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《乳腺病理活检解读》作者Dr. Schnitt 介绍

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26 楼    发表于2010-09-17 23:43:00举报|引用
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stay hungry,stay foolish.

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Stuart J. Schnitt, MDLaura C. Collins, MD







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主编Stuart J. Schnitt, Laura C. Collins





Stuart J. Schnitt MD

Division of Anatomic Pathology, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston, Massachusetts; Professor of Pathology, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts

Laura C. Collins MD

Division of Anatomic Pathology, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston, Massachusetts; Assistant Professor of Pathology, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts




赵澄泉(Chengquan Zhao), Department of Pathology, Magee-Womens Hospital, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center















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31 楼    发表于2010-09-17 19:52:00举报|引用
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A super expert of breast pathology. I adore and worship you!





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32 楼    发表于2010-09-17 11:29:00举报|引用
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 In the US the famous professors, doctors or pathologists must have done a lot of research work. You have to find some things new in some areas.

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33 楼    发表于2010-09-17 11:25:00举报|引用
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Reviews, Editorials and Commentaries


   1.      Harris JR, Recht A, Schnitt S, Connolly J, Silver B, Come S, Henderson IC.  Current status of conservative surgery and radiotherapy as primary local treatment for early carcinoma of the breast.  Breast Cancer Res Treat 1985; 5:245-55. 


   2.      Recht A, Connolly JL, Schnitt SJ, Cady B, Love S, Osteen RT, Patterson WB, Shirley R, Silen W, Come S, Henderson IC, Silver B, Harris JR.  Primary radiation therapy for early breast cancer: Results, controversies and unsolved problems.  Semin Oncol 1986; 13:434-9.


   3.      Harris JR, Schnitt SJ, Connolly JL, Silen W.  Conservative surgery and radiation therapy for early breast cancer.  Arch Surg 1987; 122:754-5. 


   4.      Schnitt SJ, Silen W, Sadowsky NL, Connolly JL, Harris JR.  Ductal carcinoma in situ (intraductal carcinoma) of the breast.  N Engl J Med 1988; 318:898-903. 


   5.      Schnitt SJ, Connolly JL, Recht A, Silver B, Love SM, Harris JR.  Conservative surgery and radiation therapy for early breast cancer. The importance of the pathologic evaluation of the primary tumor in formulating therapeutic recommendations. Surg Pathol 1988; 1:151-8. 


   6.      Schnitt SJ.  Case selection does not permit conclusion (letter). Am J Clin Pathol 1988; 89:293. 


   7.      Connolly JL, Boyages J, Schnitt SJ, Recht A, Silen W, Sadowsky N, Harris JR.  In situ carcinoma of the breast.  Annu Rev Med 1989; 40:173-80. 


   8.      Harris JR, Recht A, Connolly J, Cady B, Come S, Henderson IC, Koufman C, Love S, Schnitt S, Osteen R.  Conservative surgery and radiotherapy for early breast cancer.  Cancer 1990; 66[suppl]:1427-38. 


   9.      Abelmann WH, Baim DS, Schnitt SJ.  Endomyocardial biopsy: Is it of clinical value?  Postgrad Med J 1992; 68[suppl 1]:S44-6. 


  10.      Schnitt SJ, Connolly JL.  Processing and evaluation of breast excision specimens: A clinically-oriented approach.  Am J Clin Pathol 1992; 98:125-37. 


  11.      Pierce SM, Schnitt SJ, Harris JR.  What to do about mammographically detected ductal carcinoma in situ.  Cancer 1992; 70:2576-8. 


  12.      Connolly JL, Schnitt SJ.  Benign breast disease. Resolved and unresolved issues.  Cancer 1993; 71:1187-92. 


  13.      Waller BF, Johnson DE, Schnitt SJ, Pinkerton JB, Baim DS.  Histologic analysis of directional coronary atherectomy samples. A review of findings and their clinical significance.  Am J Cardiol 1993; 72:80E-87E. 


  14.      Schnitt SJ.  Tissue reactions to mammary implants: A capsule summary.  Adv Anat Pathol 1995; 2:24-7. 


  15.      Connolly JL, Harris JR, Schnitt SJ.  Understanding the distribution of cancer within the breast is important for optimizing breast-conserving treatment.  Cancer 1995; 76:1-3.


  16.      Hetelikidis S, Schnitt SJ, Morrow M, Harris JR.  Management of ductal carcinoma in situ.  CA J Clin 1995; 45:244-53. 


  17.      Morrow M, Harris JR, Schnitt SJ.  Local control following breast-conserving surgery for invasive cancer: Results of clinical trials.  J Natl Cancer Inst 1995; 87:1669-73. 


  18.      Schnitt SJ, Harris JR, Smith BL.  Developing a prognostic index for ductal carcinoma in situ of the breast: Are we there yet?  Cancer 1996; 77:2189-92. 


  19.      Guidi AJ, Schnitt SJ.  Angiogenesis in pre-invasive lesions of the breast.  The Breast J 1996; 2:364-9. 


  20.      Schnitt SJ.  The real value of angiogenesis research in breast cancer.  Adv Anat Pathol 1997;4:23-7. 


  21.      Chabner E, Schnitt S, Harris J.  Current management of patients with ductal carcinoma-in-situ .  The Oncologist 1997; 2:76-82. 


  22.      Schnitt SJ, Connolly JL.  Classification of ductal carcinoma in situ: Striving for clinical relevance in the era of breast-conserving therapy.  Hum Pathol 1997; 28:877-80. 


  23.      Schnitt SJ.  Morphologic risk factors for local recurrence in patients with invasive breast cancer treated with conservative surgery and radiation therapy.  The Breast J 1997; 3:261-6. 


  24.      Schnitt SJ.  Can we identify patients with invasive breast cancer adequately treated with breast-conserving surgery alone?  Mod Pathol 1998; 11:129-33. 


  25.      Connolly JL, Boyages J, Nixon AJ, Peiró G, Gage I, Silver B, Recht A, Harris JR, Schnitt SJ.  Predictors of breast recurrence after conservative surgery and radiation therapy for invasive breast cancer.  Mod Pathol 1998; 11:134-9. 


  26.      Schnitt SJ.  Evaluation of microscopic margins in patients with invasive breast cancer: Technical and interpretive considerations.  The Breast J 1998; 4:204-208. 


  27.      Schnitt SJ.  Microinvasive carcinoma of the breast.  Int J Surg Pathol 1998; 6:183-188. 


  28.      Chen Y-Y, Schnitt SJ.  Prognostic factors for patients with breast cancers 1 cm and smaller.  Breast Cancer Res Treat 1998; 51:209-225. 


  29.      Schnitt SJ.  Microinvasive carcinoma of the breast: A diagnosis in search of a definition. Adv Anat Pathol 1998; 5:367-372. 


30.         Siziopikou KP, Schnitt SJ, Connolly JL, Hayes DF.  Detection and significance of occult axillary metastatic disease in breast cancer patients. The Breast J 1999;5:221-229.


31.         Schnitt SJ, Morrow M.  Lobular carcinoma in situ: Current concepts and controversies.  Semin Diagn Pathol 1999;16:209-223.


 32.        Jacobs TW, Schnitt SJ, Raza S, Connolly JL.  Radial scars in breast biopsies-Pathologic features and clinical importance. Pathol Case Reviews 1999;4:194-198.


33.       Schnitt SJ. Angiosarcoma of the mammary skin following conservative surgery and radiation therapy for breast cancer. Pathol Case Reviews 1999;4:220-223.


 34.        Schnitt SJ, Connolly JL.  Pathologic risk factors for local recurrence in patients with invasive breast cancer treated with conservative surgery and radiation therapy.  Semin Breast Dis 1999; 2:230-239.


35.       Morrow M, Schnitt S. Treatment selection of ductal carcinoma in situ. Contempo Updates, J Am Med Assoc 2000;283:453-456.


 36.       Fitzgibbons PL, Page DL, Weaver D, Thor AD, Allred DC, Clark GM, Ruby SG, O'Malley F, Simpson, JF, Connolly JL, Hayes DF, Edge SB, Lichter A, Schnitt SJ.  Prognostic factors in breast cancer. College of American Pathologists Consensus Statement 1999. Arch Pathol Lab Med 2000;124:966-978.


 37.       Schnitt SJ.  Breast cancer in the 21st century: Neu opportunities and neu challenges.  Mod Pathol 2001;14:213-215


38.       Schnitt SJ, Jacobs TW. Current status of HER2 testing. Caught between a rock and a hard place. Am J Clin Pathol 2001;116:806-810.


39.       Schnitt SJ.  Traditional and newer pathologic factors.  J Natl Cancer Inst Monogr 2001;30:22-26.


 40.       Schnitt SJ.  Benign breast disease and breast cancer risk: Potential role for anti-estrogens.

Clinical Cancer Res 2001;7:4419s-4422s.


41.        Jacobs TW, Connolly JL, Schnitt SJ. Non-malignant lesions in breast core needle biopsies: To excise or not to excise? Am J Surg Pathol 2002;26:1095-1110.


 42.       Morrow M, Strom EA, Bassett LW, Dershaw DD, Fowble B, Harris JR, O’Malley F, Schnitt SJ, Singletary, SE, Winchester DP.  Standard for the management of ductal carcinoma in situ of the breast (DCIS). CA Cancer J Clin 2002;52:256-276.


43.      Morrow M, Strom EA, Bassett LW, Dershaw DD, Fowble B, Giuliano A, Harris JR, O’Malley F, Schnitt SJ, Singletary, SE, Winchester DP.  Standard breast conservation therapy in the management of invasive breast cancer. CA Cancer J Clin 2002;52:277-300.


44.       Schnitt SJ. Pharmacopathology: A new spin on an old idea. Am J Surg Pathol 2003;27:121-123.


 45.       Schnitt SJ, Vincent-Salomon A. Columnar cell lesions of the breast. Adv Anat Pathol              2003;10:113-124.


46.       Schnitt SJ. Benign breast disease and breast cancer risk: Morphology and beyond. Am J Surg Pathol 2003;27:836-841.


47.      Schnitt SJ. Flat epithelial atypia: Classification, pathologic features, and clinical significance. Breast Cancer Res 2003;5:263-268.


 48.       Schnitt SJ. Risk factors for local recurrence in patients with invasive breast cancer and negative      surgical margins: Where are we and where are we going? Am J Clin Pathol 2003;120:485-488.


49.       Schnitt SJ. Columnar cell lesions of the breast. Pathol Case Reviews 2003;8:201-210.


50.      Schnitt SJ. Columnar cell lesions of the breast: Pathologic features and clinical significance.             Current Diagnostic Pathology 2004;10:193-203.


51.      Schnitt SJ. Estrogen receptor testing in current clinical practice: What’s the question? J Clin Oncol 2006;24:1797-1799.


52.      Schnitt SJ. Reporting of estrogen receptor results: Back to the future? Adv Anat Pathol 2006;13:141.


 53.      Collins LC, Schnitt SJ. Papillary lesions of the breast: selected diagnostic and management issues. Histopathol 2008;52:20-29.


 54.      Schnitt SJ, Harris JR. Evolution of breast-conserving therapy for localized breast cancer. J Clin       Oncol 2008;26:1395-1396.


        55.      Schnitt SJ. The transition from ductal carcinoma in situ to invasive breast cancer:

the other side of the coin. Breast Cancer Res 2009;11:101


56.     Allred DC, Carlson RW, Berry DA, Burstein HJ, Edge SB, Goldstein LJ, Gown A, Hammond E, Iglehart JD, Moench S, Pierce LJ, Ravdin P, Schnitt SJ, Wolff AC. NCCN task force report: Estrogen receptor and progesterone receptor testing in breast cancer by immunohistochemistry. JNCCN 2009;7(suppl 6):S-1-S-21.

57.     Schnitt SJ. Clinging carcinoma: an American perspective. Semin Diagn Pathol 2010;27:31-36.


58.     Rakha EA, Reis-Filho JS, Baehner F, Dabbs DJ, Decker T, Eusebi V, Fox SB, Ichihara S, Jacquemier J, Lakhani SR, Palacios J, Schnitt SJ, Schmitt FC, Tan P-H, Tse GM, Badve S, Ellis IO. Breast cancer prognostic classification in the molecular era: the role of histological grade. Breast Cancer Res 2010;12:207-218.


59.     Badve S, Dabbs DJ, Schnitt SJ, Baehner F, Decker T, Eusebi V, Fox SB, Ichihara S, Jacquemier J, Lakhani SR, Palacios J, Rakha E, Richardson A, Schmitt FC, Tan P-H, Tse GM, Weigelt B, Ellis IO, Reis-Filho JS. Basal-like and triple negative breast cancer: A critical review with an emphasis on the implications for pathologists and oncologists. Mod Pathol (in press).





1.         Schnitt SJ, Collins LC. Biopsy Interpretation of the Breast, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2009.





1.         Ellis IO, Eusebi V, Schnitt SJ, guest editors. Problems in Breast Pathology Revisited, Seminars in Diagnostic Pathology 2010;27.



Textbook and Monograph Chapters


   1.      Connolly JL, Schnitt SJ, Harris J, Hellman S, Cohen R.  Pathologic correlates of local tumor control following radiation therapy in patients with early breast cancer. In: Harris JR, Hellman S, Silen W, eds. Conservative Management of Breast Cancer. Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott, 1983:123-36. 


   2.      Connolly JL, Schnitt SJ, Silver B, Recht A, Cohen RB, Harris JR.  The influence of pathologic features on clinical outcome of breast cancer patients treated by primary radiation therapy. In: Thomsen K, Ludwig H, eds. Proceedings of the XIth World Congress of Gynecology and Obstetrics. Springer-Verlag, 1986. 


   3.      Love SM, Schnitt SJ, Connolly JL, Shirley RL.  Benign breast disorders. In: Harris JR, Hellman S, Henderson IC, Kinne DW, eds. Breast Diseases. Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott, 1987:15-53. 


   4.      Connolly JL, Schnitt SJ.  Miscellaneous features of carcinoma. In: Page DL, Anderson TJ, eds. Diagnostic Histopathology of the Breast. New York: Churchill-Livingstone, 1987:269-77. 


   5.      Connolly JL, Schnitt SJ.  Evaluation of breast biopsy specimens in patients considered for treatment by conservative surgery and radiation therapy for early breast cancer. In: Rosen PP, Fechner RE, eds. Pathology Annual - Part I, Norwalk: Appleton and Lange, 1988:1-23. 


   6.      Schnitt SJ, Harris JR.  Ductal carcinoma in situ (intraductal carcinoma) of the breast. Update for Devita VT, Hellman S, Rosenberg SA, eds. Cancer: Principles and Practice of Oncology. Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott, 1988. 


   7.      Recht A, Connolly JL, Schnitt SJ, Harris JR.  Therapy of in-situ cancer. In: Hematology-Oncology Clinics of North America.  Volume 3.  Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders, 1989:691-708. 


   8.      Schnitt SJ, Connolly JL.  Pathology of benign breast disorders. In: Harris JR, Hellman S, Henderson IC, Kinne DW, eds. Breast Diseases (2nd edition). Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott, 1991:15-30. 


   9.      Schnitt SJ.  Pathology of in situ carcinoma. In: Harris JR, Hellman S, Henderson IC, Kinne DW, eds. Breast Diseases (2nd edition). Philadelphia: JB Lippincott, 1991:229-32. 


  10.      Recht A, Schnitt SJ.  The role of radiation in the management of intraductal carcinoma of the breast.  Breast Disease: A Year Book Quarterly, Volume 1, 1990:20-2. 


  11.      Schnitt SJ.  Specimen processing.  In: Tavassoli FA. Pathology of the Breast.  New York: Appleton and Lange, 1992:63-78. 


  12.      Connolly JL, Ducatman BS, Schnitt SJ, Dvorak AM, Dvorak HF.  Principles of cancer pathology. In: Holland JF, Frei E, Bast RC, Kufe DW, Morton DL, Weichselbaum RR, eds. Cancer Medicine, 3rd Edition.  Philadelphia: Lea and Febiger, 1993:432-50. 


  13.      Schnitt S.  Normal anatomy and development; Processing of breast biopsies; Benign breast disorders; Pathology of breast cancer. In: Hayes DF, ed. Atlas of Breast Cancer. London: Mosby, 1993:3.2-3.5; 6.2-6.6; 7.2-7.9; 8.2-8.11. 


  14.      Schnitt S.  Pathologic features predictive of local recurrence in patients with invasive breast cancer treated by conservative surgery and radiation therapy. In: Levitt SH, Fletcher GH, eds. Non-disseminated Breast Cancer. Controversial Issues in Management. Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1993:93-104. 


  15.      Schnitt SJ, Connolly JL.  Pathology of benign breast disorders. In: Harris JR, Lippman ME, Morrow M, Hellman S, eds. Diseases of the Breast.  Philadelphia: Lippincott-Raven, 1996:27-41. 


 16.       Morrow M, Schnitt SJ, Harris JR.  Ductal carcinoma in situ. In: Harris JR, Lippman ME, Morrow M, Hellman S, eds. Diseases of the Breast.  Philadelphia: Lippincott-Raven, 1996:355-68. 


  17.      Morrow M, Schnitt SJ.  Lobular carcinoma in situ.  In: Harris JR, Lippman ME, Morrow M, Hellman S, eds. Diseases of the Breast.  Philadelphia: Lippincott-Raven, 1996:369-73. 


  18.      Connolly JL, Schnitt SJ, Wang HH, Dvorak AM, Dvorak HF.  Principles of cancer pathology. In: Holland JF, Frei E, Bast RC, Kufe DW, Morton DL, Weichselbaum RR, eds. Cancer Medicine, 4th Edition.  Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins, 1997:533-55. 


19.       Schnitt SJ.  Angiogenesis in ductal carcinoma in situ of the breast. In: Silverstein M, ed. Ductal Carcinoma in Situ: A Diagnostic and Therapeutic Dilemma.  Williams & Wilkins 1997:59-64. 


  20.      Morrow M, Schnitt SJ, Harris JR.  Ductal carcinoma in situ and Microinvasive Carcinoma. In: Harris JR, Lippman ME, Morrow M, Osborne CK, eds. Diseases of the Breast, Second Edition.  Philadelphia: Lippincott-Raven, 2000:383-401. 


  21.      Morrow M, Schnitt SJ.  Lobular carcinoma in situ.  In: Harris JR, Lippman ME, Morrow M, Osborne CK, eds. Diseases of the Breast, Second Edition.  Philadelphia: Lippincott-Raven, 2000:377-381.


  22.      Schnitt SJ, Guidi AJ.  Pathology of Invasive Breast Cancer. In: Harris JR, Lippman ME, Morrow M, Osborne CK, eds. Diseases of the Breast, Second Edition.  Philadelphia: Lippincott-Raven, 2000:425-470.


  23.      Schnitt SJ, Connolly JL.  Pathology of benign breast disorders. In: Harris JR, Lippman ME, Morrow M, Osborne CK, eds. Diseases of the Breast, Second Edition.  Philadelphia: Lippincott-Raven, 2000:75-93.


 24.     Schnitt SJ.  Normal anatomy and development; Processing of breast biopsies; Benign breast      disorders; Pathology of breast cancer. In: Hayes DF, ed. Atlas of Breast Cancer, Second Edition. London: Mosby, 2000:3.1-3.4;7.1-7.1;8.1-8.10;9.1-9.11 


25.      Hayes DF, Schnitt SJ.  Risk factors, epidemiology, and development of breast cancer.

 In: Hayes DF, ed. Atlas of Breast Cancer, Second Edition. London: Mosby 2000:2.2-2.10. 


26.    Connolly JL, Schnitt SJ, Wang HH, Dvorak AM, Dvorak HF.  Principles of cancer pathology. In: Holland JF, Frei E, Bast RC, Kufe DW, Morton DL, Weichselbaum RR, eds. Cancer Medicine, 5th Edition.  Hamilton: B.C. Decker, Inc, 2000:384-399.


27.     Schnitt SJ.  Angiogenesis in ductal carcinoma in situ of the breast. In: Silverstein MJ, ed.   Ductal  Carcinoma in Situ of the Breast. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins  2002:234-239.


28.      Schnitt SJ.  Extensive intraductal component in association with invasive breast cancers. In:        Silverstein MJ, ed. Ductal  Carcinoma in Situ of the Breast. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 2002:536-538.


29.     Park CC, Schnitt SJ, Recht A.  Joint Center for Radiation Therapy Experience. In:        Silverstein MJ, ed. Ductal  Carcinoma in Situ of the Breast. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 2002:373-380.


30.     Connolly JL, Schnitt SJ, Wang HH, Dvorak AM, Dvorak HF.  Principles of cancer pathology. In: Holland JF, Frei E, Bast RC, Kufe DW, Morton DL, Weichselbaum RR, eds. Cancer Medicine, 6th Edition.  Hamilton: B.C. Decker, Inc. 2003:487-502.


31.     Schnitt SJ, Millis RR, Hanby AM, Oberman HA. The Breast. In: Mills SE, Carter D, Greenson JK, Oberman HA, Reuter VE, Stoler MH, eds. Sternberg’s Diagnostic Surgical Pathology, 4th Edition. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 2004:323-395.


   32.     Schnitt SJ. Flat epithelial atypia. In: Boecker, W, ed. Preneoplasia of the Breast. A New Conceptual Approach to Proliferative Breast Disease. Elsevier Saunders 2006:369-376.


33.     Boecker W, Parker S, Schulz-Wendtland R, Schnitt S, Buerger H. Ductal carcinoma-in situ. In: Boecker, W, ed. Preneoplasia of the Breast. A New Conceptual approach to Proliferative Breast Disease. Elsevier Saunders 2006:407-464.   


34.     Collins LC, Schnitt SJ. The Breast. In: Mills, SE, ed. Histology for Pathologists, 3rd Edition.
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 2007:57-71.


35.     Schnitt SJ.  Spindle Cell Lesions of the Breast. In: Collins, LC, ed. Surgical Pathology Clinics, Elsevier Saunders 2009:375-390.


Non-Print Material


1.       Schnitt S. Pathology of Breast Cancer.  In: Rose BD, Editor. Oncology Up-to-Date, Wellesley,

          MA, 1997.


Single Case Reports


   1.      Schnitt SJ, Wang H, Dvorak AM.  Morphologic changes in primary neuroendocrine carcinoma of the skin following radiation therapy.  Hum Pathol 1986; 17:198-201. 


   2.      Epstein HD, Schnitt SJ, Brodsky G.  Lipogranulomas in lymph nodes (letter).  Arch Pathol Lab Med 1986; 110:467-8. 


   3.      Winston KR, Sotrel A, Schnitt SJ.  Meningeal melanocytoma. Case report and review of the clinical and histological features.  J Neurosurg 1987; 66:50-7. 


   4.      Schnitt SJ, Antonioli DA, Jaffe B, Peppercorn MA.  Granulomatous inflammation of minor salivary gland ducts: A new oral manifestation of Crohn's disease.  Hum Pathol 1987; 18:405-7. 


   5.      Lederman GS, Recht A, Loeffler JS, Dubuisson D, Kleefield J, Schnitt SJ.  Craniopharyngioma in an elderly patient.  Cancer 1987; 60:1077-80. 


   6.      Costello TJ, Wang HH, Schnitt SJ, Ritter R, Antonioli DA.  Paget's disease with extensive involvement of the female genital tract.  Arch Pathol Lab Med 1988; 112:941-4. 


   7.      Kuntz RE, Piana R, Schnitt SJ, Johnson RG, Safian RD, Baim DS.  Early ostial graft stenosis: Management by atherectomy.  Cathet Cardiovasc Diagn 1991; 24:41-4. 


   8.      Fisher DE, Schnitt SJ, Christian R, Harris JR, Henderson IC.  Chest wall recurrence of ductal carcinoma in situ of the breast after mastectomy.  Cancer 1993; 71:3025-8. 


   9.      Baum JK, Robins JR, Schnitt S, Houlihan MJ.  The ultrasound appearance of granular cell tumor of the breast: A case report.  Breast Dis 1994; 7:281-­­­­5.



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34 楼    发表于2010-09-17 11:24:00举报|引用
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155.      Habel LA, Achacoso NS, Haque R, Nekhlyudov L, Fletcher SW, Schnitt SJ, Collins LC, Geiger AM, Puligandla B, Acton L, Quesenberry Jr, CP. Declining recurrence among ductal carcinoma in situ patients treated with breast-conserving surgery in the community setting. Breast Cancer Res 2009;11:R85.


156.      Collins LC, Achacoso N, Nekhlyudov L, Fletcher SW, Haque R, Quesenberry CP, Puligandla B, Alshak NS, Goldstein LC, Gown AM, Schnitt SJ, Habel LA. Relationship between clinical and pathologic features of ductal carcinoma in situ and patient age: An analysis of 657 patients. Am J Surg Pathol 2009;33:1802-1808.


157.      Su X, Colditz GA, Willett WC, Collins LC, Schnitt SJ, Connolly JL, Pollak MN, Rosner B, Tamimi RM. Genetic variation and circulating levels of IGF-1 and IGFBP-3 in relation to risk of proliferative benign breast disease. In J Cancer 2010;126:180-190.


158.      Tung N, Wang Y, Collins LC, Kaplan J, Li H, Gelman R, Comander A, Gallagher B, Fetten K, Krag K, Stoeckert K, Legare RD, Sgroi D, Garber JE, Schnitt SJ. Estrogen receptor positive breast cancers in BRCA1 mutation carriers: Clinical risk factors and pathologic features. Breast Cancer Res 2010;12:R12.


159.      Hilson JB, Schnitt SJ, Collins LC. Phenotypic alterations myoepithelial cells associated with benign sclerosing lesions of the breast.  Am J Surg Pathol 2010;34:896-900.


160.      Haque R, Achacoso NS, Fletcher SW, Nekhlyudov L, Collins LC, Schnitt SJ, Quesenberry CP, Habel LA. Treatment of ductal carcinoma in situ among patients in large integrated health plans. Am J Managed Care (in press).


161.      Su X, Tamimi RM, Collins LC, Baer HJ, Cho E, Sampson L, Willett WC, Schnitt SJ, Connolly JL, Rosner BA, Colditz GA. Intake of fiber and nuts during adolescence and incidence of proliferative benign breast disease. Cancer Causes Control (in press).


162.      Aroner SA, Collins LC, Schnitt SJ, Connolly JL, Colditz GA, Tamimi RM. Columnar cell lesions and subsequent breast cancer risk: A nested case-control study. Breast Cancer Research (in press).


163.      Robens J, Goldstein L, Gown AM, Schnitt SJ. Thyroid transcription factor-1 expression in breast cancer. Am J Surg Pathol (in press).



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87.        Jacobs TW, Gown AM, Yaziji H, Barnes MJ, Schnitt SJ. Specificity of HercepTest in determining HER2/neu status of breast cancers using FDA-approved scoring system. J Clin Oncol 1999;17:1983-1987.


88.        Sharifi S, Peterson MK, Baum JK, Raza S, Schnitt SJ.  Assessment of standard prognostic                    factors in breast core needle biopsies. Mod Pathol 1999;12:941-945.


89.        Gertig DM, Stillman IE, Byrne C, Spiegelman D, Schnitt SJ, Connolly JL, Colditz GA, Hunter DJ. Effect of age and reproductive factors on benign breast tissue composition. Cancer Epideomiol Biomarkers Prevent 1999;8:873-879.


90.        Jacobs TW, Gown AM, Yaziji H, Barnes MJ, Schnitt SJ.  HER-2/neu protein expression in breast cancer evaluated by immunohistochemistry: A study of inter-laboratory agreement. Am J Clin Pathol 2000;113:251-258.


91.        Abner A, Connolly JL, Recht A, Bornstein B, Nixon A, Hetelekidis S, Silver B, Harris JR,

      Schnitt SJ.  The relationship between the presence and extent of lobular carcinoma in situ and

the risk of local recurrence in patients with infiltrating cancer of the breast treated with conservative surgery and radiation therapy. Cancer 2000;88:1072-1077.


92.        Park CC, Mitsumori M, Nixon A, Recht A, Connolly J, Gelman R, Silver B, Hetelekidis S, Abner A, Harris JR, Schnitt SJ.  Outcome at 8 years following breast-conserving surgery and radiation therapy for invasive breast cancer: Influence of margin status and systemic therapy on local recurrence. J Clin Oncol 2000;18:1668-1675.     


93.        Peiro GP, Bornstein BA, Connolly JL, Gelman R, Hetelekidis S, Nixon AJ, Recht A, Silver B, Harris JR, Schnitt SJ. The influence of infiltrating lobular carcinoma on the outcome of patients treated with breast-conserving surgery and radiation therapy. Breast Cancer Res Treat 2000;59:49-54.


94.        Wong JS, O'Neill A, Recht A, Schnitt SJ, Connolly JL, Silver B, Harris JR. The relationship between lymphatic vessel invasion, tumor size and pathologic nodal status: Can we predict who can avoid a third field in the absence of axillary dissection. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2000;48:133-137.


95.        Byrne C, Connolly JL, Colditz GA, Schnitt SJ.  Biopsy confirmed benign breast disease, postmenopausal use of exogenous female hormones, and breast cancer risk.  Cancer 2000;89:2046-2052.


96.        Siziopikou KP, Schnitt SJ.  MIB-1 proliferation index in ductal carcinoma in situ of the breast: Relationship to the expression of the apoptosis-regulating proteins bcl-2 and p53.  The Breast J 2000;6:400-406.


97.        Khalkhali I, Villneuva-Meyer J, Edell SL, Hanelin LG, Lugo CE, Taillefer R, Freeman LM, Neal CE, Scheff AM, Connolly JL, Schnitt SJ, Baum JK, Houlihan MJ, Jenkins RM, Haber SB.  Diagnostic accuracy of 99mTc sestamibi breast imaging: Multicenter Trial Results. J Nucl Med 2000;41:1973-1979


98.        Jacobs TW, Pliss N, Kouria G, Schnitt SJ. Carcinomas in situ with indeterminate features: Role of E-cadherin staining in categorization. Am J Surg Pathol 2001;25:229-236.


99.        Jacobs TW, Byrne C, Colditz G, Connolly JL. Schnitt SJ.  Pathologic features of breast cancers in women with prior benign breast disease.  Am J Clin Pathol 2001;115:362-369.


100.      Janov AJ, Tulecke M, O'Neill A, Lester S, Mauch PM, Harris JR, Schnitt SJ, Shapiro CL. Clinical and pathologic features of breast cancers in women treated for Hodgkin's disease: A case-control study. The Breast J 2001; 7:46-52.           


101.      Pisano ED, Fajardo LL, Caudry D, Sneige N, Frable WJ, Berg WA, Tocino I, Schnitt S, Connolly J, Gatsonis CA, McNeil BJ.  Fine needle aspiration of nonpalpable breast lesions in a multicenter clinical trial: Results from the Radiologic Diagnostic Oncology Group V. Radiology 2001;219:785-792


102.      Lehr H-A, Jacobs TW, Yaziji H, Schnitt SJ, Gown AM.  Quantitative evaluation of HER-2/neu status in breast cancer by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) and by immunohistochemistry (IHC) with image analysis. Am J Clin Pathol 2001;115;814-822


103.      Krop IE, Sgroi D, Porter DA, Lunetta KL, LeVangie R, Seth P, Kaelin CM, Rhei E, Bosenberg M, Schnitt S, Marks JR, Pagon A, Belina D, Ramzumovic J, Polyak K. HIN-1, a putative cytokine highly expressed in normal but not cancerous mammary epithelial cells. Proc Nat Acad Sci 2001;98:9796-9801


104.      Enerback C, Porter DA, Seth P, Sgroi D, Gaudet J, Weremowicz S, Morton CC, Schnitt S, Pitts RL, Stampl J, Barnhart K, Polyak K. Psoriasin expression in mammary epithelial cells in vitro and in vivo. Cancer Res 2002;62:43-47.


105.      Jacobs TW, Schnitt SJ, Tan X, Brown LF. Radial scars of the breast and breast carcinomas have similar alterations in expression of factors involved in vascular stroma formation. Hum Pathol 2002;33:29-38.


106.      Khalhali I, Baum JK, Villneuva-Meyer J, Edell SL, Hanelin LG, Lugo CE, Taillefer R, Freeman LM, Neal CE, Scheff AM, Connolly JL, Schnitt SJ, Houlihan MJ, Haber SB. Tc99M sestamibi breast imaging for the evaluation of patients with dense and fatty breasts: Report of a multicenter study. Radiology 2002;22:149-155.


107.      Webb PM, Byrne C, Schnitt SJ, Connolly JL, Jacobs T, Peiro G, Willett W, Colditz GA. Family history of breast cancer, age and benign breast disease. Int J Cancer 2002;100:375-378.


108.      Byrne C, Webb PM, Jacobs TW, Peiro G, Schnitt SJ, Connolly JL, Willett WC, Colditz GA. Alcohol consumption and incidence of benign breast disease. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 2002;11:1369-1374.


109.        Porter D, Lahti-Domenici J, Keshaviah A, Bae YK, Argani P, Marks J, Richardson A, Cooper A, Starusberg R, Riggins GJ, Schnitt S, Gabrielson, E, Gelman R, Polyak K. Molecular markers in ductal carcinoma in situ of the breast. Mol Cancer Res 2003;1:362-375.


110.      Baer HJ, Schnitt SJ, Connolly JL, Byrne C, Cho E, Willett WC, Colditz GA. Adolescent diet and incidence of prolferative benign breast disease. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prevent 2003;12:1159-1167.


111.      Collins LC, Connolly JL, Page DL, Goulart RA, Pisano ED, Fajardo LL, Berg WA, Caudry DJ, McNeil BJ, Schnitt, SJ. Diagnostic agreement in the pathologic interpretation of image-guided breast core needle biopsies. Am J Surg Pathol 2004;28:126-131.


112.      Elkin EB, Weinstein MC, Winer EP, Kuntz KM, Schnitt SJ, Weeks JC. HER-2 testing and trastuzumab therapy for metastatic breast cancer: A cost-effectiveness analysis. J Clin Oncol 2004;22:854-863.


113.      Thurman S, Schnitt SJ, Connolly JL, Gelman R, Silver B, Harris JR, Recht A. Outcome after breast-conserving therapy for patients with stage I or II mucinous, medullary or tubular breast carcinoma. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2004;59:152-159.


114.      Fajardo LL, Pisano ED, Caudry DJ, Gatsonis CA, Berg WA, Connolly J, Schnitt S, Page DL, McNeil BJ. Stereotactic and sonographic large-core biopsy of nonpalpable breast lesions: results of the Radiologic Diagnostic Oncology Group V study. Acad Radiol 2004;11:293-308.


115.      Webb PM, Byrne C, Schnitt SJ, Connolly JL, Jacobs TW, Baer HJ, Willett WC, Colditz GA. A prospective study of diet and benign breast disease. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 2004;13:1106-1113.


116.      Allinen M, Beroukhim R, Cai L, Brennan C, Lahti-Domenici J, Huang H, Porter D, Hu M, Chin L, Richardson A, Schnitt S, Sellers WR, Polyak K. Molecular characterization of the tumor microenvironment in breast cancer. Cancer Cell 2004;6:17-32.


117.      Chen WY, Hankinson SE, Schnitt SJ, Rosner BA, Holmes MD, Colditz GA. Association of hormone replacement therapy to the estrogen and progesterone receptor status of invasive breast cancers. Cancer 2004;101:1490-1500.


118.      Bluemke DA, Gatsonis CA, Chen MH, DeAngelis GA, DeBruhl N, Harms S, Heywang-Kobrunner SH, Hylton N, Kuhl CK, Lehman C, Pisano ED, Causer P, Schnitt SJ, Smazal SF, Stelling CB, Weatherall PT, Schnall MD. Magnetic resonance imaging of the breast prior to breast biopsy.

            JAMA 2004;292:2735-2742.


119.      Collins LC, Botero ML, Schnitt SJ. Bimodal frequency distribution of estrogen receptor immunohistochemical staining results: An analysis of 825 cases. Am J Clin Pathol 2005;123:16-20.


120.      Galper S, Blood E, Gelman R, Abner A, Recht A, Kohli A, Wong JS, Smith D, Bellon J, Connolly J, Schnitt S, Winer E, Silver E, Harris JR. Prognosis following local recurrence after conservative surgery and radiation therapy for early-stage breast cancer. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2005;61:348-357


121.      Collins LC, Schnitt SJ. HER2 over-expression in estrogen receptor-positive ductal carcinoma in situ of the breast: Frequency and implications for tamoxifen therapy. Mod Pathol 2005;18:615-620.


122.      Collins LC, Tamimi RM, Baer HJ, Connolly JL, Colditz GA, Schnitt SJ. Outcome of patients with ductal carcinoma in situ “treated” by diagnostic biopsy alone: Results from the Nurses’ Health Study. Cancer 2005;103:1778-1784.


123.      Lehman CD, Blume JD, Weatherall P, Thickman D, Hylton N, Warner E, Pisano E, Schnitt SJ, Schnall M. Screening women at high risk for breast cancer with mammography and magnetic resonance imaging. Cancer 2005;103:1898-1905.


124.      Lehman CD, Blume JD, Thickman D, Bluemke DA, Pisano E, Kuhl C, Julian TB, Hylton N, Weatherall P, O’Loughline M, Schnitt SJ, Gatsonis C, Schnall MD. Added cancer yield of MRI in screening the contralateral breast of women recently diagnosed with breast cancer: results from the International Breast Magnetic Resonance Consortium (IBMC) trial. J Surg Oncol 2005;92:9-15.


125.      Tamimi RM, Byrne C, Baer HJ, Rosner B, Schnitt SJ, Connolly JL, Colditz GA. Benign breast disease, recent alcohol consumption, and risk of breast cancer: A nested case-control study. Breast Cancer Res 2005;7:R555-R562.


126.      Hsiung P-L, Pantanowitz L, Aguirre AD, Chen Y, Phatak D, Ko TH, Bourquin S, Schnitt SJ, Raza S, Connolly JL, Mashimo H, Fujimoto JG. Ultra-high resolution and 3-dimensional optical coherence tomography ex vivo imaging of the large and small intestines. Gastrointest Endosc 2005;62:561-574.


127.      Baer H, Schnitt SJ, Connolly JL, Byrne C, Willett WC, Rosner B, Colditz GA. Early life factors and incidence of proliferative benign breast disease. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prevent 2005;14:2889-2897.


128.      Schnall MD, Blume J, Bluemke DA, DeAngelis GA, DeBruhl N, Harms S, Heywang-Kobrunner S, Hylton N, Kuhl CK, Pisano ED, Causer P, Schnitt SJ, Smazal SF, Stelling CB, Lehman C, Weatherall P, Gatsonis C. MRI detection of distinct incidental cancer in women with primary breast cancer studied in IBMC 6883. J Surg Oncol 2005;92:32-38.


129.      O’Malley FP, Mohsin SK, Badve S, Bose S, Collins LC, Ennis M, Kleer CG, Pinder SE, Schnitt SJ. Interobserver reproducibility in the diagnosis of flat epithlelial atypia of the breast. Mod Pathol 2006;19:172-179


130.      Wong JS, Kaelin CM, Troyan SL, Gadd MA, Gelman R, Lester SC, Schnitt SJ, Sgroi DC, Silver BJ, Harris JR, Smith BL. A prosepective study of wide excision alone for ductal carcinoma in situ  of the breast. J Clin Oncol 2006;24:1031-1036


131.      Bryan B, Schnitt SJ, Collins LC. Ductal carcinoma in situ with basal-like phenotype: A possible precursor to invasive basal-like breast cancer. Mod Pathol 2006;19:617-621


132.      Collins LC, Carlo VP, Hwang H, Barry TS, Gown AM, Schnitt SJ. Intracystic papillary carcinomas of the breast: A re-appraisal using a panel of myoepithelial cell markers. Am J Surg Pathol 2006;30:1002-1007.        


133.      Schnall MD, Blume J, Bluemke DA, DeAngelis GA, DeBruhl N, Harms S, Heywang-Kobrunner S, Hylton N, Kuhl CK, Pisano ED, Causer P, Schnitt SJ, Thickman D, Stelling CB, Weatherall P, Lehman C, Gatsonis C. Diagnostic architectural and dynamic features of breast MR imaging: multicenter study. Radiology 2006;238:42-53.


134.      Collins LC, Baer HJ, Tamimi R, Connolly JL, Colditz GA, Schnitt SJ. Influence of family history on breast cancer risk in women with biopsy-confirmed benign breast disease: Results from the Nurses’ Health Study. Cancer 2006;107:1240-47

135.      Lim M, Bellon JR, Gelman R, Silver B, Recht A, Schnitt SJ, Harris JR. A prospective study of conservative surgery without radiation therapy in select patients with stage I breast cancer. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2006;65:1149-54.

136.      Collins LC, Baer HJ, Tamimi RM, Connolly JL, Colditz GA, Schnitt SJ. Magnitude and laterality of breast cancer risk according to histologic type of atypical hyperplasia: Results from the Nurses’ Health Study. Cancer 2007;109:180-7.

137.      Shipistin M, Campbell LL, Aragni P, Weremowicz S, Bloushtain-Qimron N, Yao J, Serebryiskaya T, Beroukhim R, Hu M, Halushka M, Sukumar S, Parker LM, Anderson KS, Harris LN, Garber JE, Richardson AL, Schnitt SJ, Nikolsky Y, Gelman RS, Polyak KP. Molecular definition of breast tumor heterogeneity. Cancer Cell 2007;11:259-273.

138.      Harris LN, You F, Schnitt SJ, Witkiewicz A, Lu X, Sgroi D, Ryan PD, Come SE, Burstein HJ, Lesnikoski BA, Kamma M, Friedman PN, Gelman R, Iglehart JD, Winer EP. Predictors of resistance to preoperative trastuzumab and vinorelbine for HER2-positive early breast cancer. Clin Cancer Res 2007;13;1198-1207.

139.      Harton AM, Wang HH, Schnitt SJ, Jacobs TW. p63 immunohistochemistry improves accuracy of diagnosis on fine needle aspiration of the breast. Am J Clin Pathol 2007;128:80-85.

140.      Collins LC, Achacoso N, Nekhlyudov L, Fletcher SW, Haque R, Qusenberry CP, Alshak NS, Pugligandla B, Brodsky G, Schnitt SJ, Habel LA. Clinical and pathologic features of ductal carcinoma in situ associated with the presences of flat epithelial atypia: An analysis of 543 patients. Mod Pathol 2007;20:1149-1155.


141.      Masciari S, Larsson, Senz J, Boyd N, Kaurah P, Kandel MJ, Harris LN, Pinheiro HC, Troussard A, Miron P, Tung N, Oliveria C, Collins L, Schnitt S, Garber JE, Huntsman D. Germline E-cadherin mutations in familial lobular breast cancer. J Med Genetics 2007;44:726-731.


142.      Overholzer M, Mailleux A, Mouniemne G, Normand G, Schnitt SJ, King RW, Cibas ES, Brugge JS. A nonapoptotic cell death process, entosis, that occurs by cell-in-cell invasion.  Cell 2007;131:966-979.


143.      Turner RR, Weaver DL, Cserni G, Lester SC, Hirsch K, Elsahoff D, Fitzgibbons PL, Viale G, Mazzarol G, Ibarra JA, Schnitt SJ, Giuliano AE. Nodal stage classification for breast carcinoma: Improving interobserver reproducibility through standardized histologic criteria and image-based training. J Clin Oncol 2008;26:258-263.


144.      Tamimi RM, Baer HJ, Marotti J, Galan M, Galaburda L, Fu Y, Deitz A, Connolly JL, Schnitt SJ, Colditz GA, Collins LC. Comparison of molecular phenotypes of ductal carcinoma in situ and invasive breast cancer. Breast Cancer Res 2008;10:R67.


145.      Kleer CG, Bloushtain-Qimron N, Chen Y-H, Carrasco D, Hu M, Yao J, Kraeft S-K, Collins LC, Sabel MS, Argani P, Gelman R, Schnitt SJ, Krop IE, Polyak K. Epithelial and stromal cathepsin K and CXCL14 expression in breast tumor progression. Clin Cancer Res 2008;14:5357-5367.


146.      Jensen KC, Schaeffer DF, Nielsen TO, Cheang M, Montgomery K, West RB, Gilks CB, Ross D, Gulisa T, Schnitt S, van de Rijn M. Characterization of a novel anti-fatty acid synthase (FASN) antiserum in breast tissue. Mod Pathol 2008;21:1413-1420.


147.      Hu M, Yao J, CarrollDK, Weremowicz S, Chen H, Carrasco D, Richardson A, Violette S, Nikolskaya T, Nikolsky Y, Bauerlein EL, Hahn WC, Gelman RS, Allred DC, Bissell MJ, Schnitt S, Polyak K. Regulation of in situ to invasive breast carcinoma transition. Cancer Cell 2008;13:394-406.


148.      Hilson JB, Schnitt SJ, Collins LC. Phenotypic alterations in ductal carcinoma in situ-associated myoepithelial cells: Biological and diagnostic implications. Am J Surg Pathol 2009;33:227-232.


149.      Baer HJ, Collins LC, Connolly JL, Colditz GA, Schnitt SJ, Tamimi RM. Lobule type and subsequent breast cancer risk: Results from the Nurses’ Health Studies. Cancer 2009;115:1404-1411.


150.      Hu M, Peluffo G, Chen H, Gelman R, Schnitt S, Polyak K. The role of COX-2 in epithelial-stromal cell interactions and the progression of ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) of the breast. Proc Nat Acad Sci 2009;106:3372-3377.


151.      Collins LC, Martyniak AJ, Kandel MJ, Stadler ZK, Masciari S, Miron A, Richardson AL, Schnitt  SJ, Garber JG. Basal cytokeratin and epidermal growth factor receptor expression are not predictive of BRCA1 mutation status in women with triple negative breast cancers. Am J Surg Pathol 2009;33:1093-1097.


152.      Nekhlyudov L, Habel LA, Achacoso NS, Jung I, Haque R, Collins LC, Schnitt SJ, Quesenberry Jr CP, Fletcher SW. Adherence to long-term surveillance mammography among women with ductal carcinoma in situ treated with breast conserving surgery. J Clin Oncol 2009;27:3211-3216.


153.      Collins LC, Wang Y, Connolly JL, Baer HJ, Hu R, Schnitt SJ, Colditz GA, Tamimi RM. Potential role of tissue microarrays for the study of biomarker expression in benign breast disease and normal breast tissue. Appl Immunohistochem Mol Morphol 2009;17:438-441.


154.      Chen Y-Y, Hwang ES, Roy R, DeVries S, Anderson J, Wa C, Fitzgibbons PL, Jacobs TW, MacGrogan G, Peterse H, Vincent-Salomon A, Tokuyasu T, Schnitt SJ, Waldman FM. Genetic and phenotypic characteristics of pleomorphic lobular carcinoma in situ. Am J Surg Pathol 2009;33:1683-1694.





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Original Reports


   1.      Schnitt SJ, Antonioli D, Goldman H.  Massive mural edema in severe pseudomembranous colitis.  Arch Pathol Lab Med 1983; 107:211-3. 


   2.      Harris J, Connolly JL, Schnitt SJ, Cohen R, Hellman S.  Clinical-pathologic study of early breast cancer treated by primary radiation therapy.  J Clin Oncol 1983; 1:184-9. 


   3.      Schnitt SJ, Connolly J, Harris J, Hellman S, Cohen R.  Pathologic predictors of early local recurrence in stage I and II breast cancer treated by primary radiation therapy.  Cancer 1984; 53:1049-57. 


   4.      Schnitt SJ, Connolly JL, Harris J, Cohen R.  Radiation-induced changes in the breast.  Hum Pathol 1984; 15:545-50. 


   5.      Schnitt SJ, Connolly JL, Recht A, Silver B, Harris JR.  Breast relapse following primary radiation therapy for early breast cancer. II. Detection, pathologic features, and prognostic significance.  Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 1985; 11:1277-84.


   6.      Recht A, Silver B, Schnitt S, Connolly JL, Hellman S, Harris JR.  Breast relapse following primary radiation therapy for early breast cancer. I. Classification, frequency and salvage.  Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 1985; 11:1271-6. 


   7.      Harris J, Connolly JL, Schnitt SJ, Cady B, Love S, Osteen RT, Patterson WB, Shirley RL, Hellman S, Cohen RB, Silen W.  The use of pathologic features in selecting the extent of surgical resection necessary for breast cancer patients treated by primary radiation therapy.  Ann Surg 1985; 201:164-9.


   8.      Spokojny A, Sinclair I, Schnitt S, Paulin S, Spears J.  Uptake of hematoporphyrin derivative by valvular vegetations in experimental infective endocarditis.  Circulation 1985; 72:1087-91. 


   9.      Recht A, Danoff B, Solin L, Schnitt S, Connolly JL, Botnick L, Goldberg I, Goodman R, Harris J.  Intraductal carcinoma of the breast: Results of treatment with excisional biopsy and irradiation.  J Clin Oncol 1985; 3:1339-43. 


  10.      Schnitt SJ, Vogel H.  Meningiomas: Diagnostic value of immunoperoxidase staining for epithelial membrane antigen.  Am J Surg Pathol 1986; 10:640-9. 


  11.      McKay RG, Safian RD, Lock JE, Mandell VS, Thurer RL, Schnitt SJ, Grossman W.  Balloon dilatation of calcific aortic stenosis in elderly patients: Postmortem, intraoperative and percutaneous valvuloplasty studies.  Circulation 1986; 74:119-25. 


  12.      Schnitt SJ, Connolly JL, Khettry U, Mazoujian G, Brenner M, Silver B, Recht A, Beadle G, Harris JR.  Pathologic findings on re-excision of the primary site in breast cancer patients considered for treatment by primary radiation therapy.  Cancer 1987; 59:675-81. 



13.      Safian RD
, Mandell VS, Thurer RE, Hutchins GM, Schnitt SJ, Grossman WD, McKay RG.  Postmortem and intra-operative balloon valvuloplasty of calcific aortic stenosis in elderly patients: Mechanisms of successful dilatation.  J Am Coll Cardiol 1987; 9:655-60. 


  14.      Schnitt SJ, Ciano PS, Schoen FJ.  Quantitation of lymphocytes in endomyocardial biopsies: Use and limitations of antibodies to leukocyte common antigen.  Hum Pathol 1987; 18:796-800. 



  15.      Login GR, Schnitt SJ, Dvorak AM.  Rapid microwave fixation of human tissues for light microscopic immunoperoxidase identification of diagnostically useful antigens.  Lab Invest 1987; 57:585-91. 


  16.      Osteen RT, Connolly JL, Recht A, Silver B, Schnitt SJ, Harris JR. Identification of patients at high risk for local recurrence after conservative surgery and radiotherapy for stage I or II breast cancer.  Arch Surg 1987; 122:1248-52. 


  17.      Warren SE, Schnitt SJ, Bauman AJ, Gianelly RE, Landsberg L, Baim DS.  Late onset dilated cardiomyopathy in a unique familial syndrome of hypogonadism and metabolic abnormalities.  Am Heart J 1987; 114:1522-4. 


  18.      Recht A, Connolly JL, Schnitt SJ, Silver B, Rose MA, Love S, Harris JR.  The effect of young age on tumor recurrence in the treated breast after conservative surgery and radiotherapy.  Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 1988; 14:3-10. 


  19.      Recht A, Silen W, Schnitt SJ, Connolly JL, Gelman RS, Rose MA, Silver B, Harris JR.  Time-course of local recurrence following conservative surgery and radiotherapy for early stage breast cancer.  Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 1988; 15:255-61. 


  20.      Recht A, Schnitt SJ, Connolly JL, Rose MA, Silver B, Come S, Henderson IC, Slavin S, Harris JR.  Prognosis following local or regional recurrence after conservative surgery and radiotherapy for early stage breast carcinoma.  Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 1989; 16:3-9. 


  21.      Leopold KA, Recht A, Schnitt SJ, Connolly JL, Rose MA, Silver B, Harris JR.  Results of conservative surgery and radiation therapy for multiple synchronous cancers of one breast.  Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 1989; 16:11-6. 


  22.      Schnitt SJ, Connolly JL, Recht A, Silver B, Harris JR.  The influence of infiltrating lobular histology on local tumor control in breast cancer patients treated with conservative surgery and radiotherapy.  Cancer 1989; 64:448-54. 


  23.      Schnitt SJ, Wang HH.  Histologic sampling of grossly benign breast biopsies. How much is enough?  Am J Surg Pathol 1989; 13:505-12. 


  24.      Rose MA, Henderson IC, Gelman R, Boyages J, Gore SM, Come S, Silver B, Recht A, Connolly JL, Schnitt SJ, Coleman NC, Harris JR.  Premenopausal breast cancer patients treated with conservative surgery, radiotherapy and adjuvant chemotherapy have a low risk of local failure.  Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 1989; 17:711-7. 


  25.      Epstein AH, Connolly JL, Gelman R, Schnitt SJ, Silver B, Boyages J, Rose MA, Recht A, Harris JR.  The predictors of distant relapse following conservative surgery and radiotherapy for early breast cancer are similar to those following mastectomy.  Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 1989; 17:755-60. 


  26.      Healey EA, Osteen RT, Schnitt SJ, Gelman R, Stomper PC, Connolly JL, Harris JR.  Can the clinical and mammographic findings at presentation predict the presence of an extensive intraductal component in early stage breast cancer?  Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 1989; 17:1217-21. 


  27.      Schnitt SJ, Wang HH, Owings DV, Hann L.  Sampling grossly benign breast biopsy specimens (letter).  Lancet 1989; 2:1350. 


  28.      Boyages J, Recht A, Connolly J, Schnitt S, Rose MA, Silver B, Harris JR.  Factors associated with local recurrence as a first site of failure following the conservative treatment of early breast cancer.  Recent Results Cancer Res 1989; 115:92-102. 


  29.      Holland R, Connolly JL, Gelman R, Mravunac M, Hendriks J, Verbeek A, Schnitt SJ, Silver B, Boyages J, Harris JR.  The presence of an extensive intraductal component following a limited excision correlates with prominent residual disease in the remainder of the breast.  J Clin Oncol 1990; 8:113-8. 


  30.      Owings DV, Hann L, Schnitt SJ.  How thoroughly should needle localization breast biopsies be sampled for microscopic examination? A prospective mammographic-pathologic correlative study.  Am J Surg Pathol 1990; 14:578-83. 



31.      Safian RD
, Gelbfish JS, Erny RE, Schnitt SJ, Schmidt DA, Baim DS.  Coronary atherectomy: clinical, angiographic and histologic findings and some observations regarding potential mechanisms.  Circulation 1990; 82:69-79. 


  32.      Eberlein TJ, Connolly JL, Schnitt SJ, Recht A, Osteen RT, Harris JR.  Predictors of local recurrence following conservative breast surgery and radiation therapy: The influence of tumor size.  Arch Surg 1990; 125:771-5. 


  33.      Boyages J, Recht A, Connolly JL, Schnitt SJ, Gelman R, Kooy H, Love S, Osteen RT, Cady B, Silver B, Harris JR.  Early breast cancer: Predictors of breast recurrence for patients treated with conservative surgery and radiation therapy.  Radiother Oncol 1990; 19:29-41. 


  34.      Bornstein BA, Recht A, Connolly JL, Schnitt SJ, Cady B, Koufman C, Love S, Osteen RT, Harris JR.  Results of treating ductal carcinoma in situ of the breast with conservative surgery and radiation therapy.  Cancer 1991; 67:7-13. 


  35.      Recht A, Come SE, Gelman RS, Goldstein M, Tishler S, Gore SM, Abner AL, Vicini FA, Silver B, Connolly JL, Schnitt SJ, Coleman CN, Harris JR.  Integration of conservative surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy for the treatment of early-stage, node-positive breast cancer: Sequencing, timing and outcome.  J Clin Oncol 1991; 9:1662-7. 


  36.      Vicini FA, Eberlein TJ, Connolly JL, Recht A, Abner A, Schnitt SJ, Silen W, Harris JR.  The optimal extent of resection for patients with stages I or II breast cancer treated with conservative surgery and radiotherapy.  Ann Surg 1991; 214:200-5. 


  37.      Reis GJ, Pomerantz RM,

Jenkins RD
, Kuntz RE, Baim DS, Diver DJ, Schnitt SJ,
Safian RD.
  Laser balloon angioplasty: clinical, angiographic and histologic results.  J Am Coll Cardiol 1991; 18:193-202. 


  38.      London SJ, Connolly JL, Schnitt SJ, Colditz GA.  A prospective study of benign breast disease and risk of breast cancer.  J Am Med Assoc 1992; 267:941-4. 


  39.      Bur ME, Zimarowski MJ, Schnitt SJ, Baker S, Lew R.  Estrogen receptor immunohistochemistry in carcinoma in situ of the breast.  Cancer 1992; 69:1174-81. 


  40.      Mangano M, Wang H, Schnitt S, Antonioli D.  Nature and significance of cells with irregular nuclear contours in esophageal mucosal biopsies.  Mod Pathol 1992; 5:191-6. 


  41.      Schnitt SJ, Safian RD, Kuntz RE, Schmidt DA, Baim DS.  Histologic findings in specimens obtained by percutaneous directional coronary atherectomy.  Hum Pathol 1992; 23:415-20. 


  42.      Vicini FA, Recht A, Abner A, Boyages J, Cady B, Connolly JL, Gelman R, Osteen RT, Schnitt SJ, Silen W, Harris JR.  Recurrence in the breast following conservative surgery and radiation therapy for early-stage breast cancer.  J Natl Cancer Inst Monogr 1992; 11:33-9. 


  43.      Pomerantz RM, Kuntz RE, Carrozza JP, Fishman RF, Mansour M, Schnitt SJ, Safian RD, Baim DS.  Acute and long-term outcome of narrowed saphenous vein grafts treated by endoluminal stenting and directional atherectomy.  Am J Cardiol 1992; 70:161-7. 


  44.      Allred DC, Clark GM, Molin R, Tandon AK, Schnitt SJ, Gilchrist KW, Osborne CK, Tormey DC, McGurie WL.  Overexpression of Her-2/neu and its relationship with other prognostic factors change during the progression of in situ to invasive breast cancer.  Hum Pathol 1992; 23:974-9. 


  45.      Fishman RF, Kuntz RE, Carrozza JP, Miller MJ, Senerchia CC, Schnitt SJ, Diver DJ, Safian RD, Baim DS.  Long-term results of directional coronary atherectomy: Predictors of restenosis.  J Am Coll Cardiol 1992; 20:1101-10. 


  46.      Schnitt SJ, Connolly JL, Tavassoli FA, Fechner RE, Kempson RL, Gelman R, Page DL.  Interobserver reproducibility in the diagnosis of ductal proliferative breast lesions using standardized criteria.  Am J Surg Pathol 1992; 16:1133-43. 


  47.      Abner AL, Recht A, Eberlein T, Come S, Shulman L, Hayes D, Connolly JL, Schnitt SJ, Silver B, Harris JR.  Prognosis following salvage mastectomy for recurrence in the breast after conservative surgery and radiation therapy for early-stage breast cancer.  J Clin Oncol 1993; 11:44-8. 


  48.      Schnitt SJ, Stillman IE, Owings DV, Kishimoto C, Dvorak HF, Abelmann WH.  Myocardial fibrin deposition in experimental viral myocarditis which progresses to dilated cardiomyopathy.  Circulation Res 1993; 72:914-20. 


49.        Miller MJ, Kuntz RE, Friedrich SP, Leidig GA, Fishman KF, Schnitt SJ, Baim DS,

Safian RD.
  Frequency and consequences of intimal hyperplasia in specimens retrieved by directional atherectomy of native primary coronary artery stenoses and subsequent restenoses.  Am J Cardiol 1993; 71:652-8. 


  50.      Schnitt SJ, Jimi A, Kojiro M.  The increasing prevalence of benign proliferative breast lesions in Japanese women.  Cancer 1993; 71:2528-31. 


  51.      Healey EA, Cook EF, Orav EJ, Schnitt SJ, Connolly JL, Harris JR.  Contralateral breast cancer: Characteristics and impact on prognosis.  J Clin Oncol 1993; 11:1545-52. 


  52.      Schnitt SJ, Goldwyn RM, Slavin SA.  Mammary ducts in the areola: Implications for patients undergoing reconstructive surgery of the breast.  Plast Reconstr Surg 1993; 92:1290-3. 


  53.      Guidi AJ, Fischer L, Harris JR, Schnitt SJ.  Microvessel density and distribution in ductal carcinoma in situ of the breast.  J Natl Cancer Inst 1994; 86:614-9. 


  54.      Nixon AJ, Neuberg D, Hayes DF, Gelman R, Connolly JL, Schnitt S, Abner A, Recht A, Vicini F, Harris JF.  Relationship of patient age to pathologic features of the tumor and prognosis for patients with stage I or II breast cancer.  J Clin Oncol 1994; 12:888-94. 


  55.      Schnitt SJ, Abner A, Gelman R, Connolly JL, Recht A, Duda RB, Eberlein TJ, Mayzel K, Silver B, Harris JR.  The relationship between microscopic margins of resection and the risk of local recurrence in breast cancer patients treated with breast-conserving surgery and radiation therapy.  Cancer 1994; 74:1746-51.  


  56.      Nixon AJ, Recht A, Neuberg D, Connolly J, Schnitt S, Abner A, Harris J.  The relation between the surgery-radiotherapy interval and treatment outcome in patients treated with breast-conserving surgery and radiation therapy without systemic therapy.  Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 1994; 30:17-21. 


  57.      Brown LF, Berse B, Jackman RW, Tognazzi K, Guidi AJ, Dvorak HF, Senger DR, Connolly JL, Schnitt SJ.  Expression of vascular permeability factor (vascular endothelial growth factor) and its receptors in breast carcinoma.  Hum Pathol 1995; 26:86-91. 


  58.      Hiramatsu H, Bornstein BA, Recht A, Schnitt SJ, Baum JR, Connolly JL, Duda RB, Guidi AJ, Kaelin CM, Silver B, Harris JR.  Local recurrence after conservative surgery and radiation therapy for ductal carcinoma in situ.  Possible importance of family history.  Cancer J Sci Am 1995; 55-61. 


  59.      Prioleau J, Schnitt S.  p53 antigen loss in stored paraffin slides (letter).  N Engl J Med 1995; 332:1521-2. 


  60.      Joshi MG, Lee AKC, Pedersen CA, Schnitt S, Camus MG, Hughes KS.  The role of immunocytochemical markers in the differential diagnosis of proliferative and neoplastic lesions of the breast.  Mod Pathol 1996; 9:57-62. 


  61.      Siziopikou KP, Prioleau JE, Harris JR, Schnitt SJ.  bcl-2 expression in the spectrum of pre-invasive breast lesions.  Cancer 1996; 77:499-506. 


  62.      Schnitt S, Hayman J, Gelman R, et al.  A prospective study of conservative surgery alone in the treatment of selected patients with stage I breast cancer.  Cancer 1996; 77:1094-100. 


  63.      Panico L, D'Antonio A, Salvatore G, Mezza E, Tortora G, DeLaurentiis M, De Placido S, Giordano T, Merino M, Salomon D, Gullick WJ, Pettinato G, Schnitt SJ, Branco AR, Ciardiello F.  Differential immunohistochemical detection of transforming growth factor a, amphiregulin and cripto in human normal and malignant breast tissues.  Int J Cancer 1996; 65:51-6. 


  64.      Scully R, Ganesan S, Brown M, DeCaprio J, Cannistra SA, Feunteun J, Schnitt S, Livingston DM.  Location of BRCAI in human breast and ovarian cancer cells.  Science 1996; 272:123-4. 


  65.      Bodis S, Siziopikou KP, Schnitt SJ, Harris JR, Fisher DE.  Extensive apoptosis in ductal carcinoma in situ of the breast.  Cancer 1996; 77:1831-5. 


  66.      Jacobs TW, Prioleau JE, Stillman IE, Schnitt SJ.  Loss of tumor marker immunostaining intensity on stored paraffin slides of breast cancer.  J Natl Cancer Inst 1996; 88:1054-9. 


  67.      Nixon AJ, Schnitt SJ, Gelman K, Gage I, Bornstein B, Hetelekidis S, Recht A, Silver B, Harris JR, Connolly JL.  Relationship of tumor grade to other pathologic features and to treatment outcome for patients with early-stage breast cancer treated with breast-conserving therapy.  Cancer 1996; 78:1426-31. 


  68.      Gage I, Schnitt SJ, Nixon AJ, Silver B, Recht A, Troyan SM, Eberlein T, Love SM, Gelman R, Harris JR, Connolly JL.  Pathologic margin involvement and the risk of local recurrence in patients treated with breast-conserving therapy.  Cancer 1996; 78:1921-8. 


  69.      Jin L, Fuchs A, Schnitt SJ, Yao Y, Joseph A, Lamzus K, Goldberg ID, Rosen IM.  Expression of scatter factor and c-MET receptor in benign and malignant breast tissue.  Cancer 1997; 79:749-60. 


  70.      Gollamudi SV, Gelman RS, Peiró G, Schneider LJ, Schnitt SJ, Recht A, Silver BJ, Harris JR, Connolly JL.  Breast-conserving therapy for stage I-II synchronous bilateral breast carcinoma.  Cancer 1997; 79:1362-9. 


  71.      Guidi AJ, Connolly JL, Harris JR, Schnitt SJ.  The relationship between shaved margins and inked margin status in breast excision specimens.  Cancer 1997; 79:1568-73. 


  72.      Marshall LM, Hunter DJ, Connolly JL, Schnitt SJ, Byrne C, Colditz GA.  Risk of breast cancer associated with atypical hyperplasia of lobular and ductal types.  Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prevent 1997; 6:297-301. 


  73.      Jin L, Yuan RQ, Fuchs A, Yao Y, Joseph A, Scharall R, Schnitt SJ, Guidi A, Hastings HM, Andres J, Turkel G, Polverini PJ, Goldberg ID, Rosen EM.  Expression of interleukin 1-b in human breast carcinoma.  Cancer 1997; 80:421-34. 


  74.      Guidi AJ, Schnitt SJ, Fischer L, Tognazi K, Harris JR, Dvorak HF, Brown LF.  Vascular permeability factor (vascular endothelial growth factor) expression and angiogenesis in ductal carcinoma in situ of the breast.  Cancer 1997; 80:1945-53. 


  75.      Gage I, Schnitt SJ, Recht A, Abner A, Come S,

Shulman LN
, Morison J, Silver B, Harris JR, Connolly JL.  Skin recurrences after breast-conserving therapy for early stage breast cancer.  J Clin Oncol 1998; 16:480-6. 


  76.      Jacobs TW, Siziopikou KP, Prioleau JE, Raza S, Baum JK, Hayes DF, Schnitt SJ.  Do prognostic marker studies on core needle biopsies of breast carcinoma accurately reflect the marker status of the tumor?  Mod Pathol 1998; 11:259-64. 


  77.      Kaplan MA, Segura AM, Wang HH, Schnitt SJ, Upton MP.  Evaluation of Cytolyt and PreservCyt as preservatives for immunocytochemistry for cytokeratin in fine needle aspiration.  Appl Immunohistochem 1998; 6:23-9. 


  78.      Chabner E, Nixon A, Gelman R, Hetelekidis S, Recht A, Bornstein B, Connolly J, Schnitt S, Silver B, Manola J, Harris J, Garber J.  Family history and treatment outcome in young women after breast-conserving surgery and radiation therapy for early stage breast cancer.  J Clin Oncol 1998; 16:2045-2051. 


  79.      Slavin SA, Schnitt SJ, Duda RB, Houlihan MJ, Koufman CN, Morris DJ, Troyan SL, Goldwyn RM.  Skin sparing mastectomy and immediate reconstruction: Oncologic risks and aesthetic results in patients with early stage breast cancer.  Plast Reconstr Surg 1998; 102:49-62. 


  80.      Fraser JL, Raza S, Chorny K, Connolly JL, Schnitt SJ.  Columnar alteration with prominent snouts and secretions: A spectrum of changes frequently present in breast biopsies performed for microcalcifications.  Am J Surg Pathol 1998; 22:1521-1527


  81.      Abner AL, Collins L, Peiró G, Recht A, Come S, Shulman LN, Silver B, Nixon A, Harris JR, Schnitt SJ, Connolly JL.  Correlation of tumor size, axillary involvement and prognosis for pathologically staged T1 breast cancer.  Cancer 1998; 83:2502-2508.


 82.       Hetelekidis S, Collins L, Silver B, Manola J, Gelman R, Lyons JA, Harris JR, Schnitt SJ.  Predictors of local recurrence following excision alone for ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS).  Cancer 1999; 85:427-431.


 83.       Jacobs TW, Byrne C, Colditz G, Connolly JL, Schnitt SJ.  Radial scars and breast cancer risk: A                         case-control study.  N Engl J Med 1999;340:430-436.


 84.       Jacobs TW, Silverman JF, Schroeder B, Raza S, Baum JK, Schnitt SJ.  Accuracy of touch-imprint cytology of image-directed breast core needle biopsies.  Acta Cytol 1999; 43:169-174. 

 85.       Brown LF, Guidi AJ, Schnitt SJ, van de Water L, Iruela-Arispe ML, Yeo T-K, Tognazzi K, Dvorak HF.  Vascular stroma formation in carcinoma in situ, invasive carcinoma, and metastatic carcinoma of the breast. Clin Cancer Res 1999;5:1041-1056.


86.       Jacobs TW, Gown AM, Yaziji H, Barnes MJ, Schnitt SJ.  Comparison of fluorescence in situ                   hybridization and immunohistochemistry for the evaluation of HER2/neu in breast cancer. J Clin                           Oncol 1999;17:1974-1982.



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Visiting Professorships and Named Lectures


1988                                         Visiting Assistant Professor of Pathology, The First Department of Pathology, Kurume University School of Medicine, Kurume, Japan


1994                                         Visiting Professor, Department of Pathology, Mount Sinai Hospital, New York, NY


1996                                         Visiting Professor, Department of Pathology, Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center, Lebanon, NH


1998                                         The Third Dr. William T. Hill Lecture, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX


                                                First Annual Dr. R. Foster Scott Visiting Professor, Department of  Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Albany Medical College, Albany, NY


2000                                         Guest Faculty and Speaker of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, "Controversies in the Etiology, Detection and Treatment of Breast Cancer:2000," Toronto, Canada


2001                                         Visiting Professor, Department of Pathology, University of Massachusetts Medical Center, Worcester, MA


                                                The William M. Shelley Memorial Lectureship 2001, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD


                                                A. James French Visiting Professor, Department of Pathology, University of Michigan Hospitals


2002                                         Visiting Professor, Department of Pathology, Mount Sinai Hospital, New York, NY


2004                                         Visiting Professor and Pathology Alumni Resident Education Fund Guest Lecturer, University of Washington, Seattle, WA


2005                                         Visiting Professor, Department of Pathology, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences and Featured Speaker, 8th Annual University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences Anatomic Pathology Conference, Little Rock, AK


2006                                         Distinguished Visiting Professor and Annual William H. Matthews Memorial Lecture, Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, GA


                                                Visiting Professor, Department of Pathology, University of Virginia School of Medicine, Charlottesville, VA


2008                                         Visting Professor, Department of Pathology, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH


                                                Visiting Professor, Department of Pathology, University of California Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA


2009                                         Visiting Professor, Department of Pathology, Stanford University Medical School, Stanford, CA


2010                                         Visiting Professor, Department of Pathology, New York University School of Medicine, New York, NY


                                                Visiting Professor, Department of Pathology, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY


                                                Visiting Professor, Department of Pathology, Weill Cornell Medical College and New York Presbyterian Hospital, New York, NY


Professional leadership roles related to teaching


           1987-1993                      Coordinator, Medical Student Fellow/Pathology Resident Teaching Program, Beth Israel Hospital



            1997-2001                     Member, Education Committee, United States-Canadian Academy of Pathology


            2001-                            Visiting Faculty Program on Metastatic Breast Cancer, Health Science Center for Continuing Medical Education, NY


            2002                             Co-Organizer, Dana Farber/Harvard Cancer Center Research Pathology Core Specialty Workshop: “Comparisons of Human and Mouse Mammary Tumors,” Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA


                                                Course Director, Breast Pathology: Current Concepts and Controversies, Harvard Medical School Department of Continuing Education Post-Graduate Course, Boston, MA


                                                Course Director, Advances in Surgical Pathology of Breast, Head and Neck, and Immunohistochemistry, Mauna Kea Resort, HI



2003                                       Course Director, Breast Pathology: Current Concepts and Controversies,  Harvard Medical School Department of Continuing Education Post-Graduate Course, Boston, MA



2004                                       Course Director, Breast Pathology: Current Concepts and Controversies,  Harvard Medical School Department of Continuing Education Post-Graduate Course, Boston, MA


Course Director, Surgical Pathology of Breast and Thoracic Tumors, Infectious Diseases, and Non-Gynecologic Cytology, Mauna Kea Resort, HI


2005                                       Course Director, Breast Pathology: Current Concepts and Controversies,  Harvard Medical School Department of Continuing Education Post-Graduate Course, Boston, MA


Course Director, Symposium on Breast Pathology and Its Importance in Management Stratification Today and Tomorrow, Stockholm, Sweden


2006                                       Course Director, Breast Pathology: Current Concepts and Controversies,  Harvard Medical School Department of Continuing Education Post-Graduate Course, Boston, MA


Course Director, Diagnostic Pathology 2006 (United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology Annual Surgical Pathology Update Course), Bar Harbor, ME


Co-Convener (Co-Organizer), Breast Pathology Educational Sessions, XXVI Congress of the International Academy of Pathology, Montreal, Quebec, Canada




2007                             Course Director, Breast Pathology: Current Concepts and Controversies, Harvard Medical School Department of Continuing Education Post-Graduate Course, Boston, MA


                                    Course Director, Women’s Cancers: Surgical Pathology, Cytology, and Immunohistochemistry of Breast and Genital Tumors, Hilton Head, SC


Course Director, Diagnostic Pathology 2007 (United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology Annual Surgical Pathology Update Course), Banff, Alberta, Canada


2008                             Course Director, Breast Pathology: Current Concepts and Controversies, Harvard Medical School Department of Continuing Education Post-Graduate Course, Boston, MA


Course Director, Diagnostic Pathology 2008 (United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology Annual Surgical Pathology Update Course), Maui, HI


2009                             Course Director,  2009 Long Course: “Breast Pathology: Controversial Topics and the Emerging Role of Adjunctive Molecular Studies”, presented at the 98th Annual Meeting of the United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology, Boston, MA


                                    Course Director, Breast Pathology: Current Concepts and Controversies, Harvard Medical School Department of Continuing Education Post-Graduate Course, Boston, MA


                                    Course Director, Women’s Cancers: Surgical Pathology, Cytology, and Immunohistochemistry of Breast and Genital Tumors, Maui, HI


Course Director, Diagnostic Pathology 2009 (United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology Annual Surgical Pathology Update Course), Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada


2010                             Course Director, Breast Pathology: Current Concepts and Controversies, Harvard Medical School Department of Continuing Education Post-Graduate Course, Boston, MA


Course Director, Diagnostic Pathology 2010 (United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology Annual Surgical Pathology Update Course), Lake Tahoe, NV






E.  Report of Clinical Activities (see also section IIA)


            1982-                            Surgical Pathology Sign-Out, Beth Israel Hospital/Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center: Responsible for signing out general surgical pathology and breast pathology cases;daily intradepartmental breast pathology consultations; current load ~3000 cases/year

            1982-                            Autopsy Supervision and Sign-Out, Beth Israel Hospital/Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center: Responsible for supervision and sign-out of autopsy cases; current load ~1week/year

            1984-                            Consultant in Breast Pathology, Dana Farber Cancer Institute, Boston, MA:  Review and diagnosis breast lesions from patients seen at DFCI Breast Oncology Center; current load ~4 weeks/year

             1985-2004                    Medical Director, Immunohistochemistry Laboratory, Beth Israel Hospital/Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center: Responsible for administration and supervision of high-volume clinical immunohistochemistry laboratory which produces ~6000 immunostains/year; daily quality assurance; sign-out of all adjunctive immunohistochemical stains on breast cancer cases; daily intra-departmental consultations

             1997- 2006                   Breast Pathology Sign-Out, Brigham and Women’s Hospital: Review and diagnosis breast lesions: current load ~4 weeks/year


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1999                                         Guest Faculty, The 24th Annual Review and Recent Practical Advances  in Pathology, Miami Beach, FL


                                                Faculty, 20th Annual Snowmass/Aspen Pathology Update, University of Arizona Postgraduate Course, Snowmass, CO


                                                Faculty, 16th Annual Miami Breast Cancer Conference, Miami Beach, FL


Short Course Faculty, United States-Canadian Academy of Pathology Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA—“Evaluation of Image-Directed Breast Biopsies”


                                                Co-Chair, Breast Pathology Platform Presentation Session, U.S.-Canadian Academy of Pathology Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA


                                                Guest Faculty, The 18th Annual Current Issues in Surgical Pathology Course, Southwestern Medical School, Dallas , TX


                                                Guest Speaker, Pathology Grand Rounds, Nassau County Medical Center, East Meadow, NY—“Benign Breast Disease and Breast Cancer Risk”


                                    Invited Participant, “An NCI Symposium- Detection of HER2/neu (erbB2) Antigen Overexpression,” Bethesda, MD              


Faculty, “Breast Imaging: Basics, Conflicts and Controversies.” University of Alabama Post-Graduate Course, Naples, FL   


Faculty, California Society of Pathologists 52nd Annual Convention, San Francisco, CA:

Workshop: “Pathology of Image Directed Breast Biopsies”


2000                                         Faculty, Florida Society of Pathologists 26th Annual Anatomic Pathology Conference, Orlando, FL


Participant, Genentech HER2 Detection Advisory Board Meeting, Miami, FL


Short Course Faculty, United States-Canadian Academy of Pathology

Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA—“Evaluation of Image-Directed     Breast Biopsies”


                                    Long Course Faculty, United States-Canadian Academy of Pathology

Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA--"The Changing Nature of Pathology

And The Changing Role of the Pathologist in The New Millennium"


Co-Chair, Breast Pathology Platform Presentation Session, U.S.-Canadian Academy of Pathology Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA


Speaker, First Annual Scientific Meeting of the International Society of

Breast Pathology, New Orleans, LA


Guest Faculty, "Surgical Pathology of Neoplastic Diseases," Memorial

Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY


Faculty, "Breast Cancer Therapy--Approaching the New Millennium,"

Network for Medical Communication and Research, Washington, D.C.


                                                Faculty, Second Annual Lynn Sage Breast Cancer Symposium, Chicago, IL


Speaker, NIH Consensus Development Conference: Adjuvant Therapy  for Breast Cancer, Bethesda, MD


2001                                         Short Course Faculty, United States-Canadian Academy of Pathology

Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA—“Evaluation of Image-Directed Breast Biopsies”


                                                Participant, Genentech HER2 Detection Advisory Board Meeting, Chicago, IL


                                                Guest Faculty, 20th Annual Current Issues in Surgical Pathology, Southwestern Medical School, Dallas, TX


                                                Guest Speaker, Fourth Annual UCSF/Stanford Current Issues in Anatomic Pathology:2001, San Francisco, CA


Invited Participant, Recent Advances and Future Directions in Endocrine Manipulation of Breast Cancer, Cambridge, MA


Guest Lecturer, A. James French Society of Pathologists Annual Meeting: “Benign Breast Disease and Breast Cancer Risk: Morphology and Beyond”


                                                Faculty, “Controversies in Anatomic Pathology: H&E vs Immunohistochemistry: Indications and Limitations,” American Society of Clinical Pathology Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA


2002                                         Speaker, Arthur Purdy Stout Society of Pathologists Companion Meeting, United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL: “Benign Breast Disease and Breast Cancer Risk: Morphology and Beyond.”


                                    Short Course Faculty, United States-Canadian Academy of Pathology

Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL—“Evaluation of Image-Directed Breast Biopsies”


Co-Chair, Breast Pathology Platform Presentation Session, U.S.-Canadian Academy of Pathology Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL


                                                Co –Moderator, International Society of Breast Pathology Annual Scientific Meeting, U.S.-Canadian Academy of Pathology Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL


                                                Surgery Grand Rounds, Mt. Sinai Hospital, New York, NY: “Ductal Carcinoma in Situ: Current Concepts and Controversies”


2003                                         Invited Participant, c-kit Meeting, jointly sponsored by United States Food and Drug Administration and College of American Pathologists, Washington, D.C.


                                                Guest Faculty, 22nd Annual Current Issues in Surgical Pathology, Southwestern Medical School, Dallas, TX


                                                Faculty, Diagnostic Pathology Update Course, United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology, Bar Harbor, ME: “Breast Pathology” 


                                                Guest Faculty, Third Annual Update Course in Surgical Pathology, Ohio State University Medical Center, Columbus, OH


                                                Invited Participant, National Center for Policy Research for Women and Families Working Conference on “Treatment Recommendations for DCIS and LCIS”, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD


                                                Guest Faculty, California Society of Pathologists 56th Annual Convention, San Francisco, CA: “Breast Pathology”


2004                                         Guest Faculty, The 29th Annual Review and Recent Practical Advances in Pathology, Miami Beach, FL


                                                Short Course Faculty, United States-Canadian Academy of Pathology

Annual Meeting, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada—“Diagnostic Problems in Breast Pathology (and How to Resolve Them)”


Guest Speaker, Pathology Presents series, University of Washington, Seattle, WA—“Identification of Therapeutic Targets in Clinical Practice: Lessons Learned from the HER2 Story”


Guest Speaker, PhenoPath Quarterly Immunohistochemistry Conference, PhenoPath Laboratories, Seattle, WA—“Uses and Limitations of Immunohistochemistry in Breast Pathology”


Faculty, Diagnostic Pathology Update Course, United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology, Banff, Alberta, Canada: “Breast Pathology”

Guest Speaker, Nassau County Society of Pahtologists Fall Seminar, Nassau University Medical Center, East Meadow, NY:” Selected Topics in Breast Pathology”


Faculty, 10th Annual Perspectives in Breast Cancer, Boston, MA: “Prognostic Factors for Local Recurrence After Adequate Surgical Resection”


2005                                         Guest Speaker, Pathology Grand Rounds, Rhode Island Hospital, Providence, RI: “Columnar Cell Lesions and Flat Epithelial Atypia of the Breast


                                                Guest Faculty, The 30th Annual Review and Recent Practical Advances in Pathology, Miami Beach, FL


                                                Guest Faculty, Soft Tissue and Breast Pathology, and Clinical Chemistry, Sponsored by The University of Arizona College of Medicine at the Arizona Health Sciences Center, Snowmass, CO: “Breast Pathology”


                                                Speaker, Annual Scientific Meeting of the International Society of Breast Pathology, Companion Society Meeting at United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX


                                                Speaker, Surgical Pathology Specialty Conference, United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX


                                                Short Course Faculty, United States-Canadian Academy of Pathology

Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX—“Diagnostic Problems in Breast Pathology (and How to Resolve Them)”


                                                Guest Faculty, 38th Annual McKee Cytology Seminar and Pratt-Thomas Symposium in Surgical Pathology, Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, SC


Guest Speaker, Pathology Grand Rounds, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY: “Columnar Cell Lesions of the Breast”


Faculty, Diagnostic Pathology Update Course, United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology, Santa Barbara, CA: “Breast Pathology”


Guest Faculty, Seventh Annual Lynn Sage Breast Cancer Symposium, Robert H. Lurie Cancer Center of Norwestern University, Chicago, IL” “Lobular Carcinoma in Situ in 2005”


Faculty, 11th Annual Perspectives in Breast Cancer, Boston, MA: “Benign Breast Disease and Breast Cancer Risk”


2006                                         Guest Speaker, New York Pathological Society Meeting, New York, NY:

1. Lecture: “Identification of Therapeutic Targets in Clinical Practice: Lessons Learned from the HER2 Story

2. Slide Seminar: “Newly Recognized Lesions and Old Lesions Re-Visited”


                                                Short Course Faculty, United States-Canadian Academy of Pathology

Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA—“Diagnostic Problems in Breast Pathology (and How to Resolve Them)”


Guest Faculty, Diagnostic Problems in Anatomic and Clinical Pathology, Emory University School of Medicine Post-Graduate Course, Atlanta, GA


Guest Speaker, Michigan Society of Pathologists Winter Conference 2006, Plymouth, MI: “Breast Pathology”



2007                                         Invited Participant and Speaker, National Cancer Institute Workshop: “Ductal Carcinoma in Situ: Strategies for Integrating Tumor Biology and Population Sciences,” San Francisco, CA


                                                Faculty, College of American Pathologists Companion Meeting, United States-Canadian Academy of Pathology

Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA: “Best Practices in Contemporary Diagnostic Immunohistochemistry”


                                                Short Course Faculty, United States-Canadian Academy of Pathology

Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA—“Diagnostic Problems in Breast Pathology (and How to Resolve Them)”


                                    Faculty, Women’s Cancers: Surgical Pathology, Cytology, and Immunohistochemistry of Breast and Genital Tumors, Hilton Head, SC


Faculty, Diagnostic Pathology 2007 (United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology Annual Surgical Pathology Update Course), Banff, Alberta, Canada: “Breast Pathology”


Faculty, 9th Annual Lynne Sage Breast Cancer Symposium, Chicago, IL:

“Can Molecular Classification Replace Traditional Breast Pathology”


2008                                         Faculty, 29th Annual Seminar: Pathology Review: GI and Breast Pathology, Sponsored by The University of Arizona College of Medicine at the Arizona Health Sciences Center, Snowmass, CO


Co-Chair, Breast Pathology Platform Presentation Session, United States-Canadian Academy of Pathology Annual Meeting, Denver, CO


Short Course Faculty, United States-Canadian Academy of Pathology

Annual Meeting, Denver, CO—“Breast Pathology: Newly Recognized Lesions and Old Lesions Re-Evaluated”


Guest Faculty, 48th Annual Spring Symposium, Houston Society of Clinical Pathologists; Houston, TX


Faculty, Fifteenth Annual Seminar in Pathology (sponsored by United Hospital Center, Clarksburg, WV), Pittsburgh, PA


Invited Speaker, Pathology Grand Rounds, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH: “Can Molecular Pathology Replace Traditional Breast Cancer Classification?”


Guest Faculty, Ohio State University Pathology Update Course, Columbus, OH


Guest Faculty, 61st Annual Convention of the California Society of Pathologists, Los Angeles, CA: “Breast Pathology: New Entities and Problematic Lesions


2009                                         Short Course Faculty, United States-Canadian Academy of Pathology

Annual Meeting, Boston, MA—“Breast Pathology: Newly Recognized Lesions and Old Lesions Re-Evaluated”


Moderator, Evening Specialty Conference, Breast Pathology, United States-Canadian Academy of Pathology Annual Meeting, Boston, MA


Chairperson, Educational Session, American Association for Cancer Research Annual Meeting, Denver, CO—“The Transition from In situ to Invasive Breast Cancer”


Guest Speaker, Oregon Pathologists Association Spring Meeting, Portland, OR—“Selected Topics in Breast Pathology”


Pathology Grand Rounds Speaker, Stanford University Medical School, Stanford, CA—“Molecular Biology of Breast Tumor Progression: A View from the Other Side”


Guest Speaker, South Carolina Society of Pathologists Annual Meeting, Ashville, NC—The Gordon R. Hennigar Lecture


Speaker, NIH State-of-the-Science Conference: Diagnosis and Management of Ductal Carcinoma in Situ, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD


Faculty, 11th Annual Lynn Sage Breast Cancer Symposium, Chicago, IL: “Pleomorphic LCIS and Other Non-Classical Variants”


2010                                         Faculty, Florida Society of Pathologists 36th Annual Anatomic Pathology Conference, Orlando, FL: Breast Pathology


Pathology Grand Rounds Speaker, New York University School of Medicine, New York, NY—“Molecular Classification of Breast Cancer and Molecular Prognostic Factors”


Pathology Grand Rounds Speaker, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center New York, NY—“Current Controversies in the Management of Lobular Carcinoma in Situ and Problematic in Situ Lesions”


Moderator, Evening Specialty Conference, Breast Pathology, United States-Canadian Academy of Pathology Annual Meeting, Boston, MA


Short Course Faculty, United States-Canadian Academy of Pathology

Annual Meeting, Boston, MA—“Breast Pathology: Newly Recognized Lesions and Old Lesions Re-Evaluated”


Speaker, The South Bay Pathology Society 59th Annual Spring Meeting, Monterey, CA: Current Issues and Diagnostic Pitfalls in Breast Pathology






1988                                         Invited Participant – European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) In Situ Breast Cancer Workshop, Castle Marquette, The Netherlands


1990                                         Faculty, 6th International Congress on Breast Diseases, Boston, MA: "Lobular Carcinoma in Situ," Round Table Panelist


1993                                         Faculty, "Hot Topics in Breast Pathology," XIVth Congress of the

                                                European Society of Pathology, Innsbruck, Austria


1994                                         Invited Participant - European Organization for Research and

                                                Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) Working Group – Ductal Carcinoma in Situ, Venice, Italy


1997                                         Participant, Ductal Carcinoma in Situ (DCIS) International Consensus Conference, Philadelphia, PA



1998                                         Guest Speaker, Sao Paulo State Society of Pathologists Meeting, Botucatu, SP, Brazil


                                                Symposium Faculty, “Prognostic and Predictive Factors in Breast Cancer, International Academy of Pathology Meeting, Nice, France 


1999                                         Guest Faculty, 5th Annual Puerto Rico Breast Cancer Conference, San Juan, Puerto Rico


2001                                         Invited Speaker, Australasian Division of the International Academy of Pathology, 27th Annual Meeting, Sydney, Australia 


                                                Participant, First International Conference on Recent Advances and Future Directions in Endocrine Therapy for Breast Cancer, Cambridge, MA


2002                                         Guest Speaker, Service de Pathologie, Insitut Curie, Paris, France


                                                Invited Speaker, The 6th Joint Meeting of the Japan Society of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry and the Histochemical Society, Seattle, WA


                                                Short Course Faculty, “Margin Assessment, Residual Tumor and Therapeutic Consequences. A Multi-disciplinary Approach,” XXIVth International Congress of the International Academy of Pathology, Amsterdam, The Netherlands


                                                Symposium Faculty, “Risk Indicator Lesions and Carcinoma in Situ of the Breast”, XXIVth International Congress of the International Academy of Pathology, Amsterdam, The Netherlands


2003                                         Faculty, Second Annual Future of Breast Cancer: An International Breast Cancer Congress, Banff, Alberta, Canada


                                                Guest Faculty, 9th Annual Puerto Rico Breast Cancer Conference, San Juan, Puerto Rico


2005                                         Invited Speaker, “Controversies in Surgical Pathology,” 20th European Congress of Pathology, Paris, France


2006                                                     Faculty, “Problems in Breast Pathology,” Malta College of Pathologists meeting honoring Professor John Azzopardi, St Julians, Malta    


Faculty, 8th Milan Breast Cancer Conference (organized by the European Institute of Oncology), Milan, Italy  


                                                Short Course Faculty, “Breast Pathology: Newly Recognized Lesions and Old Lesions Re-Evaluated”, XXVIth International Congress of the International Academy of Pathology, Montreal, Quebec, Canada


Symposium Faculty,”Pathology and Molecular Biology of Pre

Invasive Breast Lesions”, XXVIth International Congress of the

International Academy of Pathology, Montreal, Quebec, Canada


Faculty, 97th Scientific Meeting of the British Division of the

International Academy of Pathology: “A Symposium on Breast

Pathology”, London, England


2007                                         Guest Speaker, French Division of the International Academy of Pathology: Common Diagnostic Problems in Breast Pathology (and How to Resolve Them), Paris, France


Invited Speaker, “Breast Pathology Update”, offered by the

Department of Pathology, Udine General Hospital, Udine, Italy


2008                                         Guest Faculty, The 14th Annual Practical Pathology at Whistler, Whistler, BC, Canada


                                                Short Course Director: Breast Pathology: Molecular Pathology and Diagnostic Practice, XXVII International Congress of the International Academy of Pathology, Athens, Greece


                                                Slide Seminar Faculty: Breast Pathology: Mimics of Benign and Malignant Lesions, XXVII International Congress of the International Academy of Pathology, Athens, Greece


2009                                         Faculty, Theoretico-Practical Course in Breast Pathology, Hospital del Mar, Barcelona, Spain


2010                                         Faculty, II International Pathology Meeting Along the Way to Santiago, Porto, Portugal to Santiago de Compostela, Spain


Guest Faculty, Toronto Breast Cancer Symposium 2010, Toronto, Ontario, Canada


                                                Faculty, Third Course of Breast Pathology, Seville, Spain



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3. Regional, National or International Contributions


Invited presentations




1985                                         Guest Speaker - Salem Hospital Tumor Board, Salem, MA: "Clinicopathologic Studies of Breast Cancer Patients Treated by Primary Radiation Therapy"


1987                                         Guest Speaker, New England Pathology Residents Society Seminar, Boston, MA: "Pathology of the Breast"


                                                Speaker, New England Cancer Society Annual Meeting, Hanover, NH: "Ductal Carcinoma In Situ of the Breast"


1988                                         Guest Speaker - Seminars in Surgical Pathology, University of

                                                Massachusetts Medical Center, Worcester, MA: "Clinico

                                                Pathologic Studies of Breast Cancer Patients Treated with Conservative Surgery and Radiotherapy"


                                                New England Society of Radiation Oncology Fall Meeting, Boston, MA: "What Do We Know About the Natural History of Ductal Carcinoma in Situ?"


1991                                         Guest Speaker, Massachusetts Cytology Society Meeting: "Immunocytochemistry," Cambridge, MA


1992                                         Guest Speaker, Baystate Medical Center Update in Diagnostic

                                                Pathology and Medicine Series, Springfield, MA: "Ductal Carcinoma in Situ of Breast: Diagnosis, Implications and Management"


1993                                         Faculty, "Critical Issues in Breast Cancer Management," Boston, MA


                                                Oncology Grand Rounds, Southwood Community Hospital, Norfolk, MA: "Ductal Carcinoma in Situ of the Breast"


1994                                         New England Pathology Residents' Society Seminar, Boston, MA: "Breast Pathology"


                                                Guest Speaker: "Ductal Carcinoma in Situ of the Breast," Rhode Island Society of Pathologists Meeting, Providence, RI

1995                                         Faculty, Clinical Laboratory Science Society of Central New England Annual Meeting, Marlborough, MA: "The Use of Immunohistochemistry in Diagnostic Pathology"


1996                                         Guest Speaker, New Hampshire Society of Pathologists Fall Meeting, Manchester, NH


                                                Brown University Department of Surgery Grand Rounds, Providence, RI: "Ductal Carcinoma in Situ of the Breast."


1997                                         Guest Speaker, Bay State Medical Center Department of Pathology Update in Diagnostic Pathology and Medicine Series 1996-1997, Springfield, MA: "Diagnosis and Clinical Significance of Proliferative Breast Lesions."


                                                Guest Faculty, Eighteenth Annual Symposium on Diagnostic Imaging: Breast Imaging, Brown University School of Medicine, Newport, RI


1998                                         Guest Speaker, New England Pathology Residents' Society Meeting: "Breast Pathology"


                                                Guest Faculty, Nineteenth Annual Symposium on Diagnostic Imaging:  Breast Imaging, Brown University School of Medicine,  Newport, RI


1999                                         Guest Faculty, Twentieth Annual Symposium on Diagnostic Imaging:                 Breast Imaging, Newport, RI


                                                New England Society of Pathologists Meeting, Boston, MA

Scientific Session: “Benign Breast Disease and Breast Cancer Risk: Morphology     and Beyond”

Evening Slide Seminar Moderator: “Common Problems in Breast  



2000                                         Guest Faculty, Twenty-first Annual Symposium on Breast Imaging, Brown University School of Medicine, Newport, RI


2001                                         Guest Faculty, Twenty-second Annual Symposium on Breast Imaging, Brown University School of Medicine, Newport, RI


2003                                         Guest Speaker, Pathology Grand Rounds, Tufts-New England Medical Center, Boston, MA


2005                                         Guest Speaker, New England Pathology Residents' Society Meeting: "Breast Pathology"


2006                                         Guest Speaker, Breast Rounds, Massachusetts General Hospital: “Newer Insights into Benign Breast Disease and Breast Cancer Risk”


2008                                         Guest Speaker/Visiting Professor, Cambridge Breast Center Conference, The Cambridge Hospital, Cambridge, MA: “Molecular Prognostic Factors in Breast Cancer: Are They Ready for Prime Time?”


2009                                         Guest Speaker, Massachusetts General Hospital Breast Rounds: “Current Controversies in the Management of Lobular Carcinoma in Situ:.       




1985                                         Guest Faculty - Surgical Symposium on Breast Cancer, Marshall University School of Medicine, Huntington, West Virginia


1988                                         Guest Faculty - "Current Concepts in Breast Cancer" (Symposium), Albany, NY


                                                Surgery Grand Rounds, Hartford Hospital, Hartford, CT: "Ductal

                                                Carcinoma-In-Situ of the Breast"


1989                                         Co-Chair, Breast Pathology Platform Presentation Session, U.S.-Canadian Academy of Pathology Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA


1990                                         Guest Faculty, Houston Society of Clinical Pathologists Spring Seminar, Houston, TX: "Current Issues in Breast Pathology"


                                                Guest Faculty, "Current Concepts in Radiation Therapy," University of Minnesota Medical School, Minneapolis, MN


                                                Panelist, Oncodiagnosis Panel: "Breast Cancer," Radiologic Society of North America Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL


1991                                         Guest Faculty, "Radiation Therapy Update — 1991,” Georgetown University School of Medicine, Washington, D.C.


                                                Guest Speaker, Carolinas Medical Center Spring Symposium, Charlotte, NC: "Breast Cancer"


                                                Faculty, American Society of Clinical Pathologists Regional Educational Course, "Current Issues and Problems in Breast Pathology," Colorado Springs, CO 


                                                Faculty, "Current Trends in Breast Cancer Management," Pennsylvania Oncologic Society Annual Meeting, Gettysburg, PA


                                                Panelist, American Society of Therapeutic Radiology and Radiation Oncology Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., "Ductal Carcinoma in Situ"


                                                American Society of Clinical Pathologists Teleconference: "A Clinically-Oriented Approach to the Evaluation of Breast Biopsies"


1992                                         Faculty, American College of Radiology 25th National Conference on Breast Cancer, Boston, MA


                                                Faculty, Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgery of the Breast, New York, NY


                                                Faculty, American Society of Clinical Pathologists Regional Educational Course, "Current Issues and Problems in Breast Pathology," Hilton Head Island, SC


                                                Guest Faculty, The 12th Annual Pittsburgh Breast Imaging Seminar, Pittsburgh, PA


1993                                         Guest Faculty, Indiana University Medical Center 1993 Symposium on Breast Imaging, Indianapolis, IN


                                                Faculty, American Society of Clinical Pathologists Regional Educational Course, "Current Issues and Problems in Breast Pathology," La Jolla, CA


                                                Faculty, New York Pathological Society, President's Symposium: "Progress in Breast Cancer," New York, NY


                                                Faculty, "A Multidisciplinary Approach to the Management of Breast Cancer," Baptist Medical Center, Little Rock, AR


                                                Guest Faculty, "Breast Cancer 1993 — Clinical and Basic Science Advances in Diagnosis and Treatment," Baylor University Medical Center, Dallas, TX


                                                Faculty, "Controversies in Anatomic Pathology," American Society of Clinical Pathologists Fall Meeting, Orlando, FL


1994                                         Short Course Faculty, United States-Canadian Academy of Pathology Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA: "Evaluation of Breast Biopsies — A Clinically Oriented Approach"


                                                Co-Chair, Breast Pathology Platform Presentation Session, U.S.-Canadian Academy of Pathology Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA


                                                Faculty, American Society of Clinical Pathologists Regional Educational Course, "Current Issues and Problems in Breast Pathology," Palm Beach, FL


                                                Guest Faculty, "Current Concepts in Radiation Therapy," University of Minnesota Medical School, Minneapolis, MN


                                                Guest Faculty, "Update in Urologic and Breast Pathology," Washington Hospital Center, Washington, D.C.


                                                Faculty: "Consensus Development: The Conservative Treatment of Breast Cancer," Post-graduate Course, American College of Surgeons Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL


1995                                         Utah Pathology Society Meeting: "Selected Topics in Breast Pathology," Salt Lake City, Utah


                                                Guest Faculty, Surgical Pathology Workshop, University of Utah, Park City, Utah


                                                Short Course Faculty, United States-Canadian Academy of Pathology Annual Meeting, Toronto, Canada: "Evaluation of Breast Biopsies — A Clinically Oriented Approach"


                                                Co-Chair, Breast Pathology Platform Presentation Session, U.S.-Canadian Academy of Pathology Annual Meeting, Toronto, Canada


                                                Faculty, Society of Surgical Oncology Annual Meeting, Boston, MA: "Breast Conservation Techniques: Optimum Cosmesis vs. Risk of Recurrence"


                                                Visiting Faculty, New York Roentgen Society Spring Conference, New York, NY: "Ductal Carcinoma In Situ of the Breast"


                                                Pathology Grand Rounds, New York Hospital-Cornell Medical Center, New York, NY: "Ductal Carcinoma In Situ of the Breast: Current Concepts and Future Directions"


                                                Faculty, American Society of Clinical Pathologists' Regional Educational Course, "Current Issues and Problems in Breast Pathology," Santa Barbara, CA


                                                Guest Faculty, Current Concepts in Surgical Pathology, Stanford University Medical Center, Stanford, CA


                                                Faculty, President's Categorical Course: Breast Cancer, American Society of Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology Annual Meeting, Miami Beach, FL


                                                Guest Faculty, "Breast Cancer Diagnosis: State of the Art," New York University Medical Center, New York, NY


1996                                         Guest Faculty, Sixth Annual University of Alabama Mammography Course, Naples, FL


                                                Faculty, 13th Annual International Breast Cancer Conference, Miami Beach, FL


                                                Short Course Faculty, United States-Canadian Academy of Pathology Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C.: "Evaluation of Breast Biopsies — A Clinically Oriented Approach."


                                                Faculty, "Controversies in the Management of Ductal Carcinoma in Situ," 32nd Annual Meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology, Philadelphia, PA


                                                Guest Faculty, "Current Concepts in Radiation Therapy," University of Minnesota Medical School, Minneapolis, MN


                                                Guest Faculty, "Breast Cancer Diagnosis: State of the Art," New York University Medical Center, New York, NY


1997                                         Guest Faculty, Seventh Annual University of Alabama   Mammography Course, Naples, FL


                                                Faculty, Second Annual Multidisciplinary Symposium on Breast Disease, Amelia Island, FL


                                                Speaker, Arthur Purdy Stout Society of Surgical Pathologists Companion Meeting, United States-Canadian Academy of Pathology Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL: "Benign and In Situ Breast Lesions That Mimic Invasive Breast Cancer." 


                                                Long Course Faculty, "Breast Pathology," United States-Canadian Academy of Pathology Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL


                                                Short Course Faculty, United States-Canadian Academy of Pathology Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL: "Evaluation of Breast Biopsies - A Clinically-Oriented Approach."


                                                Co-Chair, Breast Pathology Platform Presentation Session, U.S.-Canadian Academy of Pathology Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL 


                                                Guest Faculty, "Current Concepts in Radiation Therapy," University of Minnesota Medical School, Minneapolis, MN


                                                Guest Faculty, Eighteenth Annual Symposium on Diagnostic Imaging: Breast Imaging, Newport, RI


                                                Faculty, "Breast Disease," Post-Graduate Course, American College of Surgeons' 83rd Annual Clinical Congress, Chicago, IL


                                                Faculty, "Diagnosis of Breast and Gynecologic Cancer," Mauna Kea Resort, HI


                                                Guest Speaker, Michigan Society of Pathologists Annual Meeting, Dearborn, MI


                                                Co-Chair, Breast Pathology Platform Presentation Session, U.S.-Canadian Academy of Pathology Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL


1998                                         Guest Faculty, The 23rd Annual Review and Recent Practical Advances in Pathology, Miami Beach, FL


                                                Participant, ONCOR INFORM HER2/neu Gene Detection System Scientific Meeting, Washington, D.C.


                                                Short Course Faculty, United States-Canadian Academy of Pathology Annual Meeting, Boston, MA: "Evaluation of Breast Biopsies — A Clinically Oriented Approach"


                                                Guest Faculty, "Current Concepts in Radiation Therapy," University of Minnesota Medical School, Minneapolis, MN


                                                Guest Speaker, Houston Society of Clinical Pathologists Meeting, Houston, TX


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Part II: Research, Teaching, and Clinical Contributions


A. Narrative Report


            My research, teaching and clinical activities have focused primarily on diseases of the breast. The contributions I have made in these areas have resulted in my recognition by both pathologists and clinicians as one of the leading breast pathologists in the world.



            Since 1981, my colleagues and I have conducted a large number of clinico-pathologic, pathologic-epidemiological and basic pathology studies to elucidate risk factors for local recurrence in patients with invasive breast cancer and ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) treated with breast-conserving therapy, to define risk factors for subsequent breast cancer in women with benign breast disease, and to develop an understanding of factors associated with tumor progression in the breast. Many of these studies have had a major impact on the management of patients with invasive breast cancer, DCIS, and benign breast disease world-wide.  Some of the seminal contributions that have emerged from this work include:

1)                  the first description of an extensive intraductal component (EIC) as a risk factor for local recurrence in patients with invasive breast cancer treated with conservative surgery and radiation therapy (Cancer 1984;53:1049-1057);

2)                  the first detailed pathologic description of the effects of  therapeutic doses of ionizing radiation on non-neoplastic human breast tissue (Hum Pathol 1984;15:545-550);

3)                  the first confirmatory study of the relationship between various categories of histologically proven benign breast and breast cancer risk using standardized criteria (JAMA 1992;267:941-944);

4)                  the first detailed description of angiogenesis in DCIS (J Natl Cancer Inst 1994;86:614-619);

5)                  the first large population-based study of the relationship between radial scars and breast cancer risk (N Engl J Med 1999;340:430-436). 


            In recognition of this body of work, I received the 1999 Arthur Purdy Stout Society of Surgical Pathologists Annual Prize which is awarded to a pathologist under the age of 45 who has made significant contributions to the field. 



            I have long been actively involved in teaching at the local, national and international levels.  Locally, I have been involved in the teaching of Harvard Medical students since 1980, primarily as a laboratory instructor in various pathophysiology and humans systems courses.  In addition, I have been involved in the teaching of numerous medical students who have rotated through the Beth Israel Hospital/Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center Pathology Department over the last 23 years. I have also been actively involved in the weekly teaching programs for pathology residents at Beth Israel Hospital/Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (Anatomic Pathology Lecture Series) and Brigham and Women’s Hospital (Surgical Pathology Update Series) as well as daily teaching of pathology residents, surgical pathology fellows, and breast pathology fellows at Beth Israel Hospital/Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and Brigham and Women’s Hospital.  I have given numerous presentations in various Grand Rounds series in pathology, surgery and medical oncology throughout the Harvard Medical community. I have lectured extensively at clinical and pathology meetings throughout North America and around the world (see section IID for details).



            I have been responsible for the sign-out of surgical pathology specimens at Beth Israel Hospital/Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center since 1982, with special expertise in breast pathology.  I have been a leader in the clinical breast cancer program Beth Israel Hospital/Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, actively participating in multidisciplinary breast clinics and conferences for many years and serving as a resource for clinicians involved in the care of patients with breast disease.   Between 1984 and 1997, I was one of the two principal pathologists responsible for reviewing all breast pathology cases for the Dana Farber Cancer Institute’s Breast Evaluation Center and actively participated in weekly clinical management conferences there.  Since the formation of the Dana Farber-Partners joint venture in oncology, I have remained actively involved in the clinical breast cancer program at Dana Farber thorough my role as a consultant in breast pathology at the Dana Farber Cancer Institute and through breast pathology sign-out responsibility on the Brigham and Women’s Hospital Breast Pathology Service.


            In addition, since the mid-1980s I have served as a consultant for difficult or problematic breast pathology cases for pathologists locally, regionally, nationally and internationally.  As an internationally recognized expert in breast pathology, I currently provide consultations on over 2000 breast pathology cases per year from local institutions and from all over the United States, Canada, South America, Europe, Australia and Asia. 


B. Research Funding




1.         NIH CA-46475: Benign breast disease and risk of breast cancer,
09/30/87 — 11/30/98 (Consultant).


2.         NIH CA-55075: Prospective studies of diet and cancer in men and women (Project 3),
07/01/91 — 02/28/01 (Consultant).


3.         NIH CA-40356: Prospective study of diet and cancer in women,
12/01/84 — 11/30/99 (Consultant).


4.         NIH CA-50385: Risk factors for breast cancer among younger nurses,
07/17/89 — 02/28/99 (Consultant).


5.         NIH CA-62476-04: Stereotactic breast biopsy vs. open surgical biopsy (RDOG-V), 09/30/93 — 07/31/98 (Reference Pathologist).


6.         NIH CA-38493-12: Solid tumor autologous marrow program,
12/01/97 — 11/30/98 (Pathology Core).


7.         NIH HL-54465-01: VPF/VEGF in breast cancer angiogenesis,
06/01/95 — 05/30/99 (Co-Investigator).


8.         NIH CA-72875: Improved scintimammography for breast cancer diagnosis,
04/01/97 — 03/31/00 (Reference Pathologist).


9.         NIH CA-74680-01: MRI in the diagnosis and local staging of breast cancer,
09/30/97 — 07/31/01 (Reference Pathologist). 


10.        NIH R01 AG/CA-14742-03: Breast cancer and function in aging women—9/30/98-8/31/02 (Consultant)


11.        NIH R01 CA-46475-12: Benign breast disease and risk of breast cancer—7/1/99-4/30/04 (Consultant)


12.          NIH/NCI P01 CA-87969-03: Dietary and hormonal determinants of cancer in women—9/12/00-11/30/04 (Consultant)


13.          NIH 2 P30 CA06515-37: Dana Farber/Harvard Comprehensive Cancer Center Core Grant,

            07/01/00-06/30/05 (Director, Human Pathology Core Facility for Breast Cancer)


14.        NIH 1 P50 CA89393-01: Dana Farber/Harvard Cancer Center SPORE in Breast Cancer, 09/30/2000-09/29/05 (Director, Tissue and Pathology Core (Core 2); Co-Principal Investigator, Project 4--Genetics of DCIS)


15.        DAMD17-02-1-0692 Department of Defense Breast Cancer Center of Excellence Grant: Prevention and Treatment of ER-Negative Breast Cancer, 10/1/02-9/30/06 (Co-Investigator, Project1, Epidemiology and Pathologic Precursors)


16.        NIH U19 CA79689-06: The HMO Cancer Research Network (CRN); Clinical and Pathologic Predictors of Recurrence After DCIS, 06/01/1999-2/28/2007 (Investigator)




1.         2 P50 CA089393-05. Dana Farber/Harvard SPORE in Breast Cancer, 9/21/05-8/31/10

(Co-Principle Investigator, Project 5, Stromal Epithelial Interactions in Breast Cancer and Implications for Risk, Prevention, and Treatment; Investigator, Project 6, Genetic Variation in Growth Factor Receptor Tyrosine Kinases and Breast Cancer Risk; Co-Investigator, Tissue and Pathology Core).


2.         Breast Cancer Research Foundation:

Project 1. Determination of LOH in Estrogen Receptor Positive (ER+) BRCA1-associated Breast Cancers, 10/08-9-10 (Co-Principle Investigator)

Project 2. Evaluation of DNA Repair Pathways in BRCA1 and BRCA2-associated Breast Cancers, 10/08-9-10 (Co-Principle Investigator)


3.         P01 CA87969, NIH/NCI: Dietary and Hormonal Determinants of Cancer in Women,

4/1/2010-3/31/2015 (Co-Investigator)


4.         R01 CA049449, NIH/NCI: Biochemical Markers in the Nurses’ Health Study Cohort, 7/1/2009-6/30/2014 (Co-Investigator)


5.         R01 CA046475, NIH/NIH: Benign Breast Disease and Risk of Breast Cancer, 7/1/2009-6/30/2013.



6.         R01CA138580-01A1, NIH/NCI, Growth Hormones and Breast Cancer Risk, 12/01/09-11/30/13





C. Report of Current Research Activities          


1.     Benign breast disease and breast cancer risk:  I am one of three pathologists participating in an ongoing study of women with benign breast disease enrolled in the Nurses’ Health Study. Current efforts are focused on the interactions between histologic factors, biological/molecular markers, and epidemiologic factors in determining the risk of subsequent breast cancer in women with benign breast disease.

2.     Stromal-Epithelial Interactions in the Early Stages of Breast Tumor Progression: This study (part of the Dana Farber/Harvard Cancer Center Breast SPORE) is designed to identify stromal markers that may be associated with an increased risk of progression of pre-invasive breast lesions to invasive breast cancer.

3.     Risk factors for Local Recurrence in DCIS: I am one of two reference pathologists for this multi-intstitutional case-control study evaluating epidemiological and clinical risk factors for local recurrence in women with DCIS treated with breast conserving therapy.

4.     CATMA Project: I am one of two pathologists involved in this tissue microarray-based study of over 3000 breast cancers from women enrolled in the Nurses’ Health Study.



D. Report of Teaching


  1. Local Contributions

                  a.  Harvard Medical School Courses


1980-84                                     Laboratory Instructor, Gastrointestinal Pathophysiology Course, Harvard Medical School: Led case-based discussions of pathologic lesions of the gastrointestinal tract, with emphasis on clinicopathologic correlations; average of 20 medical students/year; approximately 10 hours of preparation time and 10 hours of contact time per year


1982                                         Laboratory Instructor, Renal Pathophysiology Course, Harvard Medical School:  Led case-based discussions of pathologic lesions of the kidney (emphasizing glomerular and interstitial renal diseases), with emphasis on clinicopathologic correlations; average of 20 medical students; approximately 5 hours of preparation time and 5 hours of contact time


1983-88                                     Laboratory Instructor, Harvard-MIT Health Science Technology Gastrointestinal Pathophysiology Course:  Led case-based discussions of pathologic lesions of the gastrointestinal tract, with emphasis on clinicopathologic correlations; average of 20 medical students/year; approximately 10 hours of preparation time and 10 hours of contact time per year


1985-87                                     Laboratory Instructor, Cardiovascular Pathophysiology Course, Harvard Medical School: Led case-based discussions of pathologic lesions of the cardiovascular system, with emphasis on clinicopathologic correlations; average of 20 medical students/year; approximately 5 hours of preparation time and 5 hours of contact time per year


1988-2003                                 Laboratory Instructor, Human Systems Course (Castle Society), Harvard Medical School:  Lead case-based discussions of pathologic lesions of the cardiovascular system, with emphasis on clinicopathologic correlations; average of 20 medical students/year; approximately 5 hours of preparation time and 5 hours of contact time per year



                  b.   Local invited teaching presentations


1983                                         Combined Pathology Grand Rounds (Beth Israel, Brigham & Women's and Children's Hospitals, Boston, MA): "Pathologic Predictors of Local Recurrence in Early Breast Cancer Treated by Primary Radiation Therapy": Lecturer; attended by ~40 staff pathologists and pathology residents; 10 hours of preparation time and 1 hour of contact time


1985                                         Combined Pathology Grand Rounds (Beth Israel, Brigham & Women's and Children's Hospitals, Boston, MA): "The Pathologist's Role in the Management of Breast Cancer Patients by Primary Radiation Therapy": Lecturer; attended by ~40 staff pathologists and pathology residents; 10 hours of preparation time and 1 hour of contact time


1987                                         Surgery Grand Rounds, Brigham & Women's Hospital, Boston, MA: "Intraductal Carcinoma of the Breast": Lecturer; attended by ~50 staff surgeons and surgery residents; 10 hours of preparation time and 1 hour of contact time


1989                                         Participant, "Clinical Trials in Cancer Management Conference," Dana Farber Cancer Institute, Boston, MA: Lecturer; attended by ~100 medical oncologists, surgeons, and radiation oncologists: 10 hours of preparation time and 1 hour of contact time



   1991                                         Oncology Grand Rounds (Beth Israel Hospital, New England Deaconess Hospital, Brigham & Women's Hospital): "Extent and Distribution of Tumor in the Breast: Impli­cations for Breast Conserving Therapy," Boston, MA: Lecturer; attended by ~30 Staff medical oncologists and medical oncology fellows; 10 hours of preparation time and 1 hour of contact time


1995                                         Combined Pathology Grand Rounds (Longwood Medical Area), Boston, MA: "Ductal Carcinoma in Situ of the Breast — Current Concepts and Future Directions": Lecturer; attended by ~40 staff pathologists and pathology residents; 10 hours of preparation time and 1 hour of contact time


1999                                         Guest Speaker, Pathology Grand Rounds, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA—“Pathologic Features and Clinical Significance of

                                                Pre-Invasive Breast Lesions”: Lecturer; attended by ~40 staff pathologists and pathology residents; 10 hours of preparation

                                                time and 1 hour of contact time


2001                                         Surgery Grand Rounds, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center: “Tissue Banking in the Post-Genomic Era”: Lecturer; attended by ~50 staff surgeons and surgery residents; 10 hours of preparation time and 1 hour of contact time


2002                                         Combined Pathology Grand Rounds (Longwood Medical Area), Boston,

MA: Tissue Banking in the Post-Genomic Era: Practical and Ethical Considerations”: Lecturer; attended by ~40 staff pathologists and pathology residents; 10 hours of preparation time and 1 hour of contact


                                                Guest Speaker, Brigham and Women’s Hospital Surgical Pathology Update Series: “Breast Cancer Risk Assessment”: Lecturer; attended by ~40 pathologists and pathology residents; 5 hours of preparation time and 1 hour of contact time


2003                                         Guest Speaker, Massachusetts General Hospital Breast Conference: “Benign Breast Disease and Breast Cancer Risk: Morphology and Beyond”: Lecturer; attended by ~40 surgeons, medical oncologists, radiation oncologists, radiologists and pathologists; 5 hours of preparation time and 1 hour of contact time


                                                Guest Speaker, Dana Farber Cancer Institute Breast Oncology Conference: “Benign Breast Disease and Breast Cancer Risk: Morphology and Beyond”: Lecturer; attended by ~40 surgeons, medical oncologists, radiation oncologists, radiologists and pathologists; 5 hours of preparation time and 1 hour of contact time


                                                Guest Speaker, Massachusetts General Hospital Pathology Grand Rounds: “Immunohistochemistry in Breast Pathology: Uses and Limitations”: Lecturer; attended by ~30 pathologists and pathology residents; 4 hours of preparation time and 1 hour of contact time


                                                Guest Speaker, Massachusetts Society of Pathologists Continuing Medical Education Program: “Borderline Breast Lesions and Breast Cancer Risk: Morphology and Beyond, Massachusetts Medical Society Conference Center, Waltham, MA: Lecturer; attended by ~40 pathologists and pathology residents; 8 hours of preparation time and 1 hour of contact time


2004                                         Guest Speaker, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center Hematology/Oncology Grand Rounds: “Identification of therapeutic targets in clinical practice: Lessons learned from the HER2 story”: Lecturer; attended by ~40 oncologists, oncology fellows and pathology residents and fellows; 10 hours of preparation time and 1 hour of contact time


2005                                         Combined Pathology Grand Rounds (Longwood Medical Area): “Identification of therapeutic targets in clinical practice: Lessons learned from the HER2 story”. Lecturer; attended by ~40 staff pathologists and pathology residents; 10 hours of preparation time and 1 hour of contact


                                                Guest Speaker, Brigham and Women’s Hospital Surgical Pathology Update Series“Identification of therapeutic targets in clinical practice: Lessons learned from the HER2 story”. Lecturer; attended by ~50 pathologists and pathology residents; 5 hours of preparation time and 1 hour of contact time


2009                                         Speaker, 2nd Annual Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center Cancer Symposium: “Molecular classification of breast cancer: Is it ready for prime time”. ”. Lecturer; attended by ~100 clinicians and basic and translational investigators; 5 hours of preparation time and 1 hour of contact time



                                                Guest Speaker, Brigham and Women’s Hospital Surgical Pathology Update Series“Current controversies in the management of LCIS and problematic in situ  lesions”. Lecturer; attended by ~50 pathologists and pathology residents; 5 hours of preparation time and 1 hour of contact time



c. Harvard Medical School Continuing Medical Education Courses


1989-1992                                 Faculty, Advances in Cytology, Boston, MA: Lecturer; attended by ~150 pathologists and pathology residents; 20 hours of preparation time and 1 hour of contact time per year


1992                                         Faculty, The Molecular Biology of Women's Health, Boston, MA: Lecturer; attended by ~200 medical oncologists, surgeons, and Radiation oncologists; 10 hours of preparation time and 1 hour of contact time


1998                                         Faculty, Harvard Center for Cancer Prevention Annual Cancer Update:

                                                Chemoprevention of Cancer, Boston, MA: Lecturer; attended by ~100

                                                Medical oncologists, surgeons, basic scientists and epidemiologists; 10 hours of preparation time and 1 hour of contact time.



2002                                         Faculty, Dana Farber/Partners Cancer Care Post-Graduate Course: “Two Ends of the Breast Cancer Spectrum: The DCIS Epidemic and Advanced Treatment Challenges,” Boston, MA: Lecturer; attended by ~100 medical oncologists, surgeons and primary care physicians; 20 hours of preparation time and 1 hour of contact time


                                                Faculty, Dana Farber/Partners Cancer Care Post-Graduate Course: “Breast Cancer: Current Controversies and New Horizons,” Cambridge, MA: Lecturer; attended by ~200 medical oncologists, surgeons, and radiation oncologists; 20 hours of preparation time and 1 hour of contact time



2003                                         Faculty, Breast Cancer: Current Controversies and New

Horizons, Cambridge, MA: Lecturer, attended by ~200 surgeons,

                                                medical oncologists and radiation oncologists; 15 hours of preparation time and 0.5 hours of contact time

2005                                         Faculty, Breast Cancer: Current Controversies and New

Horizons, Boston, MA: Lecturer, attended by ~400 surgeons,

                                                medical oncologists and radiation oncologists; 15 hours of preparation time and 0.5 hours of contact time


2007                                         Faculty, Breast Cancer: Current Controversies and New Horizons, Boston, MA: Lecturer, attended by ~400 surgeons,

                                                medical oncologists and radiation oncologists; 15 hours of preparation time and 0.75 hours of contact time



2. Trainees


Since 1995, I have supervised the training of fellows in breast pathology in the Breast Pathology Fellowship program at Beth Israel Hospital/Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center.


Breast Pathology Fellow


Current Position

Gloria Peiro, M.D.


Staff Pathologist, Alicante,  Spain

Kalliopi Siziopikou, M.D.


Associate Professor of Pathology,

Director of Breast Pathology,

Rush University Medical Center, Chicago, IL

Timothy Jacobs, M.D.


Deputy Chief of Pathology, Virginia Mason Hospital, Seattle, WA

Sheida Sharifi, M.D.


Staff Pathologist, Mt. Auburn Hospital,  Boston, MA

Mark Tulecke, M.D.


Staff Pathologist, Seacoast Pathology Group, Exeter, NH

Constance Albarracin, M.D.


Staff Pathologist, M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX

Larus Jonasson, M.D.

2001-2002 (4 months)

Staff Pathologist, University of Iceland, Reykjavik, Iceland

Heather Crowley, M.D.

2001-2002 (4 months)

Staff Pathologist, Seacoast Pathology Group, Exeter, NH

John Hunt, M.D.

2001-2002 (4 months)

Staff Pathologist, University of North Carolina Medical Center, Chapel Hill, NC

Robert Schwartz, M.D.

2002-2003 (6 months);

2003-2004 (6 months)

Staff Pathologist, Manchester Memorial Hospital, Manchester, CT

Victor Carlo, M.D.

2002-2003 (3 months);

2003-2004 (6 months)

Staff Pathologist, Hospital Auxilio Muto, San Juan,

Puerto Rico

Savvas Mendrinos, M.D.


Staff Pathologist, New York University Langone Medical Center, New York, NY

Brad Bryan, M.D.

2005-2006 (6 months)

Staff Pathologist, Central Oregon Pathology Consultants, Bend, OR

Bryan Wu, M.D.


Staff Pathologist, Providence Medford Medical Center, Medford, OR

Sandra Barnick, M.D.


Staff Pathologist, Memorial Healthcare System, Hollywood, FL

Hannah Gilmore, M.D.


Staff Pathologist,  Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston, MA

Yihong Wang, M.D.


Staff Pathologist, Montefiore Hospital and Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, NY

Jonathan Marotti, M.D.

2009-2010 (6 months)

Cytopathology Fellow, Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center, Lebanon, NH

Justin Hilson, M.D.

2009-2010 (6 months)

Staff Pathologist, Metrowest Medical Center, Framingham, MA




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