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性别 | 女 | 年龄 | 16 | 临床诊断 | 骨软骨瘤 |
一般病史 | 女,16岁,左足拇趾远节趾骨肿物伴疼痛3月余 | ||||
标本名称 | 左足拇趾远节趾骨肿物 | ||||
大体所见 | 女,16岁,左足拇趾远节趾骨可见一背向关节骨性突起,大小约0.5*0.5*0.5cm,外生,界限清楚。 |
独特的部位,如果位于长骨干骺部,鱼钩样外突,就是骨软骨瘤。有时候老化,可称为"Ancient osteochondroma",就是说软骨与纤维膜全部骨化,貌似骨瘤。Ancient osteochondroma一词是我的杜撰,借用硬化性胸腺瘤(Sclerosing thymoma)的同义词“老化型胸腺瘤(ancient thymoma)。
There are some further differences between osteochondroma and BPOP, other than just location, such as not connected to the underneath bone, and morphologically more disorganized. But they are both benign. BPOP may recur more often than osteochondroma though.