以下是引用njlihua在2010-6-28 17:31:00的发言:
整个片子中固有层内炎症细胞浸润明显,包括淋巴细胞,浆细胞和中性粒细胞,腺体间距增宽,可见类似肠道的隐窝脓肿,表面上皮明显增生,粘液分泌旺盛,我个人认为那种细胞不一定是杯状细胞,就像在Barrett食管时,分泌粘液的细胞有时形态类似杯状细胞,应该做AB PH2.5的染色。
It is not a straightforward case.
I still would like to ask where were the biopsies taken from? I would not have recognized this as stomach if you had not told me it was. If it was from the stomach, 先天性粘膜异位+炎症性病变 as suggested by 第 18 楼 + 第 20 楼.
It looks like an inflammatory lesion with plasma cells, lymphocytes, histiocytes, neutrophils and eosinophils. I don't think it is neoplastic although there are intraepithelial inflammatory cells, they do not appear to be particularly destructive. I favor an autoimmune or allergic process than an infectious process, among others. I had trouble reading many of the slides off the terminal. Is the structure being highlighted on the fourth row on the right a multinucleated giant cell or are those multiple individual cells? What were the endoscopic findings? I suspect it was diffuse erythema and hemorrhage with no mass lesions. Any lower GI symptoms?
I like the suggestions made by 第 19 楼: "非常需要了解临床具体情况:如有无感染、过敏、用药、胆汁返流、炎性肠病等情况."
It looked like the PAS stain did not highlight microorganisms. If it is neoplastic (again unlikely) a T-cell process would be at the top of my list.
以下是引用njlihua在2010-6-28 17:31:00的发言:
整个片子中固有层内炎症细胞浸润明显,包括淋巴细胞,浆细胞和中性粒细胞,腺体间距增宽,可见类似肠道的隐窝脓肿,表面上皮明显增生,粘液分泌旺盛,我个人认为那种细胞不一定是杯状细胞,就像在Barrett食管时,分泌粘液的细胞有时形态类似杯状细胞,应该做AB PH2.5的染色。
It is not a straightforward case.
I still would like to ask where were the biopsies taken from? I would not have recognized this as stomach if you had not told me it was. If it was from the stomach, 先天性粘膜异位+炎症性病变 as suggested by 第 18 楼 + 第 20 楼.
It looks like an inflammatory lesion with plasma cells, lymphocytes, histiocytes, neutrophils and eosinophils. I don't think it is neoplastic although there are intraepithelial inflammatory cells, they do not appear to be particularly destructive. I favor an autoimmune or allergic process than an infectious process, among others. I had trouble reading many of the slides off the terminal. Is the structure being highlighted on the fourth row on the right a multinucleated giant cell or are those multiple individual cells? What were the endoscopic findings? I suspect it was diffuse erythema and hemorrhage with no mass lesions. Any lower GI symptoms?
I like the suggestions made by 第 19 楼: "非常需要了解临床具体情况:如有无感染、过敏、用药、胆汁返流、炎性肠病等情况."
It looked like the PAS stain did not highlight microorganisms. If it is neoplastic (again unlikely) a T-cell process would be at the top of my list.