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男性 45岁
主 诉 脑肿瘤术后3年,头痛、头晕4天。
现病史 患者于2008年因“脑肿瘤”在我院手术治疗,术后恢复良好,并行放疗治疗,间断性抽搐,自服“苯巴比妥钠”,发作次数减少。近4天自感头痛、头晕,无恶心,无呕吐,无肢体抽搐,无大小便失禁,无肢体活动障碍,于2011-07-30在我院复查头颅脑MRI扫描提示:右侧颞叶占位性病变术后,现病灶范围约为4.0X5.0X5.2CM,外周见片状水肿信号影环绕,占位效应明显,局部脑沟裂变浅,右侧侧脑室受压变窄且随中线结构向左偏移;右侧额顶骨见缺损影及颅骨锁固定影。患者家属为进一步治疗,今来我院。门诊以“颅内占位性病变”收住
Please tell the pathologic disgnosis in 2008. With radiation therapy in the past history it is much more difficult to tell gliosis from residual/recurrent glioma. There is hypercellularity in some of the figures, but high-power view of their cytology/nuclei is needed before a disgnosis can be entertained. MIB-1 and p53 immunostains in the hypercellular areas may also help.