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楼主 发表于 2010-10-27 17:04|举报|关注(1)
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姓    名: ××× 性别:  女 年龄:  23
标本名称:  宫颈
简要病史:  妇科检查宫颈糜烂,活检
肉眼检查:  绿豆大碎组织



  • 宫颈活检,协助诊断(免疫组化公布)图1
  • 宫颈活检,协助诊断(免疫组化公布)图2
  • 宫颈活检,协助诊断(免疫组化公布)图3
  • 宫颈活检,协助诊断(免疫组化公布)图4
  • 宫颈活检,协助诊断(免疫组化公布)图5
  • 宫颈活检,协助诊断(免疫组化公布)图6
  • 宫颈活检,协助诊断(免疫组化公布)图7
  • 宫颈活检,协助诊断(免疫组化公布)图8
  • 宫颈活检,协助诊断(免疫组化公布)图9
  • 宫颈活检,协助诊断(免疫组化公布)图10
本帖最后由 于 2010-10-27 23:00:00 编辑

xclbljys 离线

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21 楼    发表于2010-10-30 21:11:00举报|引用
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22 楼    发表于2010-10-30 21:17:00举报|引用
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海上明月 离线

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23 楼    发表于2010-10-30 21:33:00举报|引用
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xclbljys 离线

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24 楼    发表于2010-10-30 21:51:00举报|引用
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P63在女性生殖道中的表达和诊断价值 (摘录)








1. 阴道的管状鳞状息肉  阴道的管状鳞状息肉是最近描述的一种息肉,组织学特征为少细胞的纤维间质中见有膨胀的鳞状上皮细胞巢,上皮巢内可见小管,后者表达前列腺标记物前列腺酸性磷酸酶(PSAP)和前列腺特异性抗原(PSA)。小管由内层的立方细胞和外层的扁平细胞组成,其中外层的扁平细胞与鳞状上皮表达p63。小管外层细胞也表达34βE12,而p63和34βE12阳性是前列腺基底细胞的特征,提示阴道管状鳞状息肉中的外层细胞类似于前列腺基底细胞。

2. p63在子宫颈病变中的诊断价值  宫颈微腺体增生是一种常见的形态学改变,诊断并不困难。P63在宫颈微腺体增生柱状上皮下的储备细胞中表达,早期仅有散在表达,后期弥漫表达于柱状上皮下储备细胞和化生的鳞状上皮。虽然p63免疫染色模式有助于区分宫颈微腺体增生与子宫内膜样腺癌表面的微腺体区,但诊断价值有限,因为一些子宫内膜样腺癌可局灶性p63表达,阳性部位主要位于化生灶中。P63在宫颈癌前病变中的研究较少,有研究发现p63在CIN1中主要局限于基底和基底旁细胞,而在CIN2和CIN3中p63阳性细胞扩展到中上层。原位腺癌p63常表达阴性。宫颈复层产黏液上皮内肿瘤中,p63散在阳性表达。宫颈异位的前列腺罕见,如阴道的管状鳞状息肉一样,宫颈异位前列腺组织外层细胞表达p63。



病理 离线

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25 楼    发表于2010-10-30 22:02:00举报|引用
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海上明月 离线

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26 楼    发表于2010-10-30 22:03:00举报|引用
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以下是引用xclbljys在2010-10-30 21:51:00的发言:




P63在女性生殖道中的表达和诊断价值 (摘录)








1. 阴道的管状鳞状息肉  阴道的管状鳞状息肉是最近描述的一种息肉,组织学特征为少细胞的纤维间质中见有膨胀的鳞状上皮细胞巢,上皮巢内可见小管,后者表达前列腺标记物前列腺酸性磷酸酶(PSAP)和前列腺特异性抗原(PSA)。小管由内层的立方细胞和外层的扁平细胞组成,其中外层的扁平细胞与鳞状上皮表达p63。小管外层细胞也表达34βE12,而p63和34βE12阳性是前列腺基底细胞的特征,提示阴道管状鳞状息肉中的外层细胞类似于前列腺基底细胞。

2. p63在子宫颈病变中的诊断价值  宫颈微腺体增生是一种常见的形态学改变,诊断并不困难。P63在宫颈微腺体增生柱状上皮下的储备细胞中表达,早期仅有散在表达,后期弥漫表达于柱状上皮下储备细胞和化生的鳞状上皮。虽然p63免疫染色模式有助于区分宫颈微腺体增生与子宫内膜样腺癌表面的微腺体区,但诊断价值有限,因为一些子宫内膜样腺癌可局灶性p63表达,阳性部位主要位于化生灶中。P63在宫颈癌前病变中的研究较少,有研究发现p63在CIN1中主要局限于基底和基底旁细胞,而在CIN2和CIN3中p63阳性细胞扩展到中上层。原位腺癌p63常表达阴性。宫颈复层产黏液上皮内肿瘤中,p63散在阳性表达。宫颈异位的前列腺罕见,如阴道的管状鳞状息肉一样,宫颈异位前列腺组织外层细胞表达p63。




海上明月 离线

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27 楼    发表于2010-10-30 22:05:00举报|引用
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xclbljys 离线

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28 楼    发表于2010-10-30 22:08:00举报|引用
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以下是引用海上明月在2010-10-30 22:05:00的发言:





cqzhao 离线

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29 楼    发表于2010-10-30 22:39:00举报|引用
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hpn0808 离线

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30 楼    发表于2010-10-30 23:09:00举报|引用
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xclbljys 离线

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31 楼    发表于2010-10-30 23:37:00举报|引用
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陈兢思,陈敦金 (广州医学院第三附属医院广州市妇产科研究所,广东广州510150) 黄冈市中心医院妇产科陈慧敏



     在过去的数十年中,宫颈锥切术广泛用于宫颈疾病的诊断与治疗,尤其是有效的治疗宫颈上皮内瘤变(cervicalintraepithe- lialneoplasia,CIN),为有效降低浸润性宫颈癌的发生率的重要手段之一。而宫颈锥切术中也有很多方法,其中包括有冷刀法、激光法和宫颈环形电切除术(loopelectrosurgicalexcisionpro- cedure,LEEP)等。随着宫颈锥切术的普及,其对妊娠及妊娠的结局的影响越来越受到广大患者及妇产科医生们的关注。

 1 对生育能力的影响  因宫颈疾病日趋年轻化,行宫颈锥切术后是否影响生育能力已成了人们关心的热点。目前,对此国内外学者都有不同的观点。有学者认为不应在有生育要求的妇女中行宫颈锥切术, 因为宫颈锥切术后会导致宫颈狭窄,从而阻碍了精子进入宫腔中,另宫颈锥切术破坏了宫颈的黏液腺,增加了感染的几率,这些都会增加不孕的几率。但近年有学者认为宫颈锥切术不会引起患者继发不孕。MaijaJakobsson等经对大量病例研究发现,在使用宫颈锥切术后,未明显增加使用体外授精(IVF)的几率,其研究结论是宫颈锥切术后无明显降低生育能力。国内学者贺豪杰等对111例因CIN行宫颈锥切术的患者进行随访,其中术后的妊娠率为74%,与术前的相比,无明显差异。我院对 192例不孕合并慢性宫颈病变患者进行LEEP锥切术后随访, 其中有42例在术后6月自然妊娠,妊娠率为21·88%,经对合并有宫颈病变患者行宫颈病变治疗后提高了妊娠几率,分析其原因主要是针对不孕原因———宫颈病变进行治疗,改善宫颈内环境,从而提高受孕率。

2 对妊娠结局的影响

2·1 对流产的影响 近期有研究小组对200例进行宫颈锥切术后妊娠的患者进行回顾性分析发现,有19例患者在孕中期发生自然流产,其发生率为9·5%。Jakobsson等对25000个使用宫颈锥形切除术治疗CIN的孕妇进行研究,发现小于孕28 周发生流产的相对风险度为1·74,95%的可信区间为1·30~ 2·32。可见宫颈锥切术能明显增加流产的几率,并认为与子宫颈切除范围有一定关系。



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32 楼    发表于2010-10-31 09:29:00举报|引用
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cherry-bai 离线

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33 楼    发表于2010-10-31 09:31:00举报|引用
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本帖最后由 于 2010-10-31 09:55:00 编辑  

Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia: Reproductive effects of treatment


INTRODUCTION — Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) is a precursor to cervical cancer that is managed with either surveillance (cervical cytology and colposcopy) or treatment. Treatments for CIN include ablative or excisional cervical procedures. These treatments are often performed in reproductive age women and may impact future fertility and pregnancy outcome. Awareness of reproductive risks associated with CIN treatment allows clinicians and patients to choose the optimal treatment method and to address subsequent reproductive issues.


EXCISION VERSUS ABLATION — There are two main categories of CIN treatment, excision and ablation. In excisional procedures, a segment of the cervix is removed and examined histologically. In ablative procedures, the tissue is destroyed, but remains in place; no histologic confirmation of the diagnosis is performed.


Each category of treatment includes several individual procedures:


Excision (also referred to as conization)

- Cold knife conization

- Loop electrosurgical excision procedure (LEEP); also called large loop excision of the transformation zone (LLETZ)

- Laser conization


- Cryotherapy

- Laser ablation

- Cold coagulation

- Diathermy

LEEP and cold knife conization are the most commonly used excisional methods; cryotherapy is the most commonly used ablative therapy. Laser conization and ablation are used less frequently, since they require expensive and bulky equipment. Diathermy and cold coagulation ablation are rarely used.


Excisional therapy is the gold standard for treatment of CIN. LEEP offers several advantages over other excisional methods (ie, cold knife or laser conization): (1) ability to be performed as an office procedure; (2) easy to perform; (3) fewer complications than other excisional methods. In contrast, the advantages of cold knife conization are that a deep incision can be performed and there is no thermal damage to the specimen (which may interfere with histologic evaluation). For these reasons, some surgeons use cone biopsy rather than other excisional methods for women who are at the highest risk of cervical cancer (eg, cervical cancer risk factors, large lesions, disease that recurs following treatment, glandular abnormalities) as well as in the rare cases in which women require conization during pregnancy. Ablative therapy is reserved for women who are at a lower risk of invasive cervical cancer. These include women with squamous disease that is low-grade or selected women with high-grade disease, particular in resource-poor health care settings.



MECHANISMS OF REPRODUCTIVE EFFECTS — Cervical surgery involves removal or destruction of tissue, which results in scarring. Theoretically, the integrity of the cervix is better preserved following ablation compared with excision. The mechanisms by which these changes affect reproductive function have not been thoroughly investigated. Available evidence and hypotheses regarding pathophysiology are presented in this section.


Tissue removal or destruction impacts both the cervical glands and stroma. Removal of cervical glands may adversely affect fertility by altering the cervical mucus that is necessary for normal sperm migration and viability. In addition, removal or destruction of a large portion of the collagen matrix that constitutes the cervical stroma may decrease tensile strength, thereby permitting the cervix to dilate prematurely during pregnancy.


Both removal of tissue and loss of cervical glands potentially increase the risk of ascending infection. A shorter cervix may predispose to migration of bacteria by increasing access from the vagina to the uterine cavity. Additionally, cervical mucus functions as a potential barrier to ascending infection. Some data suggest that women who have undergone CIN treatment are at an increased risk of microbial invasion of the amniotic fluid, which is a risk factor for preterm delivery and maternal and neonatal sepsis [2-4]. Some studies have found that conization is followed by alterations in the normal vaginal flora, specifically a decrease in the amount of lactobacilli [5]. There is no evidence that nonpregnant women with prior CIN treatment are at an increased risk of pelvic inflammatory disease.


Scarring presents as cervical stenosis or difficult cervical dilation during labor. Cervical scarring after treatment may also lead to a loss of cervical plasticity. This may render the membranes more vulnerable to shearing forces and potentially contribute to preterm premature rupture of membranes.


CERVICAL STENOSIS — Scarring from cervical surgery may result in cervical stenosis. Cervical stenosis has several potential adverse effects. A stenotic cervix impairs the clinician's ability to examine the transformation zone and endocervical canal and increases the difficulty of office procedures that typically would not require mechanical dilation (eg, endometrial biopsy). Stenosis partially or completely occludes access to the uterine cavity and may interfere with conception or impede menstrual flow; in severe cases, hematometra or pyometra can occur. In pregnant women with cervical stenosis, the cervix may fail to dilate normally during labor.


Cervical stenosis following excisional treatment for CIN has been reported in up to 8 percent of patients. Risk factors for cervical stenosis in women undergoing excisional treatment include the amount of tissue removed (eg, incision depth of ≥1 to 2 cm was associated with cervical stenosis) and postmenopausal status.



Cervical stenosis appears to be rare (1 percent or less) after cryotherapy or laser ablation. The risk of cervical stenosis following cervical ablation is increased in women with a history of in-utero exposure to diethylstilbestrol.


INFERTILITY — Treatment of CIN does not appear to impair fertility [6-9]. This was illustrated in a systematic review of four retrospective studies that found that women who had undergone cervical conization or ablation had no impairment in time to conception or total number of pregnancies [6]. Possible exceptions to this are women with severe cervical stenosis


In addition, a study based on a registry of over 800,000 deliveries (including 8295 deliveries in women with prior CIN treatment) found that the rate of pregnancies conceived through in vitro fertilization (IVF) was similar in women with and without prior CIN treatment (1.6 versus 1.5 percent) [7]. Drawing a conclusion from this study regarding the impact of CIN treatment on fertility is limited by the absence of data on non-IVF conceptions and by the lack of data on patients who underwent one or more cycles of IVF but did not ultimately have a delivery.


SECOND TRIMESTER PREGNANCY LOSS — Previous cervical conization is associated with an increased risk of second trimester pregnancy loss [10,11]. The best available data are from a population-based study which compared 15,108 births in women who had previously undergone cervical conization (cold knife, laser, or LEEP) with two other data sets: 2,164,006 births in women who had no CIN treatment and 57,136 births in women who underwent cervical conization after their index pregnancy [11]. The risk of delivery at <24 weeks of gestation was significantly higher in women with prior conization compared with either those who subsequently underwent conization or had no CIN treatment (1.5 versus 0.4 percent). A limitation of this study was that the results for each type of conization were not reported separately.


There are no data regarding second trimester pregnancy loss in women treated for CIN with ablative methods. The availability of these data are limited, since second trimester pregnancy losses are rare and birth registries do not usually collect information on second trimester miscarriages or preterm deliveries beyond 20 or 22 weeks, which further makes studies more difficult.


PRETERM PREMATURE RUPTURE OF MEMBRANES — The risk of preterm premature rupture of membranes (PPROM) is increased in women with a history of some, but not all CIN treatment procedures. This was demonstrated in a meta-analysis of 27 retrospective studies of women who had been treated for CIN [6]. The risk of PPROM was significantly increased in women who had previously undergone LEEP compared with those who had no CIN treatment (5 versus 2 percent). Laser conization and ablation were not associated with a significant increase in PPROM frequency. There were no data regarding cold knife conization or cryotherapy.


PRETERM DELIVERY AND PERINATAL MORTALITY — The risk of preterm delivery or perinatal mortality varies by type of cervical procedure and, for excisional procedures, and also possibly by the amount of tissue removed. Preterm delivery and perinatal mortality are related outcomes; most cases of perinatal mortality in this setting are secondary to complications of prematurity.


Risks of individual treatment methods — Cold knife conization is the primary method for CIN treatment that is associated with a subsequent risk of preterm delivery and perinatal mortality. The risk of preterm delivery following LEEP is controversial. Laser conization and cervical ablation are not associated with preterm labor or perinatal mortality.


The best available data regarding the effect of cervical ablation or excision for CIN on preterm delivery and perinatal mortality were provided by a systematic review of 20 mostly retrospective studies (one prospective cohort study was included) with over 12,000 deliveries [12]. The major findings were:


Cold knife conization increased the risk of perinatal mortality and preterm delivery:

- Perinatal mortality (4.3 versus 0.5 percent, RR 2.9, 95% CI 1.4-5.8)

- Preterm delivery at <32 to 34 weeks (4.6 versus 1.6 percent, RR 2.8, 95% CI 1.7-4.5)

- Preterm delivery at <28 to 30 weeks (4.2 versus 0.8 percent, RR 5.3, 95% CI 1.6-17.4)

LEEP did not increase the risk of perinatal mortality and preterm delivery:

- Perinatal mortality (0.6 versus 0.5 percent, RR 1.2 95% CI 0.7-1.9)

- Preterm delivery at <32 to 34 weeks (2.0 versus 1.4 percent, RR 1.2, 95% CI 0.5-2.9)

- Preterm delivery at <28 to 30 weeks (0.5 versus 0.8 percent, RR 0.4, 95% CI 0.2-0.8)

This meta-analysis was designed to study very serious outcomes: perinatal mortality and very preterm (28 to 32 weeks) and extremely (under 28 weeks) preterm births, not late preterm births (from >34 to <37 weeks). While late preterm infants are less likely than those delivered earlier to have long-term sequelae of prematurity, late preterm delivery is associated with increased morbidity and mortality compared with term infants.


In contrast, several subsequent studies have found an association between LEEP and preterm delivery [13-15]. The largest of these was a Danish population-based study that reported a significantly increased risk of spontaneous preterm delivery at all gestational ages in 8180 women who had undergone LEEP compared with other women: 21 to 27 weeks (0.6 versus 0.2 percent); 28 to 31 weeks (0.8 versus 0.3 percent); and 32 to 36 weeks (5.0 versus 2.9 percent) [13]. The inclusion of these data in a meta-analysis are needed to assess whether this would change the conclusion of the meta-analysis of 20 studies [12].


Laser conization was not associated with an increased risk of perinatal mortality or preterm delivery. However, LEEP has largely replaced laser conization and therefore there are few data regarding this method and further study is needed.

Ablative methods did not increase the risk of perinatal mortality and preterm delivery. For women who underwent cryotherapy, the rate of perinatal mortality was 0.2 percent and the rates of preterm delivery were 0.6 at <32 to 34 weeks and 2.2 percent at <28 to 30 weeks. Only a small number of studies investigated perinatal risks following laser ablation; further study of this method is needed.

A limitation of most studies in this meta-analysis is that women with CIN treatment were compared to healthy obstetric controls rather than to women with CIN who did not undergo treatment. Some, but not all, studies have reported that CIN, regardless of treatment, is associated with an increased risk of preterm birth [14,16-19]. This may be due to characteristics that are found commonly in women with CIN as well as those who have a preterm delivery (eg, smoking, bacterial vaginosis, low socioeconomic status) [20-22]. As an example, a Scottish national registry study found that women with CIN3 (n = 3113) were significantly more likely to have spontaneous preterm delivery (11 versus 6 percent) and PPROM (8 versus 6 percent) than other women [18]. Of note, among women with CIN, the risks of these outcomes were increased regardless of whether the CIN was treated or not.


Thus, use of a control group without CIN may result in an overestimate of the preterm birth rate in women treated for CIN. This assertion is supported by several studies that used women with CIN as a control group and have reported a lower relative risk of preterm delivery than the meta-analysis of 20 studies [11,16,23,24].


Modifying factors


Depth of excision — Greater depth of excision (cone depth of ≥10 mm up the cervical canal) appears to be an independent risk factor for preterm birth and PPROM in subsequent pregnancies, based on three observational studies of LEEP or laser conization [6,15,17]. As an example, a Danish population-based study evaluated over 8000 deliveries in women who had undergone LEEP conization. The risk for preterm birth increased by 6 percent for each additional excised millimeter beyond 12 mm.


Number of procedures — The risk of preterm deliveries may increase in women who undergo more than one cervical conization [19]. Some, but not all, observational studies have reported that the risk of preterm delivery in women who had two or more compared with one conization procedures increased two- to fivefold (5 versus 24 percent in one study [15]) [17,19,25].


There are no data regarding the effect of repeat ablation procedures on obstetric outcomes.


Short interval from treatment to pregnancy — The effect on preterm delivery of a short interval between the excisional procedure and delivery is controversial. The working hypothesis is that the risk of preterm birth may be increased if the cervical epithelium has not had adequate time to heal (short procedure-to-conception period). In a population-based retrospective cohort study of over 8000 women who had undergone LEEP, those who delivered within <1 year compared with ≥1 year post-LEEP had no significant difference in the rate of preterm delivery (6.6 versus 5.9 to 7.1 percent) [17]. In contrast, a nested case-control study reported that women who had a preterm delivery had a shorter conization (either cold knife or LEEP) to conception interval than women who delivered at term (2.5 versus 10.5 months) [26]. In contrast, short interval between cervical treatment and delivery did not increase the risk for preterm birth in all studies [17,27]. The measure used in the second study, treatment to conception interval, is preferable to treatment to delivery interval. This is because treatment to delivery interval may be altered by differences in pregnancy duration (ie, preterm pregnancies are shorter than term pregnancies).


Multiple gestation — Some data suggest that a history of LEEP may further increase the risk of preterm delivery in women with multiple gestation. As an example, a retrospective study of over 9000 women with multiple gestation, 166 of whom had undergone a LEEP, reported a higher rate of preterm delivery in the women with a history of LEEP (43 versus 33 percent) [28]. Further study of this issue is needed.


Summary — The main priorities for women with CIN are to diagnose or prevent cervical cancer. As noted above, the gold standard for CIN treatment is excisional treatment, but less invasive methods appear to result in fewer reproductive risks.


Ablative methods (cryotherapy, laser ablation) are not associated with increased risks of perinatal mortality or preterm delivery, although there are few data regarding laser ablation. For women who are planning future pregnancy and are candidates for all methods of CIN treatment, we suggest ablation in selected cases. Ablative methods can be used for women with squamous disease that is low-grade or selected women with small high-grade lesions.


Women who are at a higher risk of invasive cervical cancer should be treated with excisional therapy. LEEP does not appear to increase the risk of perinatal mortality or of preterm delivery at ≤34 weeks. The effect of LEEP on preterm delivery requires further study. Data conflict regarding the association between LEEP and delivery at ≤34 weeks; the highest quality data, a meta-analysis of 20 observational studies, found no increased risk. On the other hand, it appears that there is an increased risk of late preterm delivery in women who have undergone LEEP. The depth of excision appears to influence the risk of preterm delivery.


Available evidence shows no effect of laser conization on these perinatal outcomes. In contrast, cold knife conization is associated with a threefold or higher increased risk of perinatal mortality and preterm delivery.


Given this difference between cold knife conization compared with other excisional treatments, we recommend not using this method in women who are planning pregnancy, whenever possible. Decisions regarding the need for cold knife conization are made by most surgeons for each patient based upon characteristics of the patient (cervical cancer risk factors including results of HPV serotype testing) or lesion (grade, size, histology, recurrence).


Women who desire future childbearing and in whom cold knife conization is planned should be counseled about subsequent reproductive risks. Shared decision-making between the clinician and such patients is necessary regarding the trade-off between the risk of cervical cancer and potential reproductive risks.


PERFORMANCE OF PROCEDURES DURING PREGNANCY — Cervical ablation or excision performed during pregnancy is associated with an increased risk of adverse pregnancy outcome, including heavy vaginal bleeding and spontaneous abortion. As such, every effort should be made to avoid such procedures during pregnancy, although they may be needed in select cases to exclude invasive disease. In these cases, conization in the operating room, with removal of a shallow cone to rule out invasive disease, is usually advised.


OBSTETRIC MANAGEMENT IN SUBSEQUENT PREGNANCIES — At a preconceptional or first obstetric visit, women should be asked regarding prior treatment for CIN. Women with this history should be counseled about the risks of preterm delivery and associated complications (eg, preterm premature rupture of membranes, perinatal mortality).


Prospective series have found that a short cervix on second trimester transvaginal ultrasound examination was predictive of an increased risk of preterm birth in women who have had previous conization, similar to other women [29,30]. Given the risk of preterm delivery following cold knife conization, we recommend surveillance with serial transvaginal sonographic cervical length measurement. Ultrasound examinations are typically performed every other week from 16 to 32 weeks. Cervicovaginal fetal fibronectin (fFN) testing can be added as clinically indicated after 22 weeks gestation to further refine the risk for preterm birth.


The role of prophylactic cerclage in women who have undergone cold knife conization has not been well studied. In one retrospective study of 108 women with prior conization, the rate of preterm delivery was similar in those with and without a prophylactic cerclage (23 versus 21 percent) [31]. In general, the effectiveness of prophylactic cerclage is controversial and its use is associated with perinatal risks. We suggest not performing prophylactic cerclage in women based solely on a history of cold knife conization.


For women who have had a LEEP, the risk of preterm delivery, if any, is after 34 weeks. This is beyond the usual period of cervical length surveillance (up to 32 weeks). Thus, we suggest not performing routine cervical length surveillance in women who have undergone LEEP. Surveillance may be reasonable in women who have had a very deep LEEP conization (>1 to 2 cm) or two or more LEEP procedures.


There are no data on the use of progesterone supplementation to prevent preterm birth in women at high risk by virtue of a prior cone biopsy alone.





Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) is a precursor to cervical cancer that is managed with either surveillance or cervical treatment procedures. CIN is treated with either cervical excision (ie, conization) or ablation. (See 'Excision versus ablation' above.)

Cervical stenosis occurs more frequently following excisional than ablative procedures. (See 'Cervical stenosis' above.)

Treatment of CIN does not appear to impair fertility in most women. (See 'Infertility' above.)

Excisional procedures are associated with an increased risk of second trimester pregnancy loss. (See 'Second trimester pregnancy loss' above.)

The risk of preterm premature rupture of membranes is increased for women following some (eg, LEEP), but not all, CIN treatment procedures (laser conization or laser ablation). There are no data regarding cold knife conization and the risk of membrane rupture. (See 'Preterm premature rupture of membranes' above.)

Cold knife conization increases the risk of extremely preterm and very preterm delivery as well as perinatal mortality. It appears that LEEP is not associated these extremely severe obstetric outcomes, but this issue requires further study. LEEP probably increases the risk for late preterm birth (from 34 to <37 weeks of gestation). Other CIN treatment methods do not increase the risk of perinatal mortality or extremely preterm and very preterm delivery. (See 'Risks of individual treatment methods' above.)

Women who are planning future pregnancy and have indications for CIN treatment should be treated with the method that best diagnoses or prevent cervical cancer and also incurs the lowest risk of reproductive effects.

- For women who are planning future pregnancy and are candidates for all methods of treatment, we suggest ablation rather than excision (Grade 2B). This includes women with squamous disease that is either low-grade or selected women with small high-grade lesions.

- For women who are planning future pregnancy, who require excision and are candidates for all excisional methods, we recommend not using cold knife conization (Grade 1B). Decisions regarding the need for cold knife conization are generally made individually based upon characteristics of the patient (cervical cancer risk factors) and lesion (grade, size, histology, recurrence).

(See 'Summary' above.)


Pregnant women who have a history of CIN treatment should be counseled about the risks of preterm delivery and options for obstetric management.

- For pregnant women who have had a cold knife conization, we recommend serial sonographic cervical length measurements.

- We suggest not performing prophylactic cervical cerclage in pregnant women based solely upon a history of cold knife conization (Grade 2C).

- For women who have undergone LEEP, we suggest not performing serial sonographic cervical length measurements. Cervical length surveillance may be reasonable in women who have had very deep LEEP excisions (>1 to 2 cm) or two or more LEEP procedures.

注::A Grade 1B recommendation is a strong recommendation, and applies to most patients. Clinicians should follow a strong recommendation unless a clear and compelling rationale for an alternative approach is present.

   A Grade 2B recommendation is a weak recommendation; alternative approaches may be better for some patients under some circumstances.

A Grade 2C recommendation is a very weak recommendation; other alternatives may be equally reasonable.


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34 楼    发表于2010-10-31 11:07:00举报|引用
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宁静致远 离线

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35 楼    发表于2010-10-31 16:13:00举报|引用
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最少报CIN2+,或CIN2-3,临床应该怎样处理与患者再沟通,同意abin的意见 CIN病变有标准的临床处理指南。临床会按规范处理的。

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36 楼    发表于2010-10-31 19:29:00举报|引用
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本帖最后由 于 2010-10-31 19:34:00 编辑



近年来随着业务量的增长,宫颈病变的病例数也多了,总给人感觉年轻化的趋势,所以,觉得23岁患者得CIN 也是可能的。




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37 楼    发表于2010-10-31 20:01:00举报|引用
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 Thank  cherry-bai  for recommending the article.  It is great you can list the names of authours and also the published journal.

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38 楼    发表于2010-10-31 20:02:00举报|引用
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Obstet Gynecol. 2010 Mar;115(3):605-8.

Loop electrosurgical excision procedure and risk of preterm birth.

Werner CL, Lo JY, Heffernan T, Griffith WF, McIntire DD, Leveno KJ.

University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Dallas, Texas 75390-9032, USA. claudia.werner@utsouthwestern.edu


OBJECTIVE: To examine whether preterm birth is related to the loop electrosurgical excision procedure (LEEP) itself or intrinsic to the women undergoing the procedure.

METHODS: Rates of preterm birth, defined as births before 37 weeks of gestation, as well as causes were analyzed in women undergoing LEEP before or after an index pregnancy. These rates were compared with the general obstetric population.

RESULTS: A total of 241,701 women were delivered of singletons at Parkland Hospital between January 1992 and May 2008; of these women, 511 previously had undergone LEEP and another 842 underwent LEEP after the index pregnancy. When compared with the general obstetric population, no increased risk of preterm birth was observed for either group. This was true regardless of the reason for preterm birth. Likewise, there was no increased risk of delivery before 34 weeks or between 34 and 36 weeks of gestation.

CONCLUSION: No association was observed between LEEP and preterm birth in women undergoing the procedure before or after an index pregnancy.


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39 楼    发表于2010-10-31 20:04:00举报|引用
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BJOG. 2010 Feb;117(3):268-73. Epub 2009 Nov 26.

Pregnancy outcome after cervical conisation: a retrospective cohort study in the Leuven University Hospital.

van de Vijver A, Poppe W, Verguts J, Arbyn M.

Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Hospital Sint-Lucas, Brugge, Belgium.

Comment in:


OBJECTIVE: To assess pregnancy outcome after conisation.

DESIGN: Retrospective cohort study.

SETTING: Belgium, data from a university hospital.

POPULATION: Fifty-five pregnancies in 34 women after conisation, and 55 pregnancies in 54 women without a history of conisation or cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN).

METHODS: Hospital data were reviewed and questionnaires were collected from 599 women who had a conisation in a 5-year period, among whom subsequent pregnancies were identified. The control group consisted of matched pregnancies of women without a history of conisation.

MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Gestational age at delivery, neonatal biometry, neonatal condition at birth.

RESULTS: Numbers of sexual partners (4.6 +/- 3.4 SD versus 2.5 +/- 2.5 SD) and ex-smokers were significantly higher in the study group compared with the control group. Gestational age at delivery (266 +/- 2 days versus 274 +/- 9 days), neonatal head circumference (33.9 +/- 2.5 cm, versus 34.6 +/- 2.5 cm) and birthweight (3088 +/- 754 g versus 3381 +/- 430 g) were significantly lower in the study group compared with the control group. Numbers of preterm [<37 weeks; 14/55 (25%) versus 2/55 (4%); P = 0.002] and severe preterm (<34 weeks; 6/55 (11%) versus 0/55 (0%); P = 0.031] deliveries in the study group were significantly higher. There were no cases of perinatal mortality.

CONCLUSIONS: Conisation affects obstetrical outcome after conisation for CIN. Babies tend to be born earlier and are smaller. It is not clear whether this is related to the procedure or to factors linked with CIN.


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40 楼    发表于2010-10-31 20:06:00举报|引用
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Obstet Gynecol. 2009 Dec;114(6):1232-8.

Depth of cervical cone removed by loop electrosurgical excision procedure and subsequent risk of spontaneous preterm delivery.

Noehr B, Jensen A, Frederiksen K, Tabor A, Kjaer SK.

Institute of Cancer Epidemiology, Danish Cancer Society, Copenhagen, Denmark.


OBJECTIVE: To investigate the association between cone depth of the loop electrosurgical excision procedure (LEEP) of the cervix and subsequent risk of spontaneous preterm delivery.

METHODS: The study included all deliveries in Denmark over a 9-year period, 1997-2005, with information obtained from various public health registries. Of the 552,678 singleton deliveries included in the study, 19,049 were preterm and 8,180 were subsequent to LEEP. Of the 8,180 deliveries with prior LEEP, 273 were subsequent to two or more LEEPs. Of the deliveries subsequent to only one LEEP, we extracted information about cone depth on 3,605 deliveries, of which 223 were preterm (6.2%). Logistic regression analyses were used to evaluate association between cone characteristics and the subsequent risk of preterm delivery, with simultaneous adjustment for potential confounders.

RESULTS: Increasing cone depth was associated with a significant increase in the risk of preterm delivery, with an estimated 6% increase in risk per each additional millimeter of tissue excised (odds ratio 1.06, 95% confidence interval 1.03-1.09). Severity of the cone histology and time since LEEP were not associated with the risk of preterm delivery. Having had two or more LEEPs increased the risk almost fourfold for subsequent preterm delivery when compared with no LEEP before delivery, and almost doubled the risk when compared with one LEEP before delivery.

CONCLUSION: Increasing cone depth of LEEP is directly associated with an increasing risk of preterm delivery, even after adjustment for several confounding factors.


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