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以下是引用cqzhao在2009-10-18 9:57:00的发言:
Thank 青青子矜. You did a lot of work for this case. You can read this topic if you are interested to the stage and treatment for different cancer http://www.ipathology.cn/forum/forum_display.asp?keyno=191129 |
以下是引用轻羽飞扬在2009-9-27 11:17:00的发言: 赵老师有时间的话能否介绍一下你们细胞块的制作过程。谢谢! |
Remember the home work. Today I asked people in Cyto lab to get a protocal.
We use ThinPrep Pap. It is 20 cc fluid. 4-6 cc for a Pap depending on the cell concentrition). If the patient did not do the HC2 hpv test, 4 cc fluid will be take in case use for hpv test. Then
1 pour all specimen into 50 ml centrifuge tube and centrifuge for 5 m.
2. pure supernatant into original container.
3. add 5 cc of saline solution to pellet and swirl gently to mix specimen (but do not vortex)
4. centrifuge for 5 min
5. pour or pipette off saline
6. add 3-4 drops of room temperature pooled plasma and mix by gently swirling the tube
sorry, I need to leave here now
7. add 3-4 drops of thrombin and mix gently, swirling the tube.
8. allow to stand 1-2 min. If a clot does not form, use a few additional drops of plasma.
9.pull clot onto lens paper premoistened with saline solution and work ito an even ball of materials.
10. fold paper over clot carefully.
11. place clot in cassette and place in formalin container.
12. than treat it like biopsy specimen.
I think it will be similar for this procedure among all cytology lab. Do not ask me the detailed question. I never did it in person. Above is our protocal.
Hope it can help. cz
Remember the home work. Today I asked people in Cyto lab to get a protocal.(一直记得这个问题,今天我从细胞实验室得到的操着步骤)
We use ThinPrep Pap. It is 20 cc fluid. 4-6 cc for a Pap depending on the cell concentrition). If the patient did not do the HC2 hpv test, 4 cc fluid will be take in case use for hpv test. Then(我们用ThinPrep Pap,一共20ML标本,4-6ML做细胞,如果病人没有做HC2检测,要留下4ML做HPV检测,然后:)
1 pour all specimen into 50 ml centrifuge tube and centrifuge for 5 m.(把标本倒入50ML离心管,离心5分钟)
2. pure supernatant into original container.(把上清液倒回原来TCT保存瓶)
3. add 5 cc of saline solution to pellet and swirl gently to mix specimen (but do not vortex)(加5Ml生理盐水,轻轻振动混匀<也可不振动>)
4. centrifuge for 5 min(离心5分钟)
5. pour or pipette off saline(倒掉或吸出生理盐水)
6. add 3-4 drops of room temperature pooled plasma and mix by gently swirling the tube(加3-4滴室温下的血浆并轻轻震荡混匀)
7.add 3-4 drops of thrombin and mix gently, swirling the tube.(加3-4滴凝血酶并轻轻振荡混匀)
8.allow to stand 1-2 min. If a clot does not form, use a few additional drops of plasma.(静置1-2分钟,如果没有凝成块,多滴加一些血浆)
9.pull clot onto lens paper pre moistened with saline solution and work it to an even ball of materials.(用蘸有生理盐水的擦镜纸拉动血凝块使其成球形)
10. fold paper over clot carefully.(用纸小心包好)
11. place clot in cassette and place in formalin container. (放入包埋盒和福尔马林固定)
12. then treat it like biopsy specimen. (剩下的步骤同活检标本)
I think it will be similar for this procedure among all cytology lab. Do not ask me the detailed
question. I never did it in person. Above is our protocal. (我认为所有的细胞实验室的操着都大同小异,请不要问我技术方面详细的问题,我从来没有做过,以上是我们实验室的步骤)
Hope it can help(希望有帮助). cz
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