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Bone Marrow (Drexel University College of Medicine)
Procedure and Gross Description:
Specimen (Bone marrow biopsy)
is received in 10% buffered formalin (minimal fixation time: one hour ) with __ (number) of unstained slides. Describe grossly number, appearance (color,
consistency, uniformity), shape, and size (length and diameter). Put biopsy in
a cassette, which is labeled with surgical accession number, patient’s
initials, and cassette number. Put the cassette in a plastic container; add
50-100 mL fast decal (Fisher PROTOCOL
Decalfifier B). Let the specimen decal 20-30 minutes (set timer to remind).
Wash with tap water 5 minutes, then transfer to container with formalin. Submit
for tissue processor. Order “Panel” for
special stain.
Separate specimen of marrow
clot should be wrapped with Histowrap (blue paper) if the clot is not firm,
then submit entirely without decalcification.
Tissue is processed,
embedded, and cut. Each block has 2 slides stained with H & E, one with
Giemsa, and one with Iron. Order Iron
stain of one marrow aspirate, and satin 2 aspirate slides with Wright stain.
以下是引用侯军在2010-5-8 10:53:00的发言: We use paraffin embedded tissue block and H&E stain for our bone marrow biopsy. The slides are good for all the routine examinations. The paraffin embedded tissue section can be used for all the special stains including immunohistochemical study. I used the plastic embedded tissue processor many years ago. The only good thing is the plastic embedding can give you very thin sections, about 2-3 micro thick. But it takes very long time to process and can not be used for any imunostain. Not cost-effective. |