Immature teratomas have been traditionally graded from 1 to 3 based on the amount of immature, almost always neural tissue (112). Grade 1 tumors have rare foci of embryonal neural tissue occupying less than 1 low-power (×40) field (lpf) in any slide, grade 2 tumors contain moderate quantities of embryonal neural tissue, occupying more than 1 but fewer than 4 lpfs in any slide, grade 3 tumors contain large quantities of embryonal neural tissue occupying 4 or more lpfs in any slide. Sternberg Diagnostic Surgical Pathology, 4th Edition WHO引用的是这篇文章 1: Cancer. 1976 May;37(5):2359-72. Immature (malignant) teratoma of the ovary: a clinical and pathologic study of 58 cases. Norris HJ, Zirkin HJ, Benson WL. Fifty-eight immature ovarian teratomas were studied. Neoplams with other germ cell elements (endodermal sinus tumor, choriocarcinoma, and dysgerminoma) were excluded so that the clinical and pathologic features of "pure" immature teratomas could be defined and correlated with the prognosis. The primary tumors and their metastatic growths were graded from 0 to 3. Forty were stage I; nine, stage II; and nine, stage III. The size and stage of teratomas were related to survival, but it was the grade of the primary tumor that best determined the likelihood of extraovarian spread, and it was the grade of the metastases that related best to the subsequent course. Actuarial survival was 63% at 5 years and also at 10 years. Regardless of the grade of the primary tumor, only one of six with grade 0 metastases progressed, and that neoplasms may not have been adequately sampled. Two of five neoplasms having grade 1 metastases did not progress, and two of six patients with grade 2 metastatic growths were living after relatively long intervals. All seven patients with grade 3 metastases died with tumor, none surviving more than 2.1 years. Survival of patients with grade 1, 2, and 3 neoplasms was 81, 60, and 30% respectively. The importance of adequate sampling of primary tumor and metastases for estimating prognosis and determining therapy is stressed. PMID: 1260722 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Roth LM, Talerman A. Recent advances in the pathology and classification of ovarian germ cell tumors.Int J Gynecol Pathol. 2006 Oct;25(4):305-20. PMID: 16990705 [PubMed - in process] Traditionally, immature teratomas are graded using a 3-tiered system based on the amount of immature neuroepithelium present (34) and more recently, the criteria were modified (35). Tumors with an aggregate amount of immature tissue not exceeding 1 low-power field (×40, using a ×4 objective and a ×10 eyepiece) on any one slide are considered grade 1; those with more than 1 but not exceeding 3 high-power fields on any one slide are considered grade 2, and those with more than 3 low-power fields of immature tissue are grade 3 (35). In the same article, a 2-tiered system was proposed as an alternative, with grade 1 tumors classified as low grade and grades 2 and 3 tumors considered as high grade. The grading system has clinical significance in that grade 1 tumors confined to the ovary do not require combination chemotherapy, whereas higher-grade tumors are treated. 他所引用的文章
34. Norris HJ, Zirkin HJ, Benson WL. Immature (malignant) teratoma of the ovary: a clinical and pathologic study of 58 cases. Cancer 1976;37:2359-72. LinkSource Bibliographic Links [Context Link]
35. O’Connor DM, Norris HJ. The influence of grade on the outcome of stage I ovarian immature (malignant) teratomas and the reproducibility of grading. Int J Gynecol Pathol 1994;13:283-9. LinkSource Bibliographic Links [Context Link]
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