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xinzhu1492 离线
lutinized celluar fibrothecoma. Cellular thecoma with stromal lutinization. If you see crystals of Reike, you may consider to call stromal-leydig cell tumor.
xinzhu1492 离线
The lutinized cells can be stronly positive for calretinin, inhibin. Synap stain is not specific and can be positive in many tumors
黄素化细胞calretinin, inhibin表达强阳性,Synap为非特异性表达,许多肿瘤可呈阳性表达。
感谢Dr. Liu分享这个好病例和图片。
Interesting case!Luteinized thecomas and stromal Leydig cell tumors are indistinguishable except for the presence of crystalloids of Reinke in the latter. In view of the prolonged search that is necessary to find these structures in some stromal Leydig cell tumors and their well-known absence in the majority of testicular Leydig cell tumors, it is reasonable to assume that an unknown proportion of tumors in the luteinized thecoma category are unrecognized stromal Leydig cell tumors.
xinzhu1492 离线
Interesting case!Luteinized thecomas and stromal Leydig cell tumors are indistinguishable except for the presence of crystalloids of Reinke in the latter. In view of the prolonged search that is necessary to find these structures in some stromal Leydig cell tumors and their well-known absence in the majority of testicular Leydig cell tumors, it is reasonable to assume that an unknown proportion of tumors in the luteinized thecoma category are unrecognized stromal Leydig cell tumors.