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以下是引用shandongzhang在2009-8-16 7:44:00的发言:
鉴别诊断: 1、表浅扩散型恶性黑色素瘤:异型细胞沿表皮、真皮交界处呈显著巢团状分布,无腺泡结构及细胞内黏液,且大部分病例黑色素标记物S-100蛋白、HMB-45、Melan-A和MART-1阳性,而CK8、MUC1、GCDFP-15等则多不表达。 2、Paget样Bowen病:常伴有鳞状上皮的增生、角化过度及角化不全、钉突延长,棘细胞不典型增生、黏液样变,角朊细胞核淡染、胞质透亮或呈空泡状,但无胞质内分泌现象,缺少大的异型细胞由基底层向表层播散的现象,免疫组化CAM5.2、GCDFP-15、Her-2标记阴性,虽然CK7阳性对PD的确诊有帮助,但要谨记,在Paget样Bowen病中也可能出现CK7阳性。 3、Paget样日光性角化病:具有特征性的组织学改变,由于角质形成细胞对摩擦形成的异常增生反应,通常在表皮上部出现异型细胞,但黏蛋白染色和CEA阴性可资区别。在大多数情况下,应用组织化学技术和免疫组化方法可资区别。 4、透明细胞丘疹病等 |
This is a vulvar Paget's/primary Paget's or called Extramammary Paget’s Disease
One of our first year residents made some summary about Paget's and showed in our morning study conference. I pasted the summary in the following.
As pathologists we should know lesions in more detailed. It is not enough to make dx only.
Extramammary Paget's Disease (EMPD)
n More rare than mammary Paget抯 disease (MPD)
n accounting for 6.5% of all cases
n MPD account for 1-4% of breast cancer
n 65-70 years of age, 90% over 50
n Female predominance of the vulvar localization (2% or less of primary vulvar neoplasms)
n No definite proof of a genetic predisposition
Clinical Features
n Insidious onset
n Pruritus
n Well-demarcated plaques may be separated by clinically normal skin that is pathologically involved
n Rarely, hypopigmented/hyperpigmented macules
n "underpants pattern erythema"due to lymphatic invasion and regional node enlargement and rapidly fatal distant metastases
n Diagnosis is often delayed up to 2 years until histological examination is performed secondary to chronic dermatosis not responding to local treatments.
Topographic Forms
n Perianal-20% EMPD
n Affects men and women equally, 63 yo
n Associated with adenocarcinoma of anus and rectum (~75%)
n Male Genitalia-14%
n Associated with underlying carcinoma of the ureter, bladder, prostate, testicle (11%)
n Axillary-more frequent in men, unilateral
n Exclusion of breast neoplasm is mandatory
n Ectopic-skin areas devoid of apocrine glands
n Chest, arms, fingers, eyelids, cheeks, scalp
Vulvar EMPD
n 65% cases of EMPD
n Most cases are primary
n 4-17% associated with underlying adnexal neoplasm
n 11-20% associated with distant carcinoma
n Endometrial, endocervical, vaginal, bladder, colon, rectum, ovary, liver, gallbladder, skin
Differential Diagnosis
n Melanoma
n Bowen's disease
n Seborrheic or contact dermatitis
n Superficial fungal infections
n Basal cell carcinoma
n Flexural psoriasis
n Lichen sclerosus
Pathologic Features of PD
n Invasion of the epidermis by Paget cells (PC)
n Epithelial cells with abundant, clear cytoplasm
n Large, centrally situated nuclei with atypia and pleomorphism
n Signet ring aspect due to intracytoplasmic sialomucin
+ PAS, mucicarmine,
90% vs only 40% MPG
Pathologic Features of Extramammary PD
Lower epidermal layers, occasionally forming gland like structures with a central lumen
Outer epithelial layers of hair follicles or sweat gland excretory ductsEdematous dermis with dilated blood vessels and polymorphous inflammatory cell infiltrate
Pathogenesis of EMPD
n Unlike MPD, EMPD does not have a strong association with underlying adenocarcinoma (92-100% vs ~25%)
n Frequency of association of EMPD with underlying neoplasm varies with the site of the disease
n Two schools of thought:
n Paget's disease must arise from underlying neoplasm
n Paget's disease arises primarily in the epidermis
n Current theory is that there is dual origin of EMPDàPrimary vs. secondary
n Most cases of EMPD are primary
Two distinct types of EMPD
Type I- endodermal phenotype; associated with distant carcinomas, secondary
Common IHC phenotype
Type II- ectodermal/cutaneous; primary