I don't know how to answer your question. That's why leave it till now. sorry but still unknow? "为什么巴氏染色那么不稳定" why? how? over stain? stain pale or not stain? try it and find one you think is good and then write it down---- follow it. Did I answer your question? hay!
I don't know how to answer your question. That's why leave it till now. sorry but still unknow? "为什么巴氏染色那么不稳定" why? how? over stain? stain pale or not stain? try it and find one you think is good and then write it down---- follow it. Did I answer your question? hay!
为什么要把巴氏作为标准化染色呢? For Gyn-cytology specimens---PAP, have to use Pap stain (立法规定), because Pap stain show cytoplasm differentiation... for Non-Gyn specimens, HE is still acceptable, but strong recommend Pap stain. sorry for the English, I lost my patient to type word by word in Chinese.
为什么要把巴氏作为标准化染色呢? For Gyn-cytology specimens---PAP, have to use Pap stain (立法规定), because Pap stain show cytoplasm differentiation... for Non-Gyn specimens, HE is still acceptable, but strong recommend Pap stain. sorry for the English, I lost my patient to type word by word in Chinese.