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No good classification for cervical papillary squamous cell carcinoma (=transtional ca).
AFIP reported 32 cases of cervical papillary ca. They divided into three group: predominantly squamous, predominantly transitional, and ,mixed squamous and transitional (Koenig C et al. Am J Surg Path 1997;21:915-921).
It is difficult to call 乳头状鳞状细胞癌 based on the photos even though it can be.
1. I would like to call poorly differentiated non-keratizing squamous cell carcinoma.
2. If you are not sure the squamou nature, you can call poorly differentiated carcinoma. Then do ck5/6 and p63 stains and add the result as addendum.
3. You can call poorly differentiated ca. Waiting for hysterectomy for further evaluation.
4. Deepth of invasion defers to further specimen.
squamous cell ca
papillary squamous ca
Glassy cell ca
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