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Microglandular hyperplasia is a lesion mostly seen in women of reproductive age, although it can be found in up to 6% of post-menopausal women. It is commonly associated with pregnancy and oral contraceptive use; however, a recent study has challenged these associations. Most cases are found incidentally, but gross abnormalities such as an erosion, polyp formation, or friable raised areas in the cervix can be seen. Microglandular hyperplasia can be focal or multifocal and can involve the surface epithelium and/or the endo- cervical glands. It is composed of closely packed glands of variable size and shape, with acute and chronic inflammation and little intervening stroma .The epithelium lining the glands is columnar or cuboidal, mucin producing, and contains supra- or subnuclear vacuoles. The nuclei are usually uniform, but focal atypia or nuclear variability can be encountered . Reserve cell hyperplasia and squamous metaplasia may be present. Mitotic figures are rare. Occasionally, microglandular hyperplasia has variable foci with a solid, pseudoinfiltrative or reticular pattern, hobnail or signet-ring cells, or stromal hyalinization.
The differential diagnosis of this lesion includes clear cell carcinoma and endometrial adenocarcinoma with a microglandular pattern. The former is usually associated with a cervical mass and has an infiltrative pattern. Additionally, it has a greater degree of cytologic atypia than that seen in microglandular hyperplasia. Endometrial adenocarcinoma with a microglandular pattern can represent a true diagnostic challenge that many times may not be solved upon review of a limited sampling. Features that favor endometrial adenocarcinoma with a microglandular pattern are a large amount of tissue in a biopsy (i.e., two or three blocks), a lack of subnuclear vacuoles, transition to other patterns of endometrial adenocarcinoma, connection with endometrial stroma, and the presence of complex endometrial hyperplasia or mucinous metaplasia in the background endometrium. In addition, a positive immunostain for vimentin in the cytoplasm of the cells favors endometrial adenocarcinoma with a microglandular pattern. However, a negative result is not helpful in a biopsy sample because the expression of vimentin in endometrial adenocarcinoma can be focal and rarely may be absent. Carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) has been found to be negative in both microglandular hyperplasia and endometrial adenocarcinoma with a microglandular pattern.