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lfl001200546 离线
姓 名: | ××× | 性别: | 男 | 年龄: | 6 |
标本名称: | 中颅窝底占位性病变 | ||||
简要病史: | 男,6岁,头痛恶心伴呕吐15天入院 | ||||
肉眼检查: | MRI:中颅窝底占位性病变,术中见中颅窝底,眶上裂处见一5*6CM大小的肿块. |
wangliping 离线
lfl001200546 离线
以下是引用mjma在2007-11-24 12:10:00的发言: This pleomorphic neoplasm shows focal necrosis and focal rhabdoid features consistent with a malignancy. If no eosinophilic granular bodies or perivascular inflammation are seen, pleomorphic xanthoastrocytoma can be ruled out. Atypical teratoid/rhabdoid tumor (AT/RT) and glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) are the main differential diagnoses. Immunohistochemical stains (GFAP, smooth muscle-specific actin, EMA and INI1) would help tremendously. 马老师说: 本例多形性肿瘤,显示局灶坏死,局部呈横纹肌样形态特征,符合恶性肿瘤。若未见嗜酸性颗粒成分或血管周炎症成分,可除外多形性黄色星形细胞瘤。主要鉴别诊断是非典型性畸胎瘤样/横纹肌样瘤(AT/RT)和多形性胶质母细胞瘤(GBM)。IHC标记(GFAP、SMA、EMA和INI1)将对鉴别诊断帮助很大。 |