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listli1999 离线
I am very surprised that CIN1-2 can be a valid diagnosis. If I did this in my hospital, I would get laughed at by the clinicians and the pathologists. You can do CIN2-3 but not CIN1-2.
The issue regarding the second opnion is very interesting. I am currently in a very large hospital and we get a lot of outside cases to review, so I am more or less in a 上级医院. But, I do talk to some of my friend in smaller hospitals, they have the same feeling that you are having, generally afraid that the 上级医院 diagnosis will be much different from yours. Basically, if the clinical management is NOT altered, which means there is no significant mis-call or over-call, you can treat that as just difference of opnion. For "weird" or rare cases that you do not feel comtable, it is better to seek consultation to your 上级医院 before you issue your report.
以下是引用listli1999在2009-7-13 12:57:00的发言: 这三例是这几天返回的片,因为方便所以就拿这几例上传了,并且各个级别的差不多也有了,我没有说是非常的不一致,只是很难达到相当的一致,因为我们医院查出病变都让病人去上级医院治疗,这样会诊的结果反馈到临床医生那就会对我们产生不信任,我之前也上传过几个分歧大的片子,因为我们也怕和上级医院分歧太大不好,有时我们也会往上级医院的标准靠,但有些真的不知怎么靠,所以比较痛苦.比如说第三例 |
listli1999 离线
listli1999 离线
bzlixinjun 离线