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以下是引用mjma在2010-8-24 7:59:00的发言: There is focal pseudopalisaded tumor necrosis in this infiltrative malignancy, which makes me believe it is probably WHO grade IV glioblastoma. These photos suggest that the cryosections prepared were air-sried and not immediately fixed in formalin before being stained. H&E staining was also inadequate in that eosin is barely detectable. |
以下是引用mjma在2010-8-24 21:59:00的发言: I think this is WHO grade IV glioblastoma with focal tumor necrosis and vascular/endothelial proliferation. Neoplastic cells infiltrate the surrounding brain parenchyma with focal collection of hyalinized blood vessels. I do not see a definite component of sarcoma or oligodendroglioma. |