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赵澄泉老师分享 | 三个乳腺经典病例(二)

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楼主 发表于 2016-04-05 16:53|举报|关注(0)
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赵澄泉老师分享 | 三个乳腺经典病例(二)图1

赵澄泉老师分享 | 三个乳腺经典病例(二)图2
赵澄泉老师分享 | 三个乳腺经典病例(二)图3

赵澄泉老师分享 | 三个乳腺经典病例(二)图4
赵澄泉老师分享 | 三个乳腺经典病例(二)图5


mingfuyuIntra-cystic papillary carcinoma? I think it is a special form of invasive ductal carcinoma with good prognosis. I forgot the details of this type. I remember that it mimics DCIS but myoepithelial markers support invasive ca.



赵澄泉老师(cqzhao) :

 赵澄泉老师分享 | 三个乳腺经典病例(二)图6

赵澄泉老师分享 | 三个乳腺经典病例(二)图7

赵澄泉老师分享 | 三个乳腺经典病例(二)图8

赵澄泉老师分享 | 三个乳腺经典病例(二)图9

赵澄泉老师分享 | 三个乳腺经典病例(二)图10

赵澄泉老师分享 | 三个乳腺经典病例(二)图11

赵澄泉老师分享 | 三个乳腺经典病例(二)图12


yourself Intraductal papilloma with atypiaor DCIS

Liu_Aijun 这是导管内乳头状病变。需在“瘤”与“癌”之间鉴别。从HE看,细胞形态一致,核增大,圆形或卵圆形,染色质丰富而细腻,可见12个小核仁。乳腺癌癌细胞的特点之一就是“太一致”,易被误为神经内分泌癌。从IHC看,肌上皮细胞在异型上皮细胞巢周围分布,而不是深入乳头轴心内。综上,考虑为导管内乳头状瘤伴重度不典型增生、癌变,或癌在导管内乳头状瘤内。




stevenshenIntraductal papilloma with ADH or DCIS or intraductal papillary carcinoma. Nice pictures. Thanks.


听雨:导管内乳头状瘤 伴重度不典型增生 管壁无浸润


liz1972Intraductal papilloma with ADH or DCIS .



Thank for reviewing this case.

Histologically, the papillary lesion demonstrates papillary-like proliferation with uniform cells. I cannot appreciate the obvious myoepithelial cell distribution within the lesion or surrounding the entire papillary lesion. Some cystic space can be seen in the low power. My impression is that this is a papillary carcinoma with cyst and without myoepithelial linging surrounfing the lesion. So I released the case in the same day and diagnosed as intracyatic papillary caricinoma (IPC) or encapsulated papillary carcinoma (EPC). I still ordered IHC for myoepithelial markers. I was surprised to read the ihc rslides above in the second day. Myoepithelial cells are present surrounding the papaillary lesion (ruled out EPC) and focally within the papillary lesion. The final diagnosis is DCIS involving the papilloma. I revised my diagnosis and noticed the surgen immediately enven though the clinical treatment is the same. The lesson I learn is that I will do IHC for papillary lesion until the cases are classic intraductal papilloma.

The case confused me is that cytologic features of the papillae or glands are exactly same in the entire papillary lesion regardless the areas with or without myoepithelial cells.

If you still think this is a intraductal papilloma after the IHC. Suggest that you read the book chapter of paillary lesion and the interpretation of myoepithelial markers again. A lot of papillary structures loss the myoepthelial cells in this case. It should not be a benign intraductal papilloma.

There are no good standards for diagnosis papillary lesion such as atypical papilloma, DCIS arising from papillaoma, papillary carcinoma. Tavasoli who worked at AFIP for many years before 2002 ( you may read her breast book if you are interested in breast pathology) used 1/3 as cut line. Atypical papilloma: atypical proliferation less than 1/3 of the papillary lesion. DCIS: atypical proliferation >1/3 to 90%; Papillary carcinoma: atypical >90%. Now most people used the criteria: atypical papilloma--focal atypical proliferation like ADH; DCIS arising from papillaoma--focal atypical proliferaiton like DCIS; papillary carcinoma---DCIS almost (or 90%) or entirely involving the papillary lesion. Pathologically or clinically there are no differences between DCIS arising or involving papilloma and papillary carcinoma. Both are types of DCIS. Also you can call small papillary ca as DCIS, papillary pattern.

In the US excional biospy will always be performed if atypical papilloma is diagosed in the breast core biopsy. 

I do not have the experience about the usage of ER in the diagnosis of papillary lesion. I think it will not be useful.


abin 译:











 赵澄泉老师分享 | 三个乳腺经典病例(二)图13

赵澄泉老师分享 | 三个乳腺经典病例(二)图14
赵澄泉老师分享 | 三个乳腺经典病例(二)图15
赵澄泉老师分享 | 三个乳腺经典病例(二)图16
赵澄泉老师分享 | 三个乳腺经典病例(二)图17




赵澄泉老师:I do not use IHC such as CK5/6 or 34BE12 because IHC stains are not useful for this kind of cases. It seems that most of the people in China use IHC for helping dx of UDH, ADH and DCIS. Are you sure that they are useful in your clinical practice?



stevenshenIt is true that "H&E形态学改变是诊断的基础"; but if 免疫组化 really help can you to reach a "correct" diagnosis, you should still consider use it.  I enjoyed all Dr. Zhao's cases.  For these photos alone, I consider it "intraductal papilloma with ADH". Thanks.


This case is an easy one. It is a small peripheral papilloma. The key of the case is that the focal atypical proliferation is ADH or DCIS. the differential dx of ADH and low grade DCIS is difficult for some cases. You can check my discussion with Abin's excellent translation in the topic 57岁女性,乳腺肿物 floor 77.

Criteria for distinguishing between atypical papilloma (papilloma with ADH) and papilloma with DCIS vary. Some authorities define atypical papilloma that contain linited areas of non-high grade DCIS (<3 mm in size) or in which it occupies <30 of the papilloma and render a dx of papilloma with DCIS when the foci are larger or occupy = or >30 of the papilloma. Others render a papilloma with DCIS when the atypical proliferation in papilloma demonstrates architectural and cytologic features of DCIS regardless of its size.

Clinical signigicance of ADH or DCIS in a papilloma is not well defined.Some studies indicated that a substantially increased risk (7.5 fold) for the development of breast cancer, wherase others have found that the level of breast cancer risk associated with with atypia was similar to that of patients with ADH elsewhere in the breast (4-5 fold). Now most people think papilloma with ADH or DCIS are best managed by complete excision with careful follow-up.

Now about this case: As 天山望月 described , It is easy to notice the focal atypical proliferation with uniform, monotonous, rounded cell population. Extracelluar lumens within the cell proliferation are noted . They are relatively  round and rigid with a punched-out apperance. The size of the focus is very small which occupies <30% of the papilloma. I think it is a good example of atypical papilloma or papilloma with ADH.

For interesting,  I showed the cases to four of my colleques. Three called atypical papilloma and one called papilloma with DCIS. He though the focal atypia was good for DCIS regardless of the size. So do not fell bad if you have some difficulty for diagnosis of these cases.

Final dx: Atpical papilloma.

Thank every one for discussing this case.











 赵澄泉老师分享 | 三个乳腺经典病例(二)图18

赵澄泉老师分享 | 三个乳腺经典病例(二)图19

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赵澄泉老师分享 | 三个乳腺经典病例(二)图21

赵澄泉老师分享 | 三个乳腺经典病例(二)图22

赵澄泉老师分享 | 三个乳腺经典病例(二)图23
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赵澄泉老师分享 | 三个乳腺经典病例(二)图26

赵澄泉老师分享 | 三个乳腺经典病例(二)图27



ElizabethInteresting case! thanks for sharing.

(1) the tumor is structurally composed of 3 patterns : microcystic pattern closely simulating thyroid follicles, solid pattern and tubular pattern. The cystic spaces and tubles are filled with eosinophilic serection.

(2)the tumor has two populations of cells with bland looking.

serectory carcinoma


赵澄泉老师(cqzhao):Shandong lao xiang, check the text book and you will know the resutl, i am sure.


This is an easy case for diagnosis. I showed here just becasue this ca is arare type. This case was one I had recut from AFIP when I worked there.

Wish my shandong  老乡 can give us a short summary of epideminology, clinical features, histopathology abd prognosis about the secretory carcinoma. Thanks,

Could I know which hospital you work now if you do not mind?


IHC stains are not necessary for most of the cases. Most of the cases are positive for S-100, negative for ER

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