This myxoid neoplasm is very discrete and circumscribed. My suspicion is that this is a rare myxoid meningioma, and careful examination of the peripheral edge of the tumor may reveal typical meningothelial whorls and psammoma bodies. I do not think this is pilocytic astrocytoma due to MRI appearance, and the lack of characteristic biphasic growth, eosinophilic granular bodies, mucinous microcysts or Rosenthal fibers. I would suggest doing EMA and PR immunohistochemical stains. Interesting case this is!
This myxoid neoplasm is very discrete and circumscribed. My suspicion is that this is a rare myxoid meningioma, and careful examination of the peripheral edge of the tumor may reveal typical meningothelial whorls and psammoma bodies. I do not think this is pilocytic astrocytoma due to MRI appearance, and the lack of characteristic biphasic growth, eosinophilic granular bodies, mucinous microcysts or Rosenthal fibers. I would suggest doing EMA and PR immunohistochemical stains. Interesting case this is!