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shn-821128 离线
以下是引用hay 在2007-2-16 23:21:00的发言: Based on TBS, HSIL already include carcinoma in situ. Therefore it is OK to call HSIL ( in liquid based Pap, it's impossbile to tell "in situ" or "invasive" in most situation) except really abviously squamous carcinoma morphorlogy. |
197"病理医师要在多大的程度上把HSIL这个较为笼统的诊断中的病例再区分为CIN2/ CIN3/CA?有无必要。在国内,似乎有相当的人习惯于尽量区分CIN2和CIN3或浸润性癌。"
1, 有无必要? I don' think so. further diagnosis of CIN2 and CIN3... is the job of histology, sometimes cytology can't tell.(我认为没有必要。进一步区分CIN2或CIN3……是组织病理学和任务,有时细胞学不能区分。abin译)
2. 似乎有相当的人习惯于尽量区分CIN2和CIN3或浸润性癌。These are very old cytology terminology used before. Cytology diagnostic criteria is not the same as histology, cytology can't do all the jobs like histology. For Gyn-cytology, we should use the interpretations of TBS.(这些是很陈旧的细胞学诊断名词。细胞学诊断标准和组织病理学不同,细胞学取代组织病理学的所有内容。对于宫颈细胞学,我们应该使用TBS系统名词。abin译)
Thank you for the question.
以下是引用小荷 在2007-2-16 22:34:00的发言: 谢谢hay老师,这是一例教学片,看来是没有您上传的严重。那我是否应该告诉他们,诊断有问题啦 |
zhongshihua 离线