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Recently I noticed some topics related liquid based cytology (LBC) and conventional Pap smears (CP) in this website. We know that the price of LBC is higher than CP.
Hope we can discuss the disadvantage and advantage of both methods.
What methods are used in your hospitals?
What method you think should be used in China now or future?
Also I will find some data to let you know the main methods used in other main countries. As of May 1, 2008, the United Nations has 192 members. In China we mention 国外, which include more than 190 contries.
As of May 1, 2008, the United Nations (联合国) has 192 members (成员国). In China we mention 国外, which include more than 190 contries。
I spent 5 minutes with my wife's help to type few Chinese words above. My teachers did not teach me the spelling well in the elementary schoos, or I forget the chinese spelling. Ha ha.
I mentioned that because we Chinese always say 国外.......
One hospital cannot represent one country. One country cannot represent 国外.
In term of Pap test at least 95% or more of the Pap test in the US are 液基. This does not mean 液基 is used in all 国外 hospitals.
It is the same that conventional Pap may be maily used in some 外国. It does not mean conventional Pap is used in all 国外.
The United States=America, a federal constitutional republic comprising fifty states and a federal district (50 states + washington DC). The state is similar to the provience (省), but the state has more power than 省 in China.
The United nations=联合国。 Nation=contry here.
2、液基并不是人人都能享受的,液基的高价格注定不适合在农村地区推广,即使政府拨款,贫困地区也不可能,比如我们在农村宫颈癌筛查,拨款最多10-20元/人,谁还奢望做液基?不过 其实国产液基价格应该没那么高吧,最起码他的研发投入没国外的多,虚高定价在医药行业是一个死结,不能望奢某一方面来解决。
以下是引用cqzhao在2009-3-8 23:40:00的发言:
To 法师 : 休息的时候没事做,也来信口开河说几句,就当作闲聊。 you have excellent points. Your name also means that you are a powerful person. If you are more serious, you will have more excellent points. Kiding. |
Dr. Zhao brought an excellent question for discussion. When I was doing my cytopathology fellowship, we had 50% smears and 50% ThinPrep. Now, in our practice, it is 99% ThinPrep. The major advantage of ThinPrep in term of clinical management is that you can do reflex HPV DNA test on patients with a ASCUS pap. You are not going to be able to do that on the conventional smear unless you co-collect some and put into liquid during the Pap. The reflex HPV DNA test for ASCUS is recommended by the American Society of Colposcopy and Cervical Pathology. Last year, I visited University of Calgary in Canada, the Canadian system is different from the US and they don't have the reflex HPV test for ASCUS. However, their Paps are 90% ThinPrep anyway.
I have to admit that on morphology for glandular lesions on Pap, I would prefer conventional than ThinPrep, provided the clinicians know how to do the smear (not the air-dryed poor quality smears).
好热闹啊!我恨死传统图片了,多叫很多ASCUS仅仅因为细胞保存质量不好,又不能做high risk HPV test. 说实话,我知道国内细胞病理的实际情况,我愿意到需要的医院volunteer短暂时间和你们交流。去年到一家医院10天年轻医生基本学会了正常宫颈管上皮细胞和子宫内膜细胞。我很幸运能接受1年细胞病理专科训练和住院医生训练。我现在每天看几十到100张异常pap smears, 什么罕见病都成常规了,很愿意和大家分享。
I don't comment much on some cases posted here because i know for sure that the selection of fields for picture and posting the photos tristed the truth on slides some times, i don't want to misquide you. In my work, i am quite sure what i call.
Clearly we can see the advantage of LBC than 传统涂片 based on the positive rate from your hospital. Three times more are huge different. In other words you may miss a lot of positive patients based the results of 传统涂片.
What do you mean positive rate? Is it atypical Pap test rate including all ascus, asc-h, sil ....?