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I agree with most of the people here. The neck FNA is this recurrent thyroid carcinoma, which shows Hurthle cell features. Immunostains were performed to rule out medullary carcinoma. The outside diagnosis for this case is "papillary carcinoma, Hurthle cell varaint", we feel that the nuclear features are focal and not enough for papillary carcinoma, so we called this Hurthle cell carcinoma.
The differential diagnosis for thyroid neoplasm with Hurthle cell features should always include Hurthle cell neoplasm, Hurthle cell variant of papillary carcinoma, medullary carcinoma, and metastatic malignancies, such as renal cell carcinoma. Hope this case illustrates that.
liguoxia71 离线
感谢陈大夫给大家一个动态学习的机会,甲状腺乳突状癌有许多亚型,也会有许多的形态表现,诊断典型的乳突状癌容易,变异型会有困难,有时会误诊。亚型如下WHOwv分类14个亚型:1.Follicular variant滤泡亚型2,Macrofollicular variant大滤泡亚型,3。Oncocytic variant嗜酸细胞亚型,4 Clear cell variant透明细胞亚型,5 Diffuse sclerosing variant弥漫硬化亚型,6 Tall cell variant 高细胞亚型,7 Columanar cell variant柱状细胞亚型,8.Solid variant 实体亚型,9.Cribriform carcinoam筛状癌亚型,10.Papillary carcinoma with fasciitis-like stroma伴有筋膜炎样间质亚型11.Papillary carcinoma with squamous cell or mucoepidermoid carcinoma伴有鳞癌或粘表癌的亚型,12.Papillary carcinoma with spindle and giant cell carcinoma伴有梭形细胞和巨细胞的亚型,13.combined papillary and medullary carcinoma乳突状癌和髓样癌混合型亚型14.Papillary micocarcinomas微小乳头状癌亚型。
Some variants of papillary thyroid carcinoma can show no typical nuclear features of papillary carcinoma, such as columnar-cell variant. By the way, how many variants(亚型) of papillary carcinoma are there? Can you give me a list.
I post this case along with the other thyroid FNA case at the same time because I would like to address the issue of medullary carcinoma and papillary carcinoma, usually, these two tumors look very different and should not pose any diagnostic difficulties, occasionally, you can confuse the two tumor. More discussion will be on the other case.
Back to this case, the thyroid surgon is going to excise the nodule this week and I have requested the outside slides of her original "papillary carcinoma". I will keep you posted on the final results.