读片会讨论意见: 1:encapsulated papillary carcinoma with area of IDC 2:导管内不典型乳头状瘤癌变并局灶浸润 3:导管内原位癌伴有浸润 4:(右乳)复杂硬化性增生,局部不典型增生 5:非典型导管内乳头状瘤,加染p63鉴别有无合并浸润癌 6:导管乳头状瘤,恶变 7:Papilloma with florid epithelial hyperplasia and pseudoinvasion 8:导管内乳头状瘤,上皮呈旺炽性增生 9:非典型导管内乳头状肿瘤 伴局部小管癌结构 10:导管内乳头状瘤伴假性浸润 11:非典型性导管内乳头状瘤合并微小浸润性乳头状癌 12:不典型乳头状瘤,灶区为低级别导管原位癌,建议进一步做免疫组化确定有无浸润。 13:IDC arising from 1) atypical papilloma vs 2) DCIS involving papilloma. Patient will be treated for IDC, so differentiation 1 from 2 is just academic interest, it will not change the management. CK903 can be performed to differentiate 1 and 2. 14:导管内乳头状肿瘤,UDH、假浸润 出片单位意见:导管内乳头状瘤伴浸润性导管癌形成 免疫组化:SMA和P63染色示局灶区域肌上皮细胞缺失,增生上皮细胞HCK(+), CK5/6部分(-),Ki67约8%
读片会讨论意见: 1:encapsulated papillary carcinoma with area of IDC 2:导管内不典型乳头状瘤癌变并局灶浸润 3:导管内原位癌伴有浸润 4:(右乳)复杂硬化性增生,局部不典型增生 5:非典型导管内乳头状瘤,加染p63鉴别有无合并浸润癌 6:导管乳头状瘤,恶变 7:Papilloma with florid epithelial hyperplasia and pseudoinvasion 8:导管内乳头状瘤,上皮呈旺炽性增生 9:非典型导管内乳头状肿瘤 伴局部小管癌结构 10:导管内乳头状瘤伴假性浸润 11:非典型性导管内乳头状瘤合并微小浸润性乳头状癌 12:不典型乳头状瘤,灶区为低级别导管原位癌,建议进一步做免疫组化确定有无浸润。 13:IDC arising from 1) atypical papilloma vs 2) DCIS involving papilloma. Patient will be treated for IDC, so differentiation 1 from 2 is just academic interest, it will not change the management. CK903 can be performed to differentiate 1 and 2. 14:导管内乳头状肿瘤,UDH、假浸润 出片单位意见:导管内乳头状瘤伴浸润性导管癌形成 免疫组化:SMA和P63染色示局灶区域肌上皮细胞缺失,增生上皮细胞HCK(+), CK5/6部分(-),Ki67约8%