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Recently I noticed this topic in another cytology website in China. Let us have a discussion here.
1. Are all cervical carcinoma related to HPV infection?
2. When the women or who should have high risk HPV (hrHPV) testing?
3. What methods to detect hrHPV do you used in your hospitals?
4. What should the women do if she has positive hrHPV result?
5. hrHPV testing should be performed for women with AGC?
6. Any question, experience or oppinion you have, please share or discuss.
We as pathologists should know some basic information about HPV even though HPV testing might not be oerformed in your hospital, or the patients might not be able to pay for the test.
Commentary Statement on human papillomavirus DNA test utilization
Diane Solomon, Jacalyn L. Papillo, Diane D. Davey, for the Cytopathology Education and Technology Consortium (CETC) 来源细胞病理学教育和技术协会(CETC)
*Correspondence to Diane Solomon, Division of Cancer Prevention, National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services, Executive Plaza North, Room 2130, 6130 Executive Blvd., Rockville, MD 20852
This article is being published jointly in 2009 in Cancer Cytopathology (online: May 4, 2009; print: June 25), Journal of Lower Genital Tract Disease, Diagnostic Cytopathology, Acta Cytologica (print: May/June), American Journal of Clinical Pathology, and Archives of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine. 本文发表在2009年联合出版的《癌症细胞病理学》(在线:2009年5月4日;印刷:6月25日)、《下生殖道疾病杂志》、《诊断细胞病理学》、《兽类细胞学》(印刷:5月/6月)、《美国临床病理学杂志》和《病理学和实验医学档案》
1 High-risk (oncogenic) HPV DNA testing is appropriate in the following circumstances: 高危(致癌)HPV-DNA检测适用以下情况:
1.1 Routine cervical cancer screening in conjunction with cervical cytology (dual testing or co-testing) for women aged 30 years:
1.1.1 For women who are cytology negative but HPV positive, repeat both tests in 12 months (As of March 2009, the US Food and Drug Administration approved an HPV type 16/18 genotyping test; as per ASCCP guidelines, HPV 16/18-positive women aged 30 years are referred directly for colposcopy.) 对于细胞学阴性而HPV阳性的女性,在12月内重复细胞学和HPV检测(截止2009年3月,美国FDA批准了16/18型基因分型检测;按ASCCP指导原则,HPV16/18阳性的30岁及以上的女性应直接阴道镜检查)
1.1.2 For women who are both cytology and HPV negative, repeat both tests only after a 3-year interval. 对于细胞学和HPV都是阴性的女性,仅需每3年进行细胞学和HPV的筛查。
1.2 Initial triage management of women aged 21 years with a cytologic result of atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance (ASC-US). 对于细胞学结果为ASCUS的21岁及以下的女性进行初步分流管理。
1.3 Initial triage management of postmenopausal women with a cytologic result of low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion (LSIL). 对于细胞学结果为LSIL的绝经之后的女性进行初步分流管理。
1.4 Postcolposcopy management of women of any age with an initial cytologic result of atypical glandular cells (AGC) or atypical squamous cells, cannot exclude high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion (ASC-H) (when the initial workup does not identify a high-grade lesion). 对于初始细胞学结果为AGC或ASC-H(当初始不能确定为高度病变)任何年龄的女性进行阴道镜后的管理。
1.5 Postcolposcopy management of women aged 21 years with initial cytologic results of ASC-US or LSIL (when the initial colposcopy does not identify a high-grade lesion). 对于初始细胞学结果为ASCUS或LSIL(当初始阴道镜不能确定为高度病变)年龄在21岁及以下的女性进行阴道镜后的管理。
1.6 Post-treatment surveillance. 治疗后监测。
2 High-risk (oncogenic) HPV DNA testing is generally not appropriate in the following situations: 高危(致癌)HPV-DNA检测一般不适用以下情况:
2.1 Routine cervical cancer screening in women aged <30 years. 例行宫颈癌筛查的30岁及以下女性。
2.2 Routine screening with HPV testing and cervical cytology more often than every 3 years for women aged 30 years whose tests were negative at the time of last screening (see 1.1.2 above). 最近一次结果为阴性而每3年例行HPV检测和细胞学筛查的30岁及以上女性(参考1.1.2)。
2.3 Initial triage or management of adolescents (aged 20 years) with any abnormal cytologic result. Furthermore, if HPV testing is inadvertently performed, the results should not be used to influence patient management. 初步分流或管理任何细胞学结异常果的青少年(20岁及以下)。此外,如果HPV检测是在无意中执行的,结果不应该被用来对病人进行管理。
2.4 Initial triage of LSIL (except for postmenopausal women; see 1.3 above).
2.5 Initial triage of ASC-H, high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion (HSIL), or AGC/adenocarcinoma in situ (AIS) in women of any age. 初步分流细胞学结果为ASC-H、HSIL、AGC/AIS的任何年龄女性。
3 Repeat high-risk (oncogenic) HPV DNA testing should generally not be performed within <12 months: 一般不在12个月内重复高危(致癌)HPV-DNA检测。
3.1 Exceptions include as a follow-up to AGC, not otherwise specified (AGC NOS) when no pathology is found at the time of the initial workup and as follow-up after treatment for cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grades 2 and 3 (CIN 2,3). See the ASCCP guidelines for specific recommendations concerning testing intervals作为在开始病理结果未发现异常而随访中诊断CIN2和CIN3的AGC-NOS随访除外。具体的检测间隔时间参考ASCCP指导原则。
4 Testing for low-risk (nononcogenic) HPV types has no role in routine cervical cancer screening or for the evaluation of women with abnormal cervical cytology. 对于宫颈癌的筛查或异常宫颈细胞学的评估进行低危(非致癌)HPV检测没有意义。
recently above short paper "commentary statment on HPV DNA test utilization" was published in several main pathology journals authourity guideline in the USA. I pasted the main points above for your reference. Basically the statement just repeat ed and highlighted the ASCCP guideline about HPV test. However they did not include some new study data. Many recent study results indicated that HPV DNA testing may be useful for women with ASC-H and AGC Pap. 以上是最近刊登在美国几家主要病理学杂志指导原则性的“关于HPV-DNA检测的应用的解释和说明”简报。我摘录主要内容供大家参考。基本上是基于ASCCP的指导原则上的重复声明。但是他们没有包括最新的研究数据。许多最新的研究是关于HPV-DNA检测在ASC-H和AGC的意义。
Wish our Chinese pathologists can know some large pictures about this Pap screening issue. Relative high percentage of cervical cancer patients are in China. We all Chinese pathologists should have some responsibilites to reduce the rate of cervical cancer in China.
I can mail you the full papers if you are interested and cannot fine the full papers.My eamil zhaoc@upmc.edu
如果你有兴趣而没有找到全文;我可以发送给您。My eamil :zhaoc@upmc.edu
以下是引用城北在2009-4-4 15:19:00的发言: