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The potential for IL-17 to mediate immune pathology as seen in autoimmune diseases and infection models, suggests that IL-17 may have detrimental effect in chronic bacterial infections such as TB. In order to spread and infect new hosts, Mtb is actually dependent on effective immunity and generation of granuloma- tous responses. Specifically in susceptible individuals, the granuloma develops to eventually become necrotic (caseating tubercles), allowing bacilli to become extracellular and able to be expelled out of the lungs upon coughing. How this pathological response is regulated is still not well understood, but a balance between protective and damaging immunity needs to be achieved to allow control of Mtb proliferation and reduce transmission and morbidity.
The capacity of Th17 cells, and their associated cytokines, to be important players in combating infections and maintaining homeostasis of mucosal surfaces contrasts with their ability to be involved in tissue destruction. It is therefore of critical importance to understand their role both in the protective and in the damaging responses to Mtb infection. To help in this regard we here discuss new advances in the understanding on the role of IL-17 and Th17 derived cytokines in the host immune response to Mtb, with emphasis in the induction and regulation of these responses and the mechanisms of protection and pathology associated with IL-17 and Th17 cells.
IL-17在自身免疫疾病与感染方面的作用表明,IL-17可用于长期细菌感染(如TB)的预防与控制。结核分枝杆菌(Mtb)常通过自身免疫调节及肉芽肿反应快速感染新的宿主。在易感人群中,肉芽肿最终导致干酪样坏死。使得细菌到达细胞外,并通过咳嗽排到肺部以外。 目前,其病理机制尚不明确。但存在免疫保护及损坏平衡,借此控制Mtb增殖,降低病原体传播及致死率。
比如第一句:The potential for IL-17 to mediate immune pathology as seen in autoimmune diseases and infection models, suggests that IL-17 may have detrimental effect in chronic bacterial infections such as TB. 楼主翻译为: IL-17在自身免疫疾病与感染方面的作用表明,IL-17可用于长期细菌感染(如TB)的预防与控制。