图片: | |
名称: | |
描述: | |
姓 名: | ××× | 性别: | 男 | 年龄: | 63 |
标本名称: | 肾脏肿瘤 | ||||
简要病史: | |||||
肉眼检查: | 肾脏被压迫成多囊性,内见肿物,不规则形,质软,切面黄色和红色相间。肾脏总体积23*11*10CM |
bbb_198395 离线
stevenshen 离线
This is not a very satisfying result. It looks like many experts favor it to be 上皮样血管平滑肌脂肪瘤, I personally still think it more likely to be RCC. Can you send one unstain slide to someone in China to run a HMB45?
Some followup will be also helpful for the diagnosis. Even if it is indeed a maligannt 上皮样血管平滑肌脂肪瘤, the prognosis should be much better than a high grade RCC.
以下是引用renliar在2008-12-12 22:26:00的发言:
1,肿瘤细胞多边形的,上皮样改变,胞浆是否双色性看不清楚,细胞核异型性比较明显,空泡状染色质,部分可以看到核仁,明显的大核仁(具有黑素细胞的分化)。核分裂感觉看不到,坏死和出血没有看到。说没有包膜的侵犯。另外有些组织学的结构是围绕着大血管周围的平滑肌样的增生,并且可以看到灶性的成熟脂肪岛的化生,所以可以考虑上皮样PEComa,免疫组化:Melan-A,HMB-45,Desmin ,SM-actin. 3,肾上腺的肿瘤也不能排除,包括肾皮质癌和嗜铬细胞瘤,需要免疫组化来鉴别。 个人愚见,望高手指点:) |
stevenshen 离线
Great case! Great discussion and differential diagnosis. Thanks.
I also favor high grade renal cell carcinoma (with sarcomatoid differentiation) for the following reasons:
1. Complex thin walled vascular network
2. Presence of many inflammtory cells
3. Cells too pleomorphic for epithelioid AML (or PEComa)
Usually more sections to search for low grade renal cell carcinoma or typical AML is more helpful than IHC
Look forward to seeing othe opinions and final diagnosis.