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以下是引用笃行者在2009-4-22 21:37:00的发言:
不是针对本例,只是就事论事: 只要考虑为导管内乳头状病变---1、要建议临床切检,2、尽量不要单凭细胞学诊断良恶性。 但不知这种观点是否正确。 本例还是考虑为导管内乳头状瘤。 |
liguoxia71 离线
Suggestion: cytologic report:
Clusters of papillary structures with cytologic atypia.
Comment: The cytologic features are suggest of papillary lesion. Core biopsy is suggested to rule out malignancy.
In this way you are safe and also it is good for patient care.
In fact the differential dx includs introductal papilloma, atypical papilloma, papillary DCIS. In most cases we cannot make the difinite dx of papillary lesions based on cytology, especially in 溢液 specimen.
lfl001200546 离线