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图1 HE 10X
图2 HE 20X
图3 CK5/6 20X (背影太强,深棕色视为阳性,土黄色视为阴性)
图4 34BE12 20X
图5 E-Ca 20X
图6 ER 20X
图7 PR 20X
UDH generally displasys either diffuse or a mosaic pattern of positivity with high molecular weight cytokeratins[1963,2126] such as CK5, CK1/5/10/14 (clones CK34BetaE12 or clone D5/16 B4).
____from WHO 2003, Pg65
Nearly 90% of ADH are negative for high molecular weight cytokeratins 1/5/10/14 (clones CK34BetaE12 and D5/16 B4), an important feature in separating ADH from UDH[1963,2126].
____from WHO 2003, Pg67
Hormone receptor expression
There is agreement that nearly all examples of ADH express high levels of ER in nearly all the cells[72,1301,2667]. The relationship between ER positive cell numbers and patient age, as found in normal breast epithelium, is lost in these ADH lesions, indicating autonomy of ER expression or of the cells expressing the receptor[2667].
____from WHO 2003, Pg71
73. Allred DC, Mohsin SK, Fuqua SA, et al. Histological and biological evolution of human premalignant breast disease. Endocr Relat Cancer, 2001, 8:47-61
1301. Iqbal M, Davies MP, Shoker BS, et al. Subgroups of non-atypical hyperpasia of breast difined by proliferation of oestrogen receptor-positive cells. J Pathol, 2001, 193:333-338
1963. Nagle RB, Bocker W, Davis JR, et al. Characterization of breast carcinomas by two monoclonal antibodies distingushing myoepithelial from luminal epithelial cells. J Histochem Cytochem, 1986, 34: 869-881
2126. Otterbach F, Bankfalvi A, Berger S, et al. Cykeratin 5/6 immunohistochemistry assists th edifferential diagonsis of atypical proliferation of the breast. Histopathology, 2000,37:232-240
2667. Shoker BS, Jarvis C, Sibson DR, et al. Oestrogen receptor expression in the normal and precancerous breast. J Pathol, 1999, 188:237-244
We are not access to the original papers in China for further study. What a pity!
It is true that there were some studies about IHC in adh, dcis, udh 7-8 years ago. Now few people use them in the US because they are not reliable. All papers you mentioned were published long time ago.
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