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以下是引用xljin8在2010-7-22 7:03:00的发言:
最近邀请赵澄泉教授来上海讲学。在交流一例子宫颈活检“转移性印戒细胞癌”时,赵教授提到诊断为宫颈“印戒样细胞病变”的名称,给我很大启发。当病理医生对临床情况不明确和临床送检组织不能判断病变良恶性时,除了与临床联系外,诊断为“病变 Lesion”是非常好的选择。 Lesion 的含义广,包括瘤样病变和肿瘤。 当肿瘤生物学行为不能确定时用肿瘤,如平滑肌肿瘤, 它包括平滑肌瘤和平滑肌肉瘤。 因此,这例诊断为“子宫内膜间质增生性病变。受送检标本限制,无法观察病变有否浸润,不能判断病变是“内膜间质结节”还是“低度恶性内膜间质肉瘤”也是一种病理诊断的选择。 供参考。 |
redsnow007 离线
Just noticed the interesting discussion. As pahtologists, we should know the limitation of pathologic dx for many reasons. Of cause surgeons always hope we can give a definite dx, but often we cannot. This is why we use the terms papillary lesion, fibroepithelial lesion for some cases we are not sure the dx in the breast biopsy, and very often use the term of atypical cells present in cytology, ascus in pap et al.
It is good if we always know and give the definite dx. We can be hero for most cases. But we will be wrong or make huge mistake sometimes.
cnlzh20060 离线