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xiaoyan0290 离线
huanghuang 离线
Difficult case to evaluate based on photos.
The glands with complex profiles and papillary infoldings are crowded in a back to back fashion., compresssing intervening stroma.
Good enogh to call CAH. Seem that the confluent glands are not enough to call carcinoma.
Of cause you need to check the case and make dx carefully under the microscopy.
赵大夫的意见是complex hyperplasia with atypia (or complex atypical hyperplasia)。 Complex atypical hyperplasia 与分化好的子宫内膜腺癌区别有一定难度。以下三条有助于鉴别: (1)腺体融合形成筛状结构;(2)不规则腺体浸润并伴有纤维母细胞增生间质;(3)有很多乳头形成。但有以上改变,还必须是2mm大小。如太小,就不能排除是斜切造成的假象。本例的图六,有明显的筛状结构。但恐怕不够2mm。
Difficult case to evaluate based on photos.
The glands with complex profiles and papillary infoldings are crowded in a back to back fashion., compresssing intervening stroma.
Good enogh to call CAH. Seem that the confluent glands are not enough to call carcinoma.
Of cause you need to check the case and make dx carefully under the microscopy.