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xiaofeng1008 离线
jiangxiaoyu 离线
xiaoyan0290 离线
vitamin-xbl 离线
Is she postmenapausal (LMP '05? I suppose the biopsy was done in '08). Do you see mitosis in the glandular epithelium? I am trying to decide if this is abnormal secretory endometrium (epithelium should show columnar cells without mitoses) or complex hyperplasia (proliferative epithelium with mitoses) with mucinous metaplasia. Pic 9 shows mucinous epithelium. It is always worrisome to see mucinous metaplasia in endometrium. Pic 8 is a kind of artifact called telescoping which often happens during secretory phase. Negative for atypical hyperplasia or malignancy. I think of abnormal secretory endometrium because i see secretion in the lumen but cannot assign a date. Pic 10 shows predecidua-like changes, maybe progesterone treatment effect or she is truely at late secretory phase. Difficult.