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Cytomorphology of Papillary Serous Adenocarcinoma
n Differential diagnosis:
1. Endometrioid carcinoma: difficult in Pap test
2. Reactive benign endocervical cells: this is the money for pathologists
3 Reactive mesothelial cells (in pelvic washing)
n clusters, flat sheets or single cells
n Cytoplasm is dense & distinct
n Multinucleation
n Nuclei chromatin vary from bland to hyperchromatic
n Nucleoli-small to prominent
Cytomorphology of Papillary Serous Adenocarcinoma (Pap)
n Malignant cells are isolated or arranged in clusters.
n Nuclei are enlarged and demonstrate variation in size.
n There is nuclear hyperchromasia with coarsely textured chromatin and prominent nucleoli.
n Cytoplasm may be scant but is often abundantly vacuolated.
n Psammoma bodies may be present.
Disease Fact Sheet about uterine serous carcinoma
1. Aggressive high grade endometrial adenocarcinoma first described in 1982.
Associated with p53 mutations.
Associated with endometrial polyps and commonly polypoid.
Not associated with increased estrogen & endometrial hyperplasia.5. 2/3 have malignant pap smears since buds and tufts break off.
25% have primary endocervical involvement.
Drop metastases to the vagina is common.
Transtubal spread common, creating ovarian implants and omental tumor nodules.Cytomorphology of the case
1. Clusters of large malignant cells with scant cytoplasm, marked variation in nuclei size, nuclear hyperchromasia with coarse chromatin, irregular nuclear membranes and prominent nucleoli.
以下是引用月新在2008-12-24 11:14:00的发言: 查见这样一个宫颈异形上皮细胞团,引起这么长时间的讨论,自己每发一次帖,受赵老师点评一次,感觉自己进步一次,收获很大,多年养成的小的毛病全都暴露无遗,我每次发贴都有许多暇疵,虽然干病理工作多年,工作不慎密,思维不活跃,报告不规范。这些都需要纠正。再次感谢赵老师。 |
Thank you for your good words.
You must learn Chairman Mao's words very well. You are a person with self-criticism. Kiding.
Everyone makes some mistakes, even the world-famous professors.
In the US many people always feel they are the best in the world. In fact they should learn from Chinese.
Uterine serous and clear cell carcinoma are type 2 tumor.子宫浆液性了透明细胞性癌都是II型癌。 Both are high grade carcinoma. 两个都是高级别肿瘤。So we do not need to mention high grade serous or clear cell carcinoma. 因此我们不需要分级(即:浆液性癌或透明细胞癌都是高级别癌)。Of cause we will not say well or moderately differentiated serous or clear cellcarcinoma. 当然就不能说高分化或中分化浆液或透明细胞癌。Thank you two for working on this case.谢谢二位。
Both of your reports are very good.
Only this term 子宫内膜中分化浆液性乳头状腺癌:
Uterine serous and clear cell carcinoma are type 2 tumor. Both are high grade carcinoma. So we do not need to mention high grade serous or clear cell carcinoma. Of cause we will not say well or moderately differentiated serous or clear cell carcinoma.
Thank you two for working on this case.
大体观察:(根据取材情况描述)子宫的大小,表面情况,宫腔深,宫内膜厚度及肿块的大小4x3x 病理诊断: 1、子宫浆液性乳头状腺癌(Ⅲa期G3),癌浸润子宫肌的75%.宫颈未见癌生长, 2、 右卵巢查见转移性肿瘤,大小为 3、 大网膜查见一个转移性腺癌结节, 4、 (盆腔冲洗液细胞涂片)查见腺癌细胞团, 5、 左卵巢及双侧卵管,子宫颈未见肿瘤生长, 6、 送检标本中淋巴结未见癌转移(0/?)。 IHC: P53等 |
Key for fig
f1-2: uterus: tumor size 4x3x1.2 cm, myometrial invasion 75%.
f3: R overy with focal tumor mass 4 mm, in the cortex, close to the ovary surface
f4: omentum
f5: pelvic washing.
Lymph node is negative for malignant. No tumor is noted in the endocervix. Fallopian tubes and other ovary are normal.
How would you sign out this case with pathologic staging. I hope to see a full report. I know a lot of people here are young pathologists. You can ask your senior or professors if you are not sure. Pathologists in the US need 5 or six years of resident or fellow training (after 4 years of coolege and 4 years of medical school)and pass the difficult pathology board examination before they can have the right to sign out the cases. So it is ok to have some difficulties in pathology service if you are young and just complete medical school or jsut work few years.
Not epthelial cells. May be结晶 or other artifacts. Anyway it is not important.
It s a serous carcinoma with strong and diffuse positivity for P53. Ki67 is no use because all high grade ca can be strongly and diffusely pos. Serous ca with prominent glandular formation and without papillary features can be confused with endometrioid ca. Predominantly the nuclear features can help for the distinction. Glands in em-ca have a smooth luminal border and are lined by columinar cells with nucelar grade 1-2. EM-ca with grade 3 nuclei almost always show solid growth pattern with few glandular formation. In fact in this case you can appreciate some papillary structures even in the photo 2 of ECC specimen.
Key for fig本例主要的病理图如下:
f1-2: uterus: tumor size 4x3x1.2 cm, myometrial invasion 75%. 图1-2子宫肿瘤,肿瘤大小4x3x1.2 cm, 浸及子宫肌的75%,
f3: R overy with focal tumor mass 4 mm, in the cortex, close to the ovary surface 图3:右卵巢和局部的肿瘤4 mm,肿瘤位于卵巢皮质,近靠卵巢表面。
f4: omentum图4为大网膜。
f5: pelvic washing.图5为盆腔冲洗液细胞涂片。
Lymph node is negative for malignant. No tumor is noted in the endocervix. Fallopian tubes and other ovary are normal. 淋巴结未见肿瘤转移,宫颈没有累及,输卵管和左侧卵巢未见肿瘤累及。
How would you sign out this case with pathologic staging.现在请大家当成自家的病例来签发病理报告,要有病理分级。 I hope to see a full report.我想看到一份完整的病理报告, I know a lot of people here are young pathologists.我知道大家多为年青的病理学家, You can ask your senior or professors if you are not sure.如果你没有信心,担心自己的病理报告不太正规不很完整的话,你也可以问你的上级医生或问教授。 Pathologists in the US need 5 or six years of resident or fellow training (after 4 years of coolege and 4 years of medical school)and pass the difficult pathology board examination before they can have the right to sign out the cases.在美国一个人如果想自己独立签发病理报告,需要先四年工科,然后四年医学,然后再5-6年专科职业培训,最后更是要通过非常艰难的病理职业医师考试,才能有权签发病理报告。 So it is ok to have some difficulties in pathology service 在美国想当病理医师发病理报告是相当困难的一件事情。if you are young and just complete medical school or jsut work few years.不知你们是否还非常年青,或者已经完成学业,甚至已经工作多年?