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国际妇产科病理学泰斗Prof.Robert E. Scully与世长辞

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 国际妇产科病理学泰斗Prof.Robert E. Scully于2012年10月30日在美国麻省波斯顿因中风而不幸逝世,享年91岁。三位Scully的学生或同事,Young RH,Mills SE,Wick MR等教授在AJCP2013年第1期特为Scully教授撰写讣告,介绍了Scully教授作为国际妇产科病理学届泰斗传奇的一生,以此怀念这位卓越的病理学家。Scully教授一生未婚,把毕生的精力全部奉献给他热爱的病理事业。世界上许多有名望的病理学家,无论是不是妇产科领域的,都曾是Scully教授的学生或者与他共事过。沿用至今的卵巢肿瘤分类许多来自Scully教授的观察和研究。Scully教授还是国际妇产病理学家协会(International Society of Gynecological Pathologists)的创始人。就在去世之前的6个月,Scully教授被麻省医学会授予终生成就奖,而他则是目前为止获此殊荣的第一位,也是唯一的一位病理学家。

Robert E. Scully, MD

Robert H. Young, MD
   Stacey E. Mills, MD
 Mark R. Wick, MD

Robert Edward Scully, MD, a surgical pathologist at the Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) for 55 years and Emeritus Professor of Pathology at Harvard Medical School, died in Boston, MA, on October 30, 2012, after suffering a stroke.He was born in Pittsfield, MA, on August 31, 1921, graduated magna cum laude from the College of the Holy Cross in 1941,and received his MD from Harvard Medical School in 1944.Dr Scully trained in pathology at Peter Bent Brigham Hospital and Boston Children’s Hospital under Dr S. Burt Wolbach and Dr Sidney Farber. He then spent a year as resident at the Free Hospital for Women in Brookline, MA, and Boston Lying-In Hospital under the direction of Dr Arthur T. Hertig. That was followed by a year at Pondville State Cancer Hospital in Norfolk,MA. Dr Scully was next an instructor in pathology at Harvard Medical School for a year before being recruited by Dr Tracy B.Mallory to the MGH. His early tenure there was interrupted by two years of military service in the US Army during the Korean conflict, and he rejoined the MGH faculty in 1954.

Dr Scully became a legendary figure in anatomic pathology during the second half of the 20th century. Throughout his career he was a mainstay of the pathology faculty at the MGH and was known throughout the world for his diagnostic prowess. Bob was also an active and enthusiastic member of the American Society
for Clinical Pathology (ASCP), having participated in several of its councils and having presented several of its continuing education courses, including the prestigious Annual Slide Seminar (on “Lesions of the Gonads”) in 1971 with Dr F.K. Mostofi. Bob again participated in the “Golden Anniversary” ASCP Slide Seminar in 1983; it was moderated by Dr George Stevenson,former Executive Vice-President of the ASCP, who was a long-time friend of his. Perhaps Dr Scully’s most memorable educational contribution to ASCP was a seminar that he presented for many years with Drs Frank Vellios, James Reagan, William Christopherson, and William Hart on gynecological pathology.It was often held at the ASCP Educational Center in Chicago.Dr Scully was given the Arthur Purdy Stout Award and Lectureship of the ASCP in 1983, and its H.P. Smith Award for Distinguished Pathology Education in 1991.

Although he practiced general anatomic pathology throughout most of his career, Bob was certainly most renowned for his expertise in gynecologic and testicular pathology. Many new categories of ovarian neoplasia were established based on his observations, and he authored two fascicles on tumors of the ovary under the auspices of the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology. From the late 1960s into the 1990s, Dr Scully worked
with, and then led, the group that classified all female genital tract tumors for the World Health Organization. With minor modifications, the ultimate scheme they produced remains the one that is still employed internationally.

For 27 years, Bob was editor of the well-known Case Records of the MGH, published each week in the New England Journal of Medicine. In this role, Dr Scully’s immense knowledge of medicine and outstanding writing skills were apparent, producing a remarkably high standard of work in the published final products.

Many of the current leaders in the field of gynecologic pathology were trained by, or spent time with, Dr Scully. His travels brought him in contact with countless pathologists and clinicians around the world, all of whom developed great affection for him because of his humor, gentle demeanor, humility, kindness, and respect for everyone. He was always more than happy to share credit with others, and often assisted
with papers that ultimately did not bear his name, as long as he felt that knowledge and patient care were being enhanced.

Dr Scully attained the rank of Professor of Pathology at Harvard Medical School in 1971. He was the founding President of the International Society of Gynecological Pathologists; a Maude Abbott Lecturer of the United States & Canadian Academy of Pathology (USCAP); and a recipient of several distinguished awards. These included an honorary degree from his alma mater, the College of the Holy Cross; the Fred W.Stewart Award of Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center; the Distinguished Pathologist Award of the USCAP; and an
Honorary Fellowship of the Royal College of Pathologists. A Harvard Medical School Professorship in his name was endowed near the end of his career. Only 6 months before his death,Dr Scully was given the Lifetime Achievement Award by the Massachusetts Medical Society; he was the first pathologist ever to receive that honor in the long history of the organization。

Dr Scully is survived by nieces Elizabeth R. Scully and Paula S. Raines; his nephew Robert E. Scully; his grandnieces Elizabeth A. Raines and Laura E. Scully; and his grandnephews Christopher R. Raines, Thomas B. Raines, and Cameron J. Scully.We and Dr Scully’s many other friends and colleagues at the ASCP join in offering his family our sincere condolences.

Young RH,Mills SE,Wick MR.Robert E. Scully, MD (1921-2012).Am J Clin Pathol 2013 Jan;139(1):126.

标签:病理 病理学
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