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姓 名: | ××× | 性别: | 女 | 年龄: | 40岁 |
标本名称: | 左附件肿瘤 | ||||
简要病史: | 因“盆腔包块4年,经期延长2年”入院,B超:子宫左侧方探及一混合性回声,边界可辨,内以液性为主,内可见范围约78X55 mm的不规则稍强回声,另于子宫后方稍偏右侧探及范围约40X32X25mm的回声区,边界可辨,形态不规则。意见:盆腔囊性包块。 | ||||
肉眼检查: | T3块,其中2块呈结节状,外表光滑,切面呈囊、实性和实性,囊、实性T囊性区呈蜂窝状,内含清亮液体,实性T切面灰白,质软;另T为囊壁样,内外壁光滑,上附输卵管一条,长7cm,直径0.8cm,未见伞端。 |
zhenshijian 离线
内胚窦瘤: AFP+, EMA-
This should be 透明细胞癌 based on your stains and cytomorphology (classic tubule cystic structures with focal confluent growth pattern).
甲状腺肿can be your differential dx.
Many other markers: such as SALL4 (Dr. Deng did a lot of study) positive for内胚窦瘤. I think it will be negative for CCC.
以下是引用cqzhao在2011-6-14 23:42:00的发言:
CCC: AFP-, EMA+ 内胚窦瘤: AFP+, EMA- This should be 透明细胞癌 based on your stains and cytomorphology (classic tubule cystic structures with focal confluent growth pattern). 甲状腺肿can be your differential dx. Many other markers: such as SALL4 (Dr. Deng did a lot of study) positive for内胚窦瘤. I think it will be negative for CCC. |