Atypical ductal hyperplasia (ADH) is a proliferative breast lesion diagnosed on the basis of the following histologic findings: (1) cytologic features of low-grade DCIS present in the hyperplasia but the overall architecture is that of intraductal hyperplasia or (2) both cytologic and architectural features of low-grade DCIS present in 1 or more ducts but the ducts do not exceed 2 mm in aggregate diameter.
The distinction between DCIS and ADH is quantitative.
以下是引用3673566在2010-12-23 16:22:00的发言:
Atypical ductal hyperplasia (ADH) is a proliferative breast lesion diagnosed on the basis of the following histologic findings: (1) cytologic features of low-grade DCIS present in the hyperplasia but the overall architecture is that of intraductal hyperplasia or (2) both cytologic and architectural features of low-grade DCIS present in 1 or more ducts but the ducts do not exceed 2 mm in aggregate diameter.
The distinction between DCIS and ADH is quantitative.