases of invasive cervical cancer. Women with invasive cervical cancers related to HPV types 16, 18, or 45 presented at a younger mean age than did those with other HPV types (50·0 years [49·6-50·4], 48·2 years [47·3-49·2], 46·8 years [46·6-48·1], and 55·5 years [54·9-56·1], respectively).


To our knowledge, this study is the largest assessment of HPV genotypes to date. HPV types 16, 18, 31, 33, 35, 45, 52, and 58 should be given priority when the cross-protective effects of current vaccines are assessed, and for formulation of recommendations for the use of second-generation polyvalent HPV vaccines. Our results also suggest that type-specific high-risk HPV-DNA-based screening tests and protocols should focus on HPV types 16, 18, and 45.


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12 楼    发表于2015-02-11 13:54:36举报|引用
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Not correct. Relative percentage of cervical cancers are negative in HPV detection both in Pap cytology and tissue samples.

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