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性别 | 男 | 年龄 | 65 岁 | 临床诊断 | 肿瘤? |
临床症状 | 患者于半年前无明显诱因发现背部一肿块约乒乓球大小,无明显疼痛,肿块浅黑色,无头痛,头昏,肿块渐增大,至今约鸡蛋大小,并相继在肩部、背部及颈部出现大小不等肿块十余个,一直未予注意。肩背部及颈部见多个肿块,肿块处皮肤呈咖啡色,大者约4×4×3cm,小者约0.5×0.5×0.5cm,活动差,无压痛。实验室检查无异常,影像学检查未见转移灶。 | ||||
标本名称 | 背部包块 | ||||
大体所见 | 送检梭形带皮组织5块共约7×6×5cm,每块组织均逐一切开,皮下分别见直径为3.5cm~0.3cm灰红灰白色结节12个,多数结节边界清楚,质嫩,其中最大结节边界不甚清楚,周围可见小卫星结节。 |
点评专家:中国医学科学院 、协和医科大学皮肤病研究所病理研究室:曾学思老师
点评专家:曾学思(50楼 链接:>>点击查看<< )
获奖名单:TK1905(3楼 链接:>>点击查看<< )
镜下:肿瘤位于真皮层,未见表皮成分,肿瘤呈结节状,细胞呈巢状,导管及汗腺样分化,瘤细胞核圆形卵圆形,核染色质粗不均,核空泡状,核仁明显增大,细胞异型性较明显,可见核分裂像。 胞浆丰富、红染似有空泡和分泌的颗粒, 瘤细胞周丰富扩张的血管腔,出血明显,可见良性组织与恶性组织之间似有过渡,或是转移肿瘤浸润生长把正常组织推挤?在判断上有一定的困难。。根据镜下特点,首先考虑皮肤附属器来源的恶性肿瘤。
诊断 1透明细胞汗腺癌(GCDFP-15阳性)
鉴别诊断 皮肤转移癌-腺癌 请查肺乳腺,甲状腺,胃,肾。
3.高倍镜下,肿瘤细胞主要包括两种类型,一种为分化较好的泡沫状细胞,胞核卵圆形,多位于细胞中央,胞浆淡染;一种为分化 较差的肿瘤细胞,胞浆嗜碱性为主,胞核异型性明显,可见核分裂像。
鉴别诊断:1 螺旋腺瘤及螺旋腺癌
2 恶性混合瘤
免疫组化;CK广,EMA ,Ki67,AR等
American Journal of Dermatopathology:
February 2005 - Volume 27 - Issue 1 - pp 27-33
Extraordinary Case Report
Kazakov, Dmitry V MD, PhD*; Soukup, Roman MD†; Mukensnabl, Petr MD*; Boudova, Ludmila MD, PhD*; Michal, Michal MD*
Brooke-Spiegler syndrome is an autosomal dominantly inherited disease with predisposition to cutaneous adnexal neoplasms, most commonly cylindromas and trichoepitheliomas. We report a patient in whom 11 lesions were removed from the scalp and face for various reasons over a period of 3 years. The histopathological survey revealed a plethora of benign adnexal neoplasms showing apocrine, follicular, and sebaceous differentiation occurring independently and conjointly. The histopathological spectrum in our patient included cylindromas, spiradenomas, trichoepitheliomas, small nodular trichoblastomas, and lymphadenomas. Many lesions had hybrid features of two or more neoplasms. By far the most common composite tumor was spiradenocylindroma. Some spiradenocylindromas demonstrated prominent sebaceous or trichoblastomatous differentiation or both. We suggest the terms “sebaceous spiradenocylindroma” and “trichospiradenocylindroma” for these lesions. The occurrence of sebaceous and trichoblastic differentiation in spiradenocylindromas is a further proof that spiradenoma and cylindroma are not eccrine tumors but neoplasms of the folliculosebaceousapocrine unit.
Twelve cases of spiradenocylindromas, which revealed features of both spiradenoma and cylindroma in the same tumor mass, are presented. Nine female patients had multiple neoplasms occurring mostly on the scalp, and two female and one male patient had a solitary cutaneous lesion. Three of the female patients with multiple cutaneous tumors had a familial history of similar cutaneous neoplasms. In one of the patient’s family, the multiple cutaneous tumors were known to occur in multiple family members in four consecutive generations. One patient with multiple cutaneous lesions was known to have associated multiple kidney cysts as confirmed by computed tomography. Histologically, spiradenocylindromas are composed of intermixed areas that are either of typical spiradenoma in appearance or of typical cylindroma appearance. Apocrine and trichoepitheliomatous differentiation seen in two cases in the present series points to spiradenomas, as well as cylindromas, having complex hair follicle (folliculo- sebaceous apocrine) rather than eccrine differentiation. The presence of lymphoid tissue was a histological feature in the present series, which was prominent in all the spiradenomatous parts of the tumors and which was scanty or practically absent in all the cylindromatous parts. The selective presence of lymphocytes in spiradenoma and an absence in cylindroma suggest that spiradenomas have the unique property of attracting lymphocytes. The malignant tumors arising in three patients in the present series had the morphology of a poorly differentiated epithelioid neoplasm. Three patients died of the disease and the other patients were either free of disease or alive with disease 1–30 years on follow up.
Am J Dermatopathol. 1997 Apr;19(2):154-61.
Department of Pathology, University of Bonn, F.R.G.
We carried out an immunohistochemical analysis of nine spiradenomas and seven cylindromas. Our findings underscore the histomorphological similarities of the two adnexal neoplasms-namely, the expression of S-100 protein ascribed to eccrine differentiation within the tubular and large, pale-staining cells of both entities. Human milk fat globulin (HMFG) and lysozyme, two markers associated with apocrine differentiation, are expressed by tubular cells in spiradenomas and cylindromas. Lysozyme is also expressed in cylindromas by large, pale-staining cells. In addition, antibodies to alpha-smooth muscle actin strongly characterized the small basaloid cells of both types of neoplasm. Both spiradenomas and cylindromas expressed identical cytokeratin patterns. As with the various regions of eccrine and apocrine units, the expression by spiradenomas and cylindromas of keratins 7, 8, and 18 indicates differentiation toward the secretory tissue, whereas the expression of keratin 14 in some of the neoplastic cells points toward ductal differentiation. Malformed ductal and glandular structures in continuity with evolving spiradenomas and cylindromas in two of our cases also suggest that these tumors might arise from abortive adenxal anlagen.
A Rare Case of Multiple Segmental Eccrine Spiradenomas
April 2011
Laura Englander, MD
Eccrine spiradenoma is a benign adnexal neoplasm that has been historically designated as a tumor of eccrine differentiation, although current reconsideration indicates an apocrine process. It usually presents on the trunk and extremities as a tender dermal or subcutaneous papule or nodule frequently with a pink or blue hue. The clinical picture is often not distinct and biopsy is required for diagnosis. Eccrine spiradenoma can present in a variety of ways, including as tumors arranged in zosteriform/dermatomal and/or blaschkoid distributions, often precluding a straightforward diagnosis. Proper diagnosis of eccrine spiradenoma is important due to the occurrence of potentially life-threatening malignant transformation. This article illustrates a rare presentation of eccrine spiradenoma with a concise review for the dermatologist. (J Clin Aesthet Dermatol. 2011;4(4):38–44.)
Eccrine spiradenoma (ES), first described in 1956, is an uncommon, benign, dermal tumor of apocrine differentiation derived from cutaneous sweat glands.[1] It classically presents in the 2nd to 4th decades of life as a small, painful, grey to pink nodule on the upper ventral aspect of the body. Most presentations of ES are solitary, comprising more than 97 percent of cases. The incidence of ES is roughly equivalent in men and women.[2–4] Multiple ES is a rare phenomenon, comprising less than two percent of all cases and appears to be predominant among women.[5,6] Approximately 37 cases of multiple ES, including those in zosteriform/dermatomal and/or blaschkoid distributions, have been reported in the literature.[2,4,6–28] Given the rarity of multiple ES in a linear distribution and the uncommon risk of malignant transformation, the authors present this case for interest, review, and awareness.
Case Report
A 55-year-old Caucasian man presented to the authors’ outpatient dermatology clinic complaining of a 20-year history of painful lesions on the right chest and arm. Of patient concern, the lesions were recently more painful and had increased in size and number. His past medical history was unremarkable. He denied any family members with similar skin findings or any history of skin cancers. Physical exam revealed multiple, well-circumscribed, subcutaneous, blue-grey nodules in a dermatomal distribution across the right chest and arm (Figure 1). The nodules were tender, firm, and fixed to the overlying skin and ranged in size from 0.5 to 6cm in diameter. Surgical excision of the most prominent, painful nodule of the right arm was sent for histological analysis (Figure 2).
Histological findings demonstrated sharply delineated dermal nodules comprising basaloid cells arranged in a trabecular pattern surrounded by eosinophilic fibrous strands (Figure 3). Small, dark, basaloid cells with hyperchromatic nuclei, larger cells with pale nuclei in the center of the clusters, and numerous scattered lymphocytes were also seen throughout, consistent with a diagnosis of ES (Figure 4). Typical spiradenoma features, as well as small areas with a cylindroma-like “jigsaw puzzle” pattern, were also appreciated. No evidence of malignant transformation was noted.
The patient underwent surgical excision with complex, linear closure of multiple chest and arm nodules given the significant pain experienced while wearing a seatbelt during driving. Excellent cosmetic and functional results were seen and the patient was advised to return for future excisions in the case of increasingly painful or rapidly growing lesions. While there was no evidence of malignant transformation in this patient, continuous follow up is necessary given the rapid evolution and possibility of malignant transformation within long-standing lesions.
Etiology. The exact etiology of ES still remains controversial. ES has never been observed on glabrous skin, as it is an undifferentiated or poorly differentiated benign adnexal neoplasm historically designated as a tumor of eccrine lineage. However, both ES and cylindroma can sometimes display tubular differentiation with a “decapitation” pattern as would be expected in an apocrine neoplasm.[47,48] Thus, recent assessment has indicated an apocrine process. As previously described, ES commonly occurs jointly with other cutaneous appendage tumors, such as cylindroma, trichoepithelioma, and trichoblastoma, which points toward the development of folliculosebaceous-apocrine lineage rather than eccrine differentiation.[49,50] Further, if ES were truly eccrine, occurrence on the palm or sole would be paramount rather than rarely seen. In Brooke-Spiegler syndrome, a defective tumor suppressor gene, CYLD on chromosome 16q, results in numerous cutaneous appendage tumors suggesting kinship rather than disparate lineages.[46,51] The most recent hypothesis is suggestive of an abnormal multipotent stem cell in the folliculosebaceous-apocrine unit, although some reports have suggested trauma as the inciting factor.[43,52] p53 expression in malignant ES is also suggestive of an underlying abnormality of tumor suppression or innate surveillance, but the significance of this observation is currently unclear.
The histogenesis of spiradenomas remains in question, but many lesions demonstrate apocrine differentiation. The term eccrine spiradenoma may join the list of other misnomers in dermatology, including mycosis fungoides and granuloma faciale. Lesions usually manifest as solitary, 1-cm-diameter, gray, pink, purple, red, or blue nodules on the upper half of the ventral side of the body. Spiradenomas can be painful, often in paroxysms. Multiple spiradenomas have been reported. Their initial elaboration is attributed to Kersting and Helwig.[1]
Spiradenomas are usually benign. It can occur in infancy but most commonly arises in persons aged 15-35 years. About 15 cases of linear/zosteriform/nevoid/blaschkoid multiple spiradenomas exist in the literature.[2, 3] About 50 case reports of malignant spiradenoma exist in the literature. Dabska[4] first described malignant spiradenoma in 1972.
Spiradenomas can occur in Brooke-Spiegler syndrome, which manifests withcylindromas, spiradenomas, and trichoepitheliomas. In this syndrome, lesions can have combined features of both cylindromas and spiradenomas.[5, 6]
A defective tumor suppressor gene is believed to result in the development of spiradenomas. In Brooke-Spiegler syndrome, of which spiradenomas are a manifestation, the defective gene is the CYLD gene on chromosome 9. Work remains to be performed on the genetic defect causing isolated and sporadic spiradenomas. The CYLD seems to be a hot spot of mutations as novel mutations continue to be reported.[7]
The expression of p53 in malignant spiradenomas seems to be increased.
The cells of origin of spiradenomas appear to have apocrine and trichoepitheliomatous differentiation, ie, they have complex hair follicle (folliculosebaceous apocrine) differentiation rather than eccrine differentiation.
In cases of linear/zosteriform/nevoid/blaschkoid multiple spiradenomas, an abnormal clone arising during embryogenesis is postulated to produce the multiple abnormal cells that result in such spiradenomas.
In a cytogenetic study, Dijkhuizen et al[8] found a spiradenoma and 2 lymph node metastases, with a growth pattern and microscopic appearance typical for benign spiradenoma, a 46,XY-5,del(16)(q22),+mar(t(?;5)(?::5q13----5qter)) karyotype.
These similar genetic defects seem to support a relationship between the chromosomal abnormalities and the clinical malignant action of this benign-appearing neoplasm.
Sikl's Department of Pathology, Charles University, Medical Faculty Hospital, Pilsen, Czech Republic.
Brooke-Spiegler syndrome is an autosomal dominantly inherited disease with predisposition to cutaneous adnexal neoplasms, most commonly cylindromas and trichoepitheliomas. We report a patient in whom 11 lesions were removed from the scalp and face for various reasons over a period of 3 years. The histopathological survey revealed a plethora of benign adnexal neoplasms showing apocrine, follicular, and sebaceous differentiation occurring independently and conjointly. The histopathological spectrum in our patient included cylindromas, spiradenomas, trichoepitheliomas, small nodular trichoblastomas, and lymphadenomas. Many lesions had hybrid features of two or more neoplasms. By far the most common composite tumor was spiradenocylindroma. Some spiradenocylindromas demonstrated prominent sebaceous or trichoblastomatous differentiation or both. We suggest the terms "sebaceous spiradenocylindroma" and "trichospiradenocylindroma" for these lesions. The occurrence of sebaceous and trichoblastic differentiation in spiradenocylindromas is a further proof that spiradenoma and cylindroma are not eccrine tumors but neoplasms of the folliculosebaceousapocrine unit.
Mahalingam M, Srivastava A, Hoang MP.
Department of Dermatology, Boston University School of Medicine, MA, USA.
The overlap in histopathologic features and immunoprofile of eccrine and apocrine neoplasms confounds basic issues relating to lineage of these entities.
We evaluated expression of follicular stem-cell markers, cytokeratin (CK) 15 and nestin, in 78 benign and 23 malignant adnexal neoplasms.
CK15 and nestin expression were noted in 39 of 78 (50%) and 36 of 78 (46%) cases in the benign group, respectively (8 cutaneous mixed tumor, 10 hidradenoma papilliferum, 9 apocrine cystadenoma, 11 cylindroma and/or spiradenoma, and 9 poroma/dermal duct tumor). CK15 and nestin expression were noted in 11 of 23 (48%) and 7 of 23 (30%) cases in the malignant group, respectively (6 microcystic adnexal carcinoma, 7 porocarcinoma, and 9 eccrine carcinoma). Except 1, both markers were negative in 4 syringocystadenoma papilliferum, 10 hidradenoma, 1 syringofibroadenoma, 10 syringoma, 1 eccrine adenoma, 8 poroma/dermal duct tumor, 5 eccrine hidrocystoma, and 1 apocrine carcinoma.
Given that follicular germinative cells give rise to the folliculosebaceous apocrine unit, expression of CK15 and nestin in the majority of cutaneous mixed tumor, hidradenoma papilliferum, apocrine cystadenoma, and cylindroma/spiradenoma is suggestive of an apocrine origin/differentiation of these neoplasms. Reinforcing this and a novel finding of our study is the preferential expression of nestin in myoepithelial cells of these lesions.
American Journal of Dermatopathology:
October 2008 - Volume 30 - Issue 5 - pp 436-441 doi: 10.1097/DAD.0b013e3181812729
Original Article
We report 5 cases of spiradenoma and 1 case of spiradenocylindroma, which, in addition to areas of conventional growth, manifested an adenomatous component. This consisted of compactly situated, well-developed glands having small round lumens lined by inner pale to eosinophilic cells and surrounded by an outer well-formed peripheral layer of myoepithelial cells, which reacted with a variety of myoepithelial cell markers. In 1 case, apocrine secretion was evident in the glandular part of the lesion. In 4 of the 6 cases, the adenomatous component was a minor but significant portion of the tumors, but in 2 cases it was extensive, comprising approximately 20% of the tumor area. In 1 of these 2 cases, the luminal epithelium showed atypia including rare, atypical mitotic figures. In addition, there were foci of glands showing myoepithelial cell loss. As this alteration was limited and fairly well circumscribed within the tumor bulk, we regard it as an “atypical adenomatous component,” but we cannot exclude the possibility that this may represent an incipient apocrine carcinoma, despite uneventful follow-up. Three cases also manifested clear cell areas. Immunohistochemical studies demonstrated that myoepithelial proliferation and overgrowth accounted for the clear cell change in some of the lesions.
ps:这篇文章应该是96年发在pathology research and practice上的文章,查了一下
· MedSci评语:杂志水平一般,也很冷门,关注人少,审稿周期可能也不一定快,如果文章质量不佳,或时间不紧的话,可以考虑考虑。近年来if大概1点多。
J Cutan Pathol. 1998 Feb;25(2):100-5.
Ishihara M, Mehregan DR, Hashimoto K, Yotsumoto S, Toi Y, Pietruk T, Mehregan AH, Mehregan DA.
The histogenesis of apocrine and eccrine neoplasms has always interested dermatopathologists. In addition, the histologic differential diagnosis of eccrine carcinoma from metastatic adenocarcinoma is of practical importance. We describe a novel monoclonal antibody IKH-4 which stains the eccrine secretory coil, but not the apocrine secretory segment. Positive staining was observed in eccrine hidradenoma, eccrine poroma, eccrine spiradenoma, papillary eccrine adenoma, eccrine hidrocystoma, syringoma, eccrine carcinoma, and in 1 case of syringocystadenoma papilliferum. Negative staining was observed in apocrine adenocarcinoma, hidradenoma papilliferum, erosive adenomatosis of the nipple, and primary and metastatic adenocarcinomas. IKH-4 antibody was useful in differentiating eccrine from apocrine neoplasms and in differentiating eccrine carcinoma from metastatic adenocarcinomas.
本人有不同观点,重看了图片发现良性腺体与恶性腺体之间貌似有过渡,交叉分部,提示两种腺体可能来源相同,因此首先考虑小汗腺来源的,如果按照上面哥们的看法提出的鉴别诊断的话,我觉得更加有必要做IKH-4了,因为这个不仅能够转移性癌,而且能够鉴别大小汗腺来源肿瘤!如果+那就还是小汗腺来源的了!- 的情况俺现在还不考虑,- 的话真就不好搞了,不过我坚持认为IKH-4做出来应该是阳性!
J Dermatol. 2006 Jan;33(1):2-9.
Division of Dermatology, Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Saga University, Saga, Japan. misago@post.saga-med.ac.jp
To clarify the features of apocrine mixed tumors (AMT) of the skin among benign neoplasms with apocrine differentiation in their relationship to follicular stem cells, we investigated the immunohistochemical expression of CK15 (LHK15 and C8/144B), which is a relatively specific marker of hair follicle stem cells in the bulge, in 35 cases of eight different benign neoplasms with presumed apocrine differentiation. All eight cases of AMT of the skin showed CK15 immunostaining of the neoplastic cells, and all four cases of syringocystadenoma papilliferum, all five cases of spiradenoma, and both cases of cylindroma also showed a focally positive reaction to CK15. None of the other benign neoplasms with presumed apocrine differentiation showed CK15 expression. In AMT of the skin, the proportion of CK15-positive cells in the follicular or sebaceous differentiation group (78.8%, average of four cases) was significantly higher than the group without this differentiation (8.8%, average of four cases). AMT of the skin are unique among benign neoplasms with apocrine differentiation in their substantial and constant CK15 expression, suggesting that they derive from multipotent epithelial stem cells in the bulge. AMT of the skin with follicular or sebaceous differentiation are considered to show an immature stage of apocrine differentiation still rich in stem cells or to originate from stem cells with an incompletely established apocrine fate. The partially positive reaction for CK15 in syringocystadenomas papilliferum and spiradenoma/cylindroma may depend on the ability to express CK15 in stem cells with an apocrine fate or result from the follicular and apocrine nature of this neoplasm.
Definition :Spiradenoma is a benign dermal neoplasm that can show either eccrine or apocrine differentiation, and significant morphologic overlap with cylindroma. Historical annotation Chandeluz, in 1882, probably first described this tumour . Unna first coined the term spiradenoma. In 1956 Kersting and Helwig published the classic paper on spiradenoma in 136 patients . Additional series of spiradenoma have since been published.
The histochemical and immunohistochemical studies have not clarified the histogenesis of spiradenoma. The frequent association of spiradenoma and cylindroma, a likely apocrine neoplasm,and the sporadic association of spiradenoma with neoplasms with follicular differentiation such as trichoepithelioma{2500}, support an apocrine line of differentiation for spiradenoma on the basis of the common embryologic origin for the three elements of the folliculo-sebaceous-apocrine unit. This is furthermore supported by some examples of spiradenoma that show decapitation secretion in the cells lining the luminal border of the tubular structures. Therefore, the qualifying term of “eccrine” that almost invariably is applied to spiradenoma is inaccurate.
对于 13 楼 TK1905哥们提到的
本人有不同观点,重看了图片发现良性腺体与恶性腺体之间貌似有过渡,交叉分部,提示两种腺体可能来源相同,因此首先考虑小汗腺来源的,如果按照上面哥们的看法提出的鉴别诊断的话,我觉得更加有必要做IKH-4了,因为这个不仅能够转移性癌,而且能够鉴别大小汗腺来源肿瘤!如果+那就还是小汗腺来源的了!- 的情况俺现在还不考虑,- 的话真就不好搞了,不过我坚持认为IKH-4做出来应该是阳性!
关于名称:小汗腺螺旋腺癌(Eccrine spiradenocarcinoma)有很多类似名称,恶性螺旋腺瘤(malignant spiradenoma)、螺旋腺瘤恶性转化(The malignant transformation of spiradenoma)、螺旋圆柱癌(spiradenocylindrocarcinoma)、起源于相关腺瘤的导管癌、癌在圆柱瘤和或螺旋腺瘤中等等。
We present a case of spiradenoma associated with an apocrine adenoma component. The transitions between the spiradenoma and apocrine adenoma components were gradual. It could be observed that the small dark cells seen at the peripheries of the cell nodules of the spiradenoma component were replaced by the peripheral flat myoepithelial cell layer in the apocrine component. Similarly, the large pale cells within the centers of the cell nodules of the spiradenoma component were replaced by the brightly eosinophilic secretory cells with decapitation secretion in the apocrine component of the tumor. The reported case proves that at least some spiradenomas are tumors with distinct apocrine instead of eccrine differentiation
The histogenesis of spiradenomas remains in question, but many lesions demonstrate apocrine differentiation. The term eccrine spiradenoma may join the list of other misnomers in dermatology
关于IHC有补充:螺旋腺瘤典型的特征就是有3种细胞,胞浆淡染的体积较大的导管上皮细胞(亮细胞)、导管上皮细胞外周的体积小的染色深的基底样细胞(暗细胞Dark cell),还有就是间质背景散在的小淋巴细胞,据研究都说是T细胞,表达CD3。组织结构低倍结节状、多结节状,高倍可见导管结构(亮细胞排列而成)、间质可因为发病时间长短、外伤等呈现出或硬化、或出血、或囊性变,以至于有时候镜下形态像血管球瘤、血管瘤、淋巴管瘤。螺旋腺瘤认识清楚了诊断螺旋腺癌也相对容易了,有良恶过渡区就很容易诊断,没有过渡区那就是疑难病例,幸好本例很典型,有明显良恶2种成分过渡