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女性患者,75岁,发现右侧乳腺包块5年余,近1年来明显增大;大体: 右侧乳腺带皮瓣椭圆形包块 8x6.5x5cm 皮瓣上见一直径1.8cm浅表溃疡 切开见一直径4.1cm圆形结节 呈灰黄灰红相间 结节周围见较厚完整包膜 质地中等 中心见淡黄色粉质坏死组织 (取材8处)
镜下:中心见广泛出血梗死 隐约见互相吻合血管网
Look like some vascular structure (no obvious atypia). But it is not like a lymphovascular tumor in most areas.
If it is so large vascular tumor, it is not a good tumor.
Can do some endothelial markers (cd31, cd34) and ki67 stains.
If you are not sure, send the case for consultation.
It is difficult to evaluate the case by photos.