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以下是引用天山望月在2008-12-14 13:45:00的发言:
中年,颈部肿块,要可虑原发或转移,不知在颈部何处(正中、侧部)?此例考虑标记: 1、神经内分泌源性:Syn , CgA, S-100 2、肺上皮源性:CK-Pan, CK7, CK8 /18, TTF1, CK20, CK5/6 3、甲状腺的:TTF1, TG, TM 4、涎腺多形性腺瘤:GFAP, PA 5、淋巴造血系统:LCA 6、还要考虑鼻咽部和胃肠道转移。 呵呵 不知当否,请专家点评 |
Above analysis is excellent. We have to think about differential dx first, then decide if IHC study is needed. What IHC will we order if needed. This is way for FNA cytology. We cannot give one dx after we see few photos. Althogh your guess may be right, it is not true interpretation.