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以下是引用whyy在2009-10-29 23:14:00的发言: 翻译: Sertoli cell tumors of the ovary: a clinicopathologic and immunohistochemical study of 54 cases. 卵巢性索细胞瘤是很少见的,并且他们的形态学、行为、愈后也是不明确的。它们类似许多不同的肿瘤,但更多的是性索细胞细胞瘤,免疫组化有助于诊断,但在大多数情况下意义不大。我们研究54例的临床病理特征的性索细胞肿瘤,其中免疫组织化学的23人。其中6人患有Peutz-Jeghers综合症(PJS)又称黑斑息肉综合征,年龄从2 - 76岁(平均30岁)。11例患者有雌激素表达现象,4例有雄激素表达现象。肿瘤从0.8至30厘米,多数是在4 - 12厘米。他们都是单个的,通常是实性的,并且经常黄色。镜下主要表现是管状,虽然往往只是局部表现,其它表现为索状、梁状,弥漫状(21例),假乳头状(4例),网状(3例)、岛屿或肺泡状(3例),梭状(3例)。这些管状可以是实心的也可时空心的,但实心的更多见。肿瘤大多数区域有明显的纤维隔分隔,间质丰富,其中15个肿瘤中,,4个有硬化倾向。。这些细胞通常染色较淡,有时可见许多嗜酸性胞浆,6例肿瘤可见大量的胞浆透亮的细胞,类似于富有脂质的支持细胞肿瘤,其中一例细胞具有非泡沫胞浆。44例属于一期(其中42例属于1-2期),1例是2期,3例是3期。6例不足以分期。下面是1期27各病人的随访,所有患者均生存良好,除了2个Ia期和1个Ic期以外,这三个患者在最初诊断后分别在18个月、36个月、9个月后复发,其中2个患者发现有细胞异型,核分裂活跃(10个高倍视野大于5个)其中一个有肿瘤细胞坏死。在具有5年生存期的I期的10个患者中,仅有3例>5 个核分裂/10 HPFs,没有细胞异型及坏死。3个III期患者中,2例随访,1例存活了16个月,另1例在初诊后2年发生了脾转移。他们均有细胞异型,核分裂活跃。23例肿瘤中15例AE1/3-Cam5.2 阳性,所有肿瘤中EMA阴性,22例中18例抑制素阳性,20例中10例钙网膜蛋白阳性,22例中19例 CD99阳性,17/18vimentin+,4/18平滑肌动蛋白+,8/16神经性特异稀醇化酶+,2/20S-100+,所有21例中嗜铬粒蛋白-。虽然性索细胞细胞瘤具有典型的管状结构有利于诊断,但是其他形式也偶尔占主要地位,造成卵巢肿瘤原发和转移上的诊断混乱,EMA, inhibin, and chromogranin有助于排除两种类似性索细胞细胞瘤,(子宫内膜样癌[inhibin-; EMA+; chromogranin-] 和类癌[inhibin-; EMA+; chromogranin+]).虽然CD99和calretinin在这些肿瘤中表达,但在鉴别诊断上是不具有特异性。大多数性索细胞瘤是I期的,单个,细胞异型不大,临床上表现为良性,。但偶有是高期别的。大约有11%的I期有较复杂的组织学结构易造成错误的诊断。性索细胞瘤大多发生在年轻的女性,有时在幼年时有性早熟,偶尔有Peutz-Jeghers综合症 |
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liguoxia71 离线
You cannot make your dx based on the photos. The purposes that I shared the photos here are I hope people can know the rare tumors like sertoli cell tumors can have variable growth patterns, but not only some clssic patterns. For the true cases you need to know patients' clinical information, tumor gross features, many sections of H@E slides, immunostains, even some molecular methods.
Thanks, cz
Wish every one who read these photos understand that one category of ovarian sex cord stromal tumor (SCST) can have many different growth patterns, also various ovarian SCST can share similar growth pattern. Of cause this 现象can occur in almost all other tumors also. I may paste the web some cases with IHC in future.
Ovarian sex cord stromal tumors are rare and may be difficult to make dx. Pure sertoli cell tumors (SCTs) may have variable growth patherns, such as open or solid tubules (most common), cords, trabeculae, solid or diffuse, retiform, pseudopapillary, alveolar, islands, spindled, glandular, lipid, oxyphilic et al. The common differential dx include endometrioid carcinoma, especially sertoli form endometrioid carcinoma, carcinoid tumor (primary or metastatic), metastatic tubular Krukenberg tumor, mesonephric tumor, sepcially female adnexal tumors of probably Wolffian origin (FATWO), Yolk sak carcinoma, and other ovarian epithelial tumors et al.
IHC stains are very important for the dx of ovarian sex cord stromal tumors.