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以下是引用maxy在2009-3-24 20:04:00的发言:
新手回帖子有的就是为了下载课件和录音,关键区分那些“恶意”灌水,不知道网管是怎么来严格区分“恶”的? 根据发帖和回帖的“质量”来加分,可能会将新人和积分隔开,指望新人发表能得分的帖子和回帖有点难,课件和录音就别下载了,老师们的辛勤劳动就在网站上挂着,老师们的精彩讲解不就是为了让大家有所收获?估计积分都让各位前辈和高人挣了,再说了各位前辈和高人还需要像新手一样去下载课件和录音,积分对他们来说有什么用吗? 所以网站不必办成“阳春白雪”,请多给“下里巴人”一些学习、成长的机会。 |
以下是引用danqing66在2009-3-24 13:02:00的发言:
以下是引用SOS991229在2009-3-23 21:42:00的发言: 我觉得积分不是那么重要,可以以在线时间为准来衡量对网站的贡献了,或者是浏览网页时间等等,什么都可以。大家来学习也是为了提高自己。我发现很多身边的同行羡慕我们病理网,因为他们没有专业网络,没有全国著名教授讲课的学习机会。来这个网站的网友都很感激创办者和版主们。我想更多的网友和基层的工作者打心眼里感谢大家。恶意灌水的唯一理由就是要下载课件和学习。不妨设定介绍更多网友成为会员以来奖励。呵呵,其实我没有很在意积分。所以我一般看完贴有想法就回,没想法就跟贴了。我想很多网友有足够的积分下课件就ok了。 |
liguoxia71 离线
以下是引用天山望月在2009-3-22 10:36:00的发言:
呵呵,讨论的好热烈啊,其实积分只是一种激励,真正的是搭建的网站平台,使大家学习了好的资料,分享了病理资源,好的病理,精彩的讨论,自然人气旺。 大家说的都在理,都是为华夏病理着想,积分制度简单些好。 |
occasionally note this topic. I agree above.
What is the meaning of the score? It is not the money. It does not help you to be an excellent worker in your department evaluation in the end of the year. It does not mean you are a good pathologist even if you have high score. The score may indicate if you are actively involve this website. So what. We do not need to be serious for the scores or score system.
The main purpose of the website is to provide a platform for pathologists to communicate ,teach and learn from each other, share and obtain information. We hope more people become more active in this website. We welcome all people here even though they visit the website just for reading.
I do not know what means 灌水. However I think it is ok if the readers follow the topic with few words or one word such as agree or thank...It should be fine if the words do not hurt the web's function or other people.
其实积分只是一种激励. It is true that scores may encourage people to participate the website more positively. Try to find a score system which is simple, easy, reasonable, and automatical (definitely not manual). 版主or assistant should spend the time on the sections you take care. They can monitor the sections more often, monitor the topics, paste some interesting teaching cases, lead some discussion, check the final diagnois (I saw a lot of topics with some discussion. But no final results or the sign-out result are pasted), translate English into Chinese et al.
Of cause all 版主 and assistants are volunteers in the web. They do not need to do these work. However you should have some responsiblity if you take the duty as 版主 and assistants.
Hope all people are happy in the website.
For your reference.
shn-821128 离线